Suzy B Software 2
Suzy B Software CD-ROM 2 (1994).iso
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This is the complete index of the CD, shamelessly hacked from the 0compind
file on a.a.u.e. I've re-organised it a bit, and added a few things and
removed others.
Have fun!
All the best,
0index ?? The index you are now reading
Applications/Astronomy: A directory of astronomical programs and related files
astrocal.arc 109
gnomplot.lzh 96 Star plotting program (mono only)
gravcalc.zoo 61 Calculates planetary orbits
norad.arc 65 Sattelite tracking program. Color or mono
noradsrc.arc 50 Sources for above
sat401.lzh 96 Sattelite tracking program ver. 4.01
star2000.lzh 170 Demo fo Starbase 8000.
starchrt.arc 22 A star chart, no doubt.
stargide.lzh 85 Star guide - color
yale.arc 108 The Yale starchart.
clav2r1.zip 356 Digital logic design for ST/TT/Falcon
dynadem.zip 532 DynaCADD 1.56 Demo Version.
Applications/Databases: A directory of database programs
audio_b.lzh 51 Tracks CD/tape/album library by song
cardfile.arc 65 Index card like program
cf4_work.lzh 3 Cardfile 4 <--> Atari Works database file converter
dm2works.lzh 16 Converts DataManager files to Atari works files
easydat_120.lzh 162 Database program (looks pretty good) now with english
fastbase.zoo 253 Andy's Fast Database
most.zip 21 Shareware "teaser" views files on Compton's CD-ROMs
nice.lzh 109 German database, mono.
quick_db.arc 41 Quick database. Fast, but limited.
recipe35.lzh 83 Recipe card database.
reltree2.lzh 52 Family tree program.
sbase.arc 28 Yet another database program.
tcos.arc 55 A database program . A sort of stripped Hypercard.
Applications/Dtp: Desktop publishing programs and accessories
bjc800.lzh 1 Cannon BJC800 printer driver for Pagestream 2.x
calamus.lzh 1080 Demo of Calamus SL
cfnlist2.lzh 65 Calaums Font Database.
poster.zip 25 Poster Builder. Requires Speedo/FSM GDOS
pgs_cfg.lzh 16 Configures PageStream import/export modules
clipart1.zoo 626 Animals, flags, military, symbols, christmas, etc.
clipart2.zoo 550 Office, whimsy, sports, etc.
clipart3.zoo 549 72 different mac imgs
clipart4.zoo 556 Food, more macart, some misc.
clipart5.zoo 447 frames, misc others
clipart6.zoo 440 All sorts of different stuff
clipart7.zoo 392 Icons, cartoons, more
clipart8.zoo 542 Cars, animals, etc.
clipart9.zoo 415 Teddy bears, more.
outline.zoo 83 Re-scalable clipart like things
easymove.arc 26 DTP utility
easytext.lzh 74 EasyText, a decent PD/shareware dtp package.
fastprt.zoo 4 Speeds Calamus printing
Applications/Dtp/Fonts: Fonts for use with all of your favorite programs
Calamus: Fonts specifically for use with calamus
arc.zoo 361 Arc font, not an archiver!
blip.arc 208 Blip font
cal_fnts.lzh 44 carawbol.cfn flash.cfn gismonda.cfn revue.cfn
caligrap.zoo 10 Caligraphy font
chanceri.arc 83 Chanceri font
chancery.zoo 89 Chancery font
cursive.zoo 51 Cursive font
dandy.zoo 66 Dandy font
fractur.zoo 20 Fractur font
gaudy.zoo 24 Gaudy font
glip.lzh 164 Complimentary font from FontAbility
lucifer2.arc 93 Lucifer font
maths.zoo 7 Math symbols
micron.zoo 64 Micron font
mini_6.arc 14 Mini 6 font
seg.zoo 61 Seg font
swiss.zoo 261 Swiss font
tiempo.zoo 68 tiempo font
tiempo12.arc 69 Tiempo 12 point font
times.zoo 141 Times font
fntinf10.lzh 18 Produces a summary of GEM font files
Gdos: Fonts for use with gdos.
edit_gdf.lzh 21 Editors for gdos fonts. In German, mono only.
gdosfont1.arc 244 Mac fonts converted to gdos format.
gdsfonts.zoo 551 Tons o gdos fonts
gemfo120.lzh 193 German GDOS font editor with some GDOS fonts
gen_demo.lzh 72 Demo of Genus font editor
ibm_font.lzh 3 True ibm font. Great with Flash.
Pagestream: Pagestream fonts, etc.
chancery.arc 23 Pagestream chancery font
pgsfe.arc 110 Pagestream font editor
tyme_ui.arc 43 Tymes font
univ_rmn.arc 40 Universal roman font
Speedo: Fonts for use w/ Bitstream SpeedoGDOS
couri810.zip 100 Courier
dutch801 105 Dutch
school.zip 92 Schoolbook
swiss721.zip 77 Swiss
symbol.zip 24 Mathamatic and scientific symbols
wp_6_fnt.zip 45 .IMG graphic displays WordPerfect font package
idealimg.arc 19 Ideal img file creator
newsdisk.arc 33 Program for creating user group news letters
pgst2_2b.lzh 295 Updates Pagestream to 2.2 for 2.1 owners
Applications/For_Kids: Programs especially for (young) children
homework.lzh 138 Wordprocessor for kids with multiple fonts
kidpub_d.lzh 45 Kid Publisher demo, by DA Brumleve, color only
kpaint_d.lzh 34 Kid Paint demo, by DA Brumleve, color only
skg_demo.lzh 28 Super Kid Grid demo, by DA Brumleve, color only
Applications/Language: Programs relating to spoken languages
vocab.zoo 129 Demo version of ST-Vocab and Verbmaster
Applications/Math: Mathematical programs
bstat247.zip 542 Business statistics, highly rated.
calc150.lzh 58 Calculator with lots of functions.
cl098st.zoo 59 Program assembler for HP48sx
classdoc.zoo 57 Docs for cl098st.zoo.
euler.zip 418 Good Mathematica type program, with demo included
godel.zip 53 ST mathematics processor (PD version)
gp.zoo 383 Multiple precision interctive calculator
lpsolveb.zoo 32 Linear programming solver - binaries
lpsolves.zoo 82 Sources for the above.
n_anova.lzh 23 Does an AN(alysis) O(f) VA(riance) on your data
pi_st.zip 85 Solutions to recent pi calc. contest
plot172l.zoo 97 john's 2d data/function plotting program
solution.lzh 233 Demo of math solver program from Elan Software
Applications/Other: miscellaneous applications
am.zoo 40 Amortization Schedule Generator.
astchef.arc 112 Assistant chef. Color only. Recipe keeper
cled122s.lzh 84 Cassette lable editor. A good example of GEM prog
concord.arc 139 A bible concordance program
crosspro.lzh 37 Crossword puzzle pro.
cvvids10.zip 21 Keeps track of videos (demo, shareware)
dotplot.lzh 268 Compares dna molecules pairwise then plots diff. Mono.
ger2en30.lzh 218 German to english translator
gramaran.lzh 17 Checks text for spelling and grammar errors
grocry42.zip 114 Maintain a grocery list. Keep track of store prices.
labp_usa.zip 273 Calculates many useful equations in chemisty
morse.arc 51 Learn morse code now!
morsemag.zoo 26 Yet another morse trainer.
newgen.lzh 168 A 'robust' family tree genealogy program
ocr125.lzh 130 Optical Character Recognition; German/English/French
puz_demo.zoo 124 Demo of Crossword and Word Search generating programs.
st_diary.lzh 56 Monochrome only diary program. Good.
stsimon.arc 66 ST Simon.
talkspk.arc 57 Front end for speech.tos
translat.arc 21 Translater, no dictionaries.
typist.arc 123 Randy's port of a unix typing tutorial program
videocat.lzh 33 Videotape cataloger, mono/color.
xxxxs.lzh 6 Sequential number generator i.e. raffle tickets, etc.
opus200.lzh 207 Quite possibly the best pd/sw ss for the ST.
powdemo.zip 163 Demo of LDW Power, a Lotus clone for ST
sheet_20.lzh 76 Fairly decent spreadsheet program.
viscalc.lzh 50 The one that started it all. Not too good.
1wp2rtf.zoo 13 First word 2 rtf converter
dj_wwrtr.lzh 1 Deskjet printer driver for WordWriter
epsjet.lzh 4 Epsons MX-80 emulator for Deskjet
gram_110.lzh 14 Grammar checker
japworpr.arc 201 Japaense word processor
marcel23.zip 123 Latest version of Marcel with RTF/Postscript
marcel_a.zip 166 American dictionary for Marcel 2.3
wp_demo.tos 22 Demo of prg to convert Word Perfect to Word+ and vv.
0index 1 I am what I am
++jrbzoo21.zoo 367 J. Bammi's port of zoo
2in1107m.zip 125 Archiver shell, for arc, lzh, zip, zoo, etc. Nice!
4pak.lzh 7 Unpacker program, pretty fast
Unix/ 2 Archiver source code for UNIX systems
lha-1.00.tar.Z 88 lharc for UNIX
unz50p1.zoo 232 Unzip sources for unix and everything else
zip19p1.zoo 192 Unzip, zip, funzip sources for unix, st, amiga, etc.
zoo210.tar.Z 241 zoo 2.10 for UNIX
a2lswtc2.lzh 22 Switches arc to lzh
arc.ttp 48 A binary of arc to get you started
arc.ttp.old 41 An old binary of arc
arc.zoo 95 ???
arc2lzh3.lzh 29 converts .arc's to .lzh's
arc521e.arc 64 arc version 5.21e
arc602.ttp 65 arc version 6.02
arcgsh41.zoo 84 arc graphics shell front end for arc
arclzh63.lzh 34 Supposed to handle arc,arj,lzh,zoo,etc
arcshl30.arc 55 a front end for arc
auto_501.lzh 26 A new version of Ice
boozgem3.zoo 32 Booz, yet another archiver.
brikbin.zoo 35 32k bit crc generator for binaries
briksrc.zoo 67 source for brikbin.zoo
cdc220.arc 37 Chaos disk compacter. Similar to msa
compress.arc 39 Unix style compress
compress.ttp 37 Gets rid of those nasty .Z files
compress.zoo 66 Newer version of compress
crunch3.arc 21 Newer version of crunch
cruncher.lzh 15 Disk archiver and GEM interface to arc.ttp
darc.arc 17 De-arcer : not great.
decompre.lzh 52 De-arc and lzh files
esscd61.lzh 89 UUDecode/UUEncode for Atari using GEM interface
expand15.lzh 26 Expando-matic archiver shell. Version 1.5
ezsqueez.arc 8 Old, unadequtate compression.
flxar31a.lzh 12 Configurable shell to handle all archivers.
gzip06st.zoo 79 GNU ZIP compressor (single files only)
ice_240.lzh 9 Pack ice v.2.40, faster than other packers
jampack4.lzh 34 Executable/Data/Whole-disk compression utility
lharc.arc 39 Lharc
lha201.lzh 67 Roger Burrow's lharc with -lh5- compression. NOT
Quester's version!
lha_232.tos 146 Christian Grunenberg's LHArc, v2.32
lha310.tos 270 Lharc 3.10 with GEM interface.
lharc.ttp 52 an lharc binary to get you started
lpak.zip 33 Compress/Decompress data files (not for programs)
lzh201le.ttp 31 Questors lharc v2.01le "English-ized"
lzh_201l.lzh 70 Questors lharc v2.01l
lzhsourc.lzh 75 Source for lzh
msa_141.lzh 30 Magic Shadow Archiver (full disk archiver)
msa_2_3+.prg 28 New MSA program version 2.3+
multi13.lzh 15 Extracts multiple zoo, arc, and lharc files, v 1.3
multiarc.lzh 15 Extracts multiple zoo, arc, and lharc files
naughty.lzh 9 Unpack packed executables.
ncmp424b.zoo 36 Binaries for ncompress 4.2 patchlevel 4
ncmp424d.zoo 2 Diffs for ncompress 4.2 patchlevel 4
ncmp424s.zoo 37 Source for ncompress 4.2 patchlevel 4
packer.arc 14 Packs executables
pfxpak30.lzh 29 Demo of PFX Pak v3.0
pkunarc.arc 4 PK Unarc
pompey.lzh 11 Packs executables so they still run
restore.arc 17 Archivers backup restorer
sfx_lzh.lzh 13 Makes .lzh files into self-extracting archives
sfx16.lzh 16 Make .lzh files into self-extracting archives, v1.6
shar.arc 23 Manipulate UNIX shell archives
sttar.arc 20 Extracts/makes .tar compressed files
stzip26.tos 139 GEM implementation of Zip
thunder2.lzh 5 Executable program packer
ultra.lzh 10 Like MSA, writes an entire disk to a single file
unarj241c.tos 117 Expands .ARJ files
unarj_s1.lzh 85 Source and binary for UnARJ
unarj_st.lzh 81 Unpacks .ARJ files. Binary and source for ST Turbo C.
unarjshl.lzh 13 Shell for UnARJ.
unlzh172.lzh 42 Unpacks .LZH files.
unsit.lzh 25 Unpacks those MAC .sit stuff it files
unzip51b.tos 156 Good unzipper
unzip51b.zoo 152 same as unzip51b.tos except zoo'ed
uux789.zoo 29 Duumas (sp?) uud(3.3)/uue(3.1) source and binary
zip24qwk.zip 5 zap the 5 second delay in STZIP 2.4 to .1 second!
zoo21.ttp 82 zoo binary to get you started
zoo21bin.zoo 110 binaries for zoo 2.1
zoo21src.zoo 300 source for zoo 2.1
zooshl06.zoo 10 a front end for zoo
zoossr06.zoo 9 source for the front end for zoo
0index ?? This file.
ashell.doc 41 Docs for 'A Shell' (ashell.lzh)
ashell.lzh 39 Another shell
cli1.arc 12 ???
cli2.arc 13 ???
cli_1_0u.lzh 67 New from Germany, lots of builti-ins. German docs
cpp2.lzh 5 Very small shell interpreter
gulam.arc 119 Classic cli, eveyone has it, why not you?
gulamdoc.arc 110 Complete docs for gulam
gulaminf.arc 42 Semi-complete doc? Difference to be investigated. ???
master60.zoo 192 Master, v.6.0 updated for use with mint.
mx2.arc 119 The mx2 cli.
mx2src.arc 95 Source for mx2.arc
nutshell.arc 9 Have your shell within a gem application too.
okami15.zoo 268 Okami v 1.5 Binaries
pcdos3.lzh 18 Command line like PC-DOS
pcommand.arc 33 Very primitive shell.
powerdos.zoo 92 Some sort of multitasking shell
shell.zip 16 very small shell, intended for ramdisk usage
system2.arc 157 An MSDOS like CLI
tom_shel.lzh 28 Decent cli shell with file completion and commands.
4n_afair.arc 567 4n affair sound demo
Index ?? This fabulous thing you're reading right now.
acedemo.arc 224 Old space ace, with multiple pics
acid2.arc 369 Acid2 demo. Needs st moniter to be at 50hz.
adardemo.arc 198 A day at the races demo. Complete simulation.
aggparty.zip 71 Program describing upcoming demo party. Aggression.
ambience.lzh 614 Another demo from Chaos.
amiga.arc 36 Amiga bouncing ball demo.
amiga2.arc 10 " like demo.
amigajok.arc 280 Amiga joke demo. Ed thinks its funny.
ancool1.msa 420 An Cool demo, part 1
ancool2.msa 419 An Cool demo, part 2
anomoly1.lzh 743 ANOMOLY demo by French crew MJJ Prod, disk 1
anomoly2.lzh 724 ANOMOLY demo by French crew MJJ Prod, disk 2
april.lzh 475 AprilFool Demo STf/STe also mini-game
atari.lzh 142 Old ST demo. Ed thinks it's froum Atari corp.
badtaste.msa 543 Bad taste demo from the Brainless Inst. Ste only.
balls.arc 48 More bouncing balls.
batman.lzh 268 Batman demo, using the prince song.
bird.arc 40 Flying bird, blitter demo
bird.msa 776 Intro to never released game Birds of Prey
bombclub.arc 214 Boston bomb club demo
bttf3.arc 183 Target game scene demo
buggin1.msa 418 Buggin' demo, part 1
buggin2.msa 357 Buggin' demo, part 2
burning1.lzh 288 Burning Illusion demo, part 1
burning2.lzh 172 Burning Illusion demo, part 2
calimero.zip 668 Calimero demo (excellent)
chaos1.msa 414 Part 1 of the Chaos demo
chaos2.msa 283 Part 2 of the above
chaos_1.tos 154 Playable demo of Bitmap Bros "The Chaos Engine" part 1
chaos_2.tos 185 part 2 of "The Chaos Engine"
choiceg1.lzh 754 Choice of Gods demo, disk 1
choiceg2.lzh 599 Choice of Gods demo, disk 2
ck_demo2.lzh 18 Codeheads codekeys, macro tool demo
coldemo.lzh 8 Demo 512k in med. res.
colr3000.arc 15 Colorburst 3000
cuddly1.msa 410 Cuddly demo. Disk1.
cuddly2.msa 431 Disk 2 for cuddly demo. Needs both disks.
cybscape.lzh 555 Cyberscape demo. Ed likes this one too.
daythund.lzh 199 Playable Days of Thunder demo.
dccparty1993.lzh 33 ??
dcd_demo.arc 94 DC Desktop demo.
dcudemo.arc 59 DC Utilites 2 demo
decade1.msa 418 Decade demo, part1
decade2.msa 416 Decade demo, part2
dreamz1.lzh 760 "DREAMZONE" by The Wild Boys, disk 1
dreamz2.lzh 225 "DREAMZONE" by The Wild Boys, disk 2
eatmybol.zip 386 Eat My Bollocks demo
electra1.msa 379 Electra demo, part 1
elecra2.msa 372 " " , part 2
elke.lzh 18 A first-time demo. Not seen.
epssatom.zip 255 Demo of EPSS sound system, using song 'Atomic Man'
[NOTE: erotica*.msa contains material that some may find offensive. Don't
say we didn't warn you.]
erotica.readme 1 Note about possible virii in erotica{1,2}.msa
erotica1.msa 803 This is the erotica 1 demo. They are separate.
erotica2.msa 779 Erotica 2 magazine demo, for adults only (I guess?)
finalcut.lzh 201 Finalcut demo.
finalep1.msa 409 Lost Boys finale demo part1. You must msa this first,
finalep2.msa 332 then un-msa p2 in order to make a complete demo.
flash.lzh 196 Flashback from TCB
flipo.zip 758 Flipo demo (excellent)
flyshark.lzh 131 Flying shark demo game.
froggie1.lzh 791 Part 1/3 of Froggy demo. These are MSAed disks.
froggie2.lzh 517 Part 2/3 of Froggy demo.
froggie3.lzh 752 Part 3/3 of Froggy demo.
fujiboin.lzh 23 Fujiboink demo. Ed also like this.
gramslam.lzh 33 Demo of grammar checker
gray.lzh 7 Displays 256 shades of gray on mono monitor
hifidrm1.msa 403 High fidelity dreams demo by aura
hifidrm2.msa 403 Part 2 of above
hl_demo.lzh 248 Hyperlink demo
hotline1.msa 451 Hot Line demo, disk 1
hotline2.msa 413 You need both files to complete the demo.
inshape.lzh 761 Cybercube InShape 3D Modeler/Shader demos for TT/Falcon
jamhouse.lzh 248 Jamhouse demo
josephs_h.lzh 87 Joseph's holdiay STOS demo.
juggler.arc 133 Amiga juggler demos converted to ST.
kraftw.zoo 146 Power plant simulation. German and mono.
krystal.lzh 700 Krystal demo
legacy.msa 378 Legacy demo
lifebtch.msa 823 Life's a bitch demo. Ed gives it an excellent.
lostboys.lzh 606 Lost Boys Definitive demo. Good.
lynxdemo.lzh 170 Demo of lynx running California games
maggie10a.msa 387 PD magazine disk, part a
maggie10b.msa 368 PD magazine disk, part b
maggie11.zip 531 Maggie disk mag #11, in two-part .msa files
maggie9a.msa 356 Maggie disk magazine, issue9 part a
maggie9b.msa 207 Maggie disk magazine, issue9 part b
manic.lzh 546 Manic demo
marbles.lzh 7 Bouncing marbles. Ed thinks its neat.
mastdemo.zoo 135 Demo of cli.
master.lzh 147 Demo of master sound.
matsmood.arc 659 Matsmood sounds demo
mdemo41a.msa 410 An Cool's mdemo 4, 2 disks. Part 1 disk 1.
mdemo41b.msa 386 An Cool's mdemo 4, part 2 disk 1.
mdemo42a.msa 409 An Cool's mdemo 4, part 1 disk 2.
mdemo42b.msa 410 An Cool's mdemo 4, part 2 disk 2.
micromx1.lzh 218 Micromix 1, alright, not great.
mindbom1.msa 386 Mind bomb demo, part 1
mindbom2.msa 386 Mind bomb demo, part 2
mm2.arc 359 Micromix 2, much better.
molecule.arc 32 3d molecule displayer (3d glasses needed)
monarch.lzh 106 Monarch demo from oregon. Ed says its colorful.
monodemo.arc 14 Hi res demo with stick figures, twirling house
moskito.lzh 208 Ho poor moskito from Legacy
musdrm2a.msa 417 Electronic Images new music demo for the STe (part 1)
musdrm2b.msa 415 Part 2 of EIs edmo for the STe
mwond91a.msa 420 Yet another demo that Steven uploaded, part 1
mwond91b.msa 364 I really don't know what this one is :), part 2
ncs_demo.arc 326 Very blatent demo from ncs.
neodemo3.lzh 171 Demo of neodesk3 and neocli
nerdhous.lzh 805 Nerd House demo - "Lots of flashing lights"
neworder.prg 214 New Order demo.
no_coop.lzh 730 ?
noel.zoo 478 Frenchie demo, adapted from old pc demo
ocultar.lzh ?? Password protection program.
omegafin.prg 554 Great STe-only demo. Like an MTV commercial.
ovrdose1.msa 420 Overdose demo, part 1
ovrdose2.msa 336 Overdose demo, part 2
overdrv1.msa 413 The overdrive demo part 1
overdrv2.msa 400 Part 2 of overdrive demo
oyster1.msa 262 Oyster demo, part 1
oyster2.msa 240 Oyster demo, part 2
outpost.arc 35 Cyberpaint .seq animation. Squares rotating around....
oxygen.arc 640 Incredible sound demo. Needs a meg.
paranoia.prg 125 Paranoia demo
pdawn.arc 446 Perpetual dawn demo
pgs18dem.lzh 255 Page Stream working demo. Save and print disabled.
pete1.lzh 676 Interesting multipart demo (also pete2.lzh)
pete2.lzh 793 second disk (use with pete1.lzh)
phaleo1a.msa 420 Phaleon demo, disk 1 of 4, part 1 of 2.
phaleo1b.msa 395 Part 2 of disk 1.
phaleo1f.msa 124 This is a fix for disk 1. Un msa on to disk 1.
phaleo2a.msa 421 Part 1 of disk 2.
phaleo2b.msa 409 Part 2 of disk 2.
phaleo3a.msa 419 Part 1 of disk 3.
phaleo3b.msa 419 Part 2 of disk 3.
phaleo4a.msa 420 Part 1 of disk 4.
phaleo4b.msa 415 Part 2 of disk 4.
pigs.lzh 384 "If pigs could fly" by Syndicate
pl_demo.lzh 97 Codeheads popit and lookit demos. Good utilites.
pym_a1.lzh 417 Punish your machine demo. By Delta Force Part A1
pym_a2.lzh 397 PYM: A2 . All four parts are needed.
pym_b1.lzh 420 PYM: B1 . Ditto.
pym_b2.lzh 408 PYM: B2 . Same as the last guy.
qst2demo.lzh 82 Quick ST demo 2.
rainynit.arc 162 Rainy night sound file. 5 minutes long.
rialpsy.lzh 548 "Reality is a Lie" demo from Psychonomix
rotate.lzh 8 Rotates a cube in 3-d space
scriba0.lzh 316 Gard's new disk magazine
snork_1a.msa 419 'megademo' by Future Minds. This is part1 of disk 1.
snork_1b.msa 419 Part 2 of disk 1.
snork_2a.msa 415 Part 1 of disk 2.
snork_2b.msa 421 Park 2 of disk 2. Needs all four parts to run.
snowman.lzh 672 Snowman demo. Good digitization.
sotart.lzh 545 "State of the Art" from The Wild Boys, color ST/STE
sowatt1.msa 419 So Watt? Demo, part 1
sowatt2.msa 395 So Watt? Demo, part 2
snrgytxt.lzh 47 Text file. View in low rez from desk top
space_ac.lzh 296 Space ace demo. This is better than the first.
spaceinv.arc 431 Space invaders animation demos. "Real cute."
sphere.arc 93 ???
spoon_a.msa 408 Dark Side of the Spoon demo. St, STe, no TT.
spoon_b.msa 372 Part2. You need both parts.
st_cnx1.msa 377 St Connex demo, part 1
st_cnx2.msa 407 St Connex demo, part 2
st_conn.lzh 542 ST connexion demo. Sounds great on st.
st_tour.lzh 96 Another nostalgic st demo. Ed likes it.
stalkpro.arc 145 ST Talk demo
swisdem1.msa 380 Swiss megademo from the Bytechangers, part 1
swisdem2.msa 417 part 2 of Swiss megademo. Does not run on TT/Mega STe
sync.lzh 75 Neat soundtracker/noisetracker mod player
synergya.zip 752 The Synergy MegaDemo, ST(E) 1MB+ Color
synergyb.zip 611 Part two of The Synergy MegaDemo
syntax1.msa 319 Syntax demo, part1
syntax2.msa 317 Syntax demo, part2
techno.zip 627 Techno Drugs, excellent STE/Falcon color demo
things1.msa 417 Part1 of the fabulous "Things" demo
things2.msa 347 Part2 of " " " "
tikbgbb1.lzh 571 Part 1/2 of demo from Adrenaline group. MSAed.
tikbgbb2.lzh 183 Part 2/2 of Adrenaline's demo.
tnt_fnil.lzh 490 TNT FNIL demo. Good graphics, good sound.
vceldemo.arc ?? Animation utility demo
warum.lzh 643 Demo from the Independents
whattahe.msa 829 Whatta heck demo. Great.
whdbr_a.msa 402 When Hifi Dreams Become Reality, STE/Falcon color demo
whdbr_b.msa 427 part 2 of above, this is an excellent sound demo!
wind_up.arc 666 Another great sound demo. Also needs a meg.
wowdemo.arc 123 Also known as lcd demo. Great
0index ?? This index.
abformat.lzh 15 Formats both drives at once. Also, maps bad sectors
acache.arc 5 Exactly that: a cache.
afmt.arc 14 A formatter. ???
ahdi5.zoo 151 Atari's advanced hd utilties
ahdi6061.lzh 6 Updates ahdi6.0 to ahdi6.1
argus.arc 9 Displays track & sector in upper corner of scren
ataridsk.zip 1 MSDOS programs that formats and reads tos1.2 disks
attribut.lzh 16 Set file attributes
backup.arc 10 Backup select files on a your disk.
backup12.lzh 67 HD backup v.1.2 Does file backup in TOS format
backupst.lzh 56 Hard drive backer-uper. Supposedly darn good.
b_boot.lzh 4 Boot auto-start disks from B:
bfrd_10.zoo 13 Boot/FAT/Root dir backup & restore
bitmastr.lzh 45 Create/modify abnormal disk formats
bkill_ed.lzh 16 Byte Killer file editor. (for binaries especially)
blank.arc 3 Recycles your used disks.
blitz_hd.lzh 28 HD defragmenter/optimizer
blkerase.lzh 9 Erases floppies, removes format
blrut17.lzh 87 Slew of disk interactive disk utils
bootinfo.lzh 4 DA that identifies disk formats
boottech.lzh 9 Boot sector editor
brdlfrmt.lzh 4 Formats floppies in any density
bulkcopy.lzh 8 Mass produce disks rapidly
bytefr33.lzh 14 Rapidly determines hard drive free space
cache.arc 15 Another cache.
cachennn.prg 2 Cachennn straight from Atari Corp.
cachev35.lzh 15 Cold Hard Cache v. 3.5
ccache.arc 8 Another cache.
certify.lzh 8 Reads all sectors on a disk and reports good/bad
ch3_cdar.lzh 31 Prints comperssed disk directories
cheetah3.lzh 35 Disk copier. Excellent. Highly reccomended.
chekdisk.lzh 12 Displays various disk statistics (with GEM interface)
chkdisk.lzh 22 GEM program to examine and modify disk sectors etc.
chkhd81.lzh 35 Hard drive checker.
compact.lzh 23 prints out compact diectories of all files on a partion
compare.lzh 7 Compare two floppy disks
compcopy.lzh 12 Compulsive copier - I'll give you three guesses
convert.arc 20 Lonnie's atari -> ibm disk converter
contents.lzh 8 Verbosely lists contents of a disk
copycart.lzh 5 44meg removable disk copier
cpboot.arc 9 Copy executable boot sectors
css_v236.lzh 19 formatting program.
db2v251.lzh 108 Diamond Back upgrader. From v2.50 -> 2.51
db311pat.lzh 152 Diamond Back upgrader. From v3.0x --> v3.11
dbackup.zoo 28 ???
dblefeat.lzh 9 Redirects disk calls from a: to c:
dcache.arc 19 Holy cow BART! Another disk cache.
dcdskif.lzh 6 DC Disk info.
dcflight.arc 3 DC Floppy light. Light goes on when ram disk accessed.
dcfmt302.lzh 22 The DC Formatter. Good stuff, good people.
dcmaxtrk.arc 6 Tells you how much stuff you can cram on a disk. DC.
dcopy36.lzh 29 DCopy version 3.6. File utility program.
dbackup.zoo 29 HD back up util
dd2upd0a.lzh 18 Updates Data Diet 2.0 to 2.0a
dd2upd10.lzh 61 Updates Data Diet 2.0a to 2.10
de100102.lzh 119 Diamond Edge upgrader, from 1.00 to 1.02
de102103.lzh 120 Diamond Edge upgrader, from 1.02 to 1.03
d1034_10.lzh 237 Diamond Edge upgrader, from 1.03 or 1.04 to 1.10
dformat.lzh 24 Diamond Formatter, from Oregon Research
df_suite.lzh 16 Suite of drive utilities
dklog.arc 7 D/A that lets you know what your drives are doing.
diaformt.lzh 25 Yet another formatter.
dircache.arc 3 This one hides directories, bot disks.
dir_dump.lzh 7 Directory dumper.
dirsort.lzh 18 Sorts directory contents
disk-bar.lzh 1 Bar oyn top of screen tells the story of disk access.
diskcat.arc 36 Disk cataloger.
diskdiag.lzh 9 Disk diagnosis program.
diskdoub.lzh 3 Turns single-sided disks to double-sided.
diskdriv.arc 15 One man's attempt to use new disk drives
diskedit.lzh 10 Disk editor.
diskfix.arc 77 Fixes your disks.
diskfix2.lzh 10 Fixes your disks, new version.
diskmast.arc 28 Disk master. Similar to above.
diskmech.arc 58 Disk mechanic. Similar to above.
diskscan.arc 51 Disk cataloger.
disktbox.arc 17 Catalogs all of your disks.
divert13.zoo 4 Divert all drive a access to a hd partition
dlii024.arc 73 Simon Pooles disk de-fragmenter. Usually works well.
dma.arc 8 ST DMA details.
docp.zoo 60 Enhanced mcp
dostestr.arc 20 Tests your disk speed, etc.
driveoff.lzh 3 Turns off floppy light if you auto-boot from HD.
drfloppy.lzh 5 Sector editor. Dr. Floppy.
dscan100.arc 51 Drive scaner.
dscan12.arc 78 V.1.2 of above.
dskchart.arc 17 Graphical representation of disk space left.
dskchr33.lzh 12 Displays free space on drives.
dsked109.zoo 34 Disk sector editor
dskfil20.lzh 15 Disk filer version 2.0.
dsklabel.lzh 12 Disk labeler.
dskmap.arc 19 Disk mapper.
dskspeed.lzh 7 Gives disk speed.
dskswich.lzh 4 Lets you switch from one desktop setup to another.
dt.arc 13 Disk tool box
du.arc 6 Disk usage.
dubl_bin.lzh 5 Formats disks, readable on 1- & 2-sided disks.
duck31.arc 12 Pauses the st to let the hd come up to speed
dupltwix.lzh 86 Blitz and other utilties for use with blitz
eback10d.tos 90 German Backup program
ecopy16d.tos 87 German disk copy program
elfback.lzh 33 Hard disk backup for TT. Now works with ST too.
expander.lzh 8 Reformats 360K to 720K w/o losing info on disk.
f11gem.lzh 11 Formats with 11 sectors.
faster2.lzh 2 Disk formatter.
fastfind.lzh 14 File finder.
fastsrch.arc 8 Searches your disk in a hurry.
fatspeed.arc 8 Caches the fat tables
fcpy_iii.lzh 33 File copy v.3. Pretty nice.
fdf.zoo 75 Find duplicate files (previously mfd)
fdi.arc 43 Floppy disk indexer
finder10.zoo 7 File finder desk accessory
ff.arc 8 File find
ff32bin.zoo 41 Fast floppy, speeds disk I/O.
ff32src.zoo 31 Sources for fast floppy
ffind_10.lzh 37 A disk catalogger. File Find 1.0.
filespy12.arc 23 Sector editor
fileutil.lzh 31 A collection of files utilities.
fileview.lzh 13 File viewer.
finder10.zoo 7 ???
fixdisk.lzh 3 Disk fixer.
flame_07.lzh 17 A few utilities in one program.
flashfmt.lzh 11 Formatter.
flcat_14.lzh 42 Disk catalog program. Works with hard drives too.
flexcopy.lzh 3 Disk copier.
flexsort.lzh 18 Sorts text files.
flip.arc 52 Disk formatter
flipside.lzh 14 Lets you write on one side of a 2-side disk.
floormt2.lzh 64 Colorful, low res only, disk formatter
flrmt3_5.lzh 139 New and improved disk formater. You'll love it.
fmc.arc 2 Forced media change
fmtutil.lzh 9 Format utility.
format3.lzh 15 Formatter.
format11.arc 7 Another disk formater.
formattp.lzh 10 Format in a .TTP program.
frback.lzh 12 Utility for writing to one side of a 2-side disk.
fsearch5.lzh 33 File finder. Fast, and it works with gemini.
gemar220.lzh 328 GEM SCSI tape backup, with English docs, excellent
gemboot.arc 40 GEM boot utilities
genflop.lzh 3 How to hook generic 3.5" floppy drives to STs
ghost.arc 20 Exchanges aladin - spectre - mac disks
hackncpy.lzh 11 Hack 'N Copy.
hardup.zoo 26 Hard drive backup, ver 1.1
hcopy16s.lzh 48 Disk backup program.
hdboot.arc 14 ???
hdchck13.lzh 19 Hard drive checker, v.1.3
hdfre12e.zip 28 Good hd/mem free space bar graph utility (cpx), English
hdfree.lzh 15 Standalong hd free space report generator
hdx504.lzh 58 Atari's hard drive utilities; v5.04
hinstall.arc 50 Installs hard disk boot sector
hospital.arc 60 Collection of virus checking utilities
hramdisk.arc 10 A ram disk of sorts.
hyprcopy.arc 18 A darn good copier.
hyprcpy5.lzh 15 HyperCopy version 5.
ibmdrive.lzh 23 How to hook generic 3.5" and 5.25" drives to ST
inspec.arc 23 Inspect your disks.
kdp65.lzh 23 Kwik Disk 6.5:doubles floppy speed
kdsk_cfg.lzh 14 Speeds up floppy disk access
knutsoft.lzh 10 Disk copier, similar to Blitz copier.
lockkey.lzh 18 Protects folders with a password.
lc.arc 10 Lists directory and file names in columns.
loudform.lzh 19 Talking disk formatter. Really.
maxidisk.arc 19 Ramdisk which stores data in compressed form
medcopy.arc 18 Poor excuse for a copier.
megaform.lzh 27 Yet another jam it all on there formatter.
megamin.lzh 11 Image backup program. Good.
memfile.lzh 21 Good sector editor from Dan Wilga
mdisk694.lzh 16 RAM disk driver, more
metados2.zip 17 Allows you to use CD ROM as a drive
monomon.lzh 32 Disk/file sector editor + more, german, translated
mtools.zoo 67 Mtools for unix machines. R/W 10 tracks/disk
multfrmt.lzh 7 Formats two disks at the same time
multicop.lzh 36 Fast format/copy disks. FORTRAN source code!
mutate.lzh 21 Extension of sam
mutate.txt 2 Text for mutate.
noahdi.zoo 35 AHDI disk driveR
noverify.arc 1 Turns off verify.
ocult_18.lzh 100 Hard drive password protection
parkhd.lzh 8 'Parks' the hard drive.
parkit.lzh 3 Another HD parker.
partcopy.lzh 9 Copies one partition to another
pathcpy2.lzh 6 Pathcopy for Maxifile/Hotwire
pcformat.lzh 6 Formats disk for use on an MS-DOS machine
protect.arc 5 Protect files from being overwritten.
purger.lzh 6 Instantly erases floppies
ps2form.arc 4 Formats disk like a ps2 would.
qkdisk11.zoo 4 Quick disk 1.1; fast ram disk
quikdex.arc 14 Quickly indexes your disks.
rambaby.arc 28 Ram disk baby.
ramdisks.lzh 7 A collection of small RAM disk programs
raminit.lzh 11 Copy files to RAM disk at boot time.
ramled.arc 3 Lights drive light on ramdisk usage.
ratehd15.lzh 16 Hard drive speed benchmark
rde_v5.zoo 38 RAM disk driver from Mark Williams Company
reclaim2.zoo 6 Reclaims the 2 sectors TOS formatting 'forgets'
recover.lzh 4 Unerases files
rename.arc 18 Rename any file, any time.
rename1b.arc 20 3 accs for renaming files with wierd characters, etc.
salvage.lzh 12 Salvage text files from damaged disks
sambin.lzh 14 Sieu's Analyzer of Disk Media
scache.arc 1 OH my goodness. It's another cache.
seced.lzh 12 Sector editor
sector.lzh 5 Writes designated sectors to disk
seekup10.lzh 2 Increase disk seek rate for TOS 2.06 and above.
serial.zoo 10 Changes the serial number of your disk.
shredder.lzh 27 Removes all traces of a file from disk.
speedst.lzh 3 Checks speed of drive
stdcat52.zip 62 Disk catalog program, including hard drives. V5.2
stdup.lzh 4 Disk copier
sticker3.arc 229 Creates labels for 3.5" disks
stmiror2.lzh 39 Backs up critiacl HD boot sector info
stomper.lzh 5 Disk copier
stpdcat.lzh 80 floppy disk catalogger.
stree104.arc 93 Search for files on harddisk.
stsweep.lzh 6 Disk utility program
st_tools.zip 99 a sharware HD tuneup/repair utility, version 1.93
super.lzh 7 Super Formatter from France. Up to 99 tracks
suprshuf.lzh 7 Shuffles files
tc60_bin.lzh 42 Hard disk cache program. German, but w/english docs
tc60cpx.lzh 13 CPX for controlling main program above
thekey.zoo 47 Restores files backed up with Vault
timedrv2.arc 1 Drive timer.
tlc_form.lzh 21 Puts any character into a file name
tracker.lzh 1 Checks disk tracks.
turtle.arc 85 Great hard drive back up prg, dated 12/2/90
twister2.lzh 18 Twister formatter
ulticopy.arc 8 Ultimate copier (not really)
undelete.lzh 39 recover delete files from disk.
uneekit.zoo 8 Gives randow serial number to your disk for use w/IBM
unerase.lzh 10 Unerase your files.
unformat.lzh 1 Unformats a disk
unhider.lzh 8 unhides files on disk
unixflop.lzh 59 Reads and writes to unix box floppys
vault201.lzh 99 good hard drive backup program, newer version below
verify.arc 3 Disk verify/non verify on write
vltbin.zoo 100 Vault 3.0 hard drive back up program (requires thekey)
vol.arc 9 Re-lable disks after format
vol109.lzh 9 read/write volume label on disk, .ttp program
volume.lzh 2 read/write volume label on disk, GEM program
xfsys.zoo 45 Xtended file name sys. Sorta like unixmode ide
zorg_113.lzh 138 Disk and file monitor, disk reorg. In French.
zzzap.arc 11 Deletes all files on disk w/o reformatting
0index 1 ye olde indexe file
7up_engl.lzh 117 English verison of the 7UP GEM based text editor
1858b-d3.zoo 704 ???
1858d-d3.zoo 37 ???
Me3.11c-b1.1: MicroEMACS 3.11c GEM enhanced; Beta test by Bjarne Pohlers
copying 2 ???
ue311cmd.zoo 57 ???
ue311doc.zoo 72 ???
ue311gbw.zoo 64 ???
ue311gcl.zoo 64 ???
ue311st.zoo 56 ???
ue311tc.zoo 66 ???
ue312dis.zoo 350 MicroEMACS v3.12; Atari distribution set
ue312pl1.zoo 126 MicroEMACS v3.12; patched to work on Falcon/MiNT/MTOS
me2b_pl7.readme 8 Readme for Mutt editor. Read before getting the rest.
me2b_pl7.zoo 421 Mutt editor, gem interfaced, very nice. Pl. 7
me2s_pl7.zoo 295 Sources for the above. Pl 7.
ae92.zoo 9 ???
cstyles.zip 4 *.KRZ files (Everest editor) to speed up the
development of C programs
cvhyptxt.lzh 35 ???
edi_demo.zoo 252 Demo of Edith Professional
editext.lzh 17 Text editor.
edith1_0.lzh 69 Annius' new text editor - prerelease version
editv2_1.lzh 18 ???
elv16beta2.zoo 546 ???
ever_e33.tos 98 Good GEM based text editor.
gfa4pd_e.lzh 71 Editor for GFA 4.0 (English).
mg2amint.lzh 79 MicroGnuEmacs v2a - MiNT and TOS versions.
mg_dvi.lzh 28 dvi file with a description to mg2amint
oribin.zoo 139 ???
oridiff.zoo 4 ???
origami.tar.Z 241 ???
proed.lzh 39 ???
pur_c_vi.zoo 53 ???
spedit.zoo 10 ???
sprted13.arc 46 SpiritED - gem based da text editor
stfolded.arc 72 ???
stpage.lzh 9 Very small, really fast text editor
txtool.arc 34 ???
vix.arc 49 ???
wp2rtf.lzh 12 Converts 1st Word/Word Writer files to .RTF format
wp_demo.lzh 20 Converts Word/Word Writer files to Word Perf 5
0index ?? This index.
alaspec.arc 13 Transfer aladin to spectre disks and vice versa
appleemu.arc 37 Emulate an Apple II. I don't know why, but heh....
cpm.arc 149 Emulate a cpm machine.
ghost.arc 20 Exchanges aladin - spectre - mac disks
speccy.zip 54 Another? Spectrum ZX emulator from Germany
specstuf.arc 32 Spectre utilities.
spectrum.lzh 544 Spectrum ZX emulator v.1.0 Docs in German
stxf255.lzh 284 Emulate an 8bit atari.
stxfp.arc 27 Transfer ST files to 8 bit format
stxpp2.arc 63 A couple of 8bit disks in SD or DD format
zest.lzh 47 NeXT Simulator demo. Todd likes this one. Mono only.
zx81.lzh 99 Emulate a zx81. Fun fun fun.
zxupload.arc 7 Transfer files between the ZX and the ST.
zx_sp207.lzh 583 Another ZX/Spectrum emulator.
0index ? This file, courtesy of the Falcon archivists...
1600x600.zip 17 Display 15 (!) NeoChrome pics at one time.
birdshow.zip 651 True color ray-traced animation
birdy.zip 685 Hard-wired True-color FLI player/flic.
cebit93.lzh 753 Demo, written for March '93 Cebit computer show
chromedr.zip 295 "Chrome Dragron" demo
conflict.zip 328 RGB demo for the Falcon030 by Dead hackers Society
ff_demo.zip 762 "Falcon Flight" fractals with sound
flight.zip 32 3 programs, realtime flight over Mandelbrot set
frac_dsp.lzh 30 Generates fractals, uses dsp for speed
humans.zip 503 Hilarious graphics/sound demo. Take HUMANS2.ZIP too.
humans2.zip 794 "Disk 2" of HUMANS demo.
humans3.zip 746 "Disk 3" of HUMANS demo.
humans4.zip 542 "Disk 4" of HUMANS demo.
in_tel.zip 5 "Motorola Inside" demo
lazer_1.lzh 111 "Autowaschen Verboten" by Lazer/Independent
lazer_2.lzh 124 "Autowaschen Verboten" - Part 2
ldonut.zip 542 2 Falcon demos
mouse.lzh 603 Hilarious graphic/sound demo
newtrend_680xx.lzh 557 Another Falcon-only demo
omegaf30.prg 554 Omega "Grotesque" demo, set video to ST Low
paragon2.lzh 99 Graphics demo that plays samples w/ no slow down
pentagon.lzh 684 Graphics demo
qad3dvga.tos 12 Demo of quadratic math graphed for VGA, I think.
speeder.zip 164 Grahpics demo - 'texturierte Ebene fliegt'
termfin.prg 162 Texture-mapping while playing 50 Khz MOD-file. New
termfin.zoo 148 50khz zooming colour modfile.?
uk_demos.zip 528 Falcon demos by Black Scorpion Software
cdrom.zip 10 Atari's CDROM driver for Falcon
specfalc.lzh 45 A Spectrum emulator for Falcon (?)
blackhole.zip 871 Two coins and some bombs... Go figure.
breakout.zip 580 Guess what this is...
colums_d.zip 281 'Columns Deluxe' RGB only
lasehome.zip 500 Demo of "Of Lasers and Men" shareware game
madtris.tos 144 4way tetris type game RGB only
minif1-e.zip 277 Race car game
minif1-f.zip 481 Race car game, French version
minif1-flight.zip 654 Demo "flight" over MiniF1 racetrack
multi.zip 803 'MultiBriques' Playable Demo
nh311gemc.zoo 806 Graphical nethack, best on TT or Falcon
nibe.zip Wormtype game
oxydfalc.zoo 580 Oxyd for Falcon & TT
pmj_eng2.zip 'Premium Mahjong' handles VGA Falcon resolutions
spacejnk.zip 4202 A 'movie' of some kind. Falcon only.
starball.zip 345 Pinball game, Falcon enhanced
triyahoo.zip 47 Yahtzee-esque shareware. Makes use of Falcon and MTOS
ufo_war.zip 540 2 player game, Falcon only
preview_game_falcon.zip 54 TGA of game screen for upcoming game
3dxviewr.zip 124 Animates .3dx files
3dxfiles.zip 172 3dx files...
d2m.zip 358 Image manipulation, including morphing
flcn_pnt.lzh 26 Some pics of the Falcon desktop, in .pnt format
fpaint.zip 40 Falcon paint program
gemtarga.lzh 21 Views TARGA pics in a GEM window
gif_view_falcon.ttp 3 Does what it says, I assume.
ham8.zip 26 Display H.A.M/H.A.M.8. files
jpeg.zip 240 Uses DSP to view JPEGs
jpegv218a.zip 27 JPEG viewer
photo_cd.zip 96 Displays Photo CD graphics, complete with driver
viewer0.prg 126 JPEG viewer, uses DSP to decode
f30.zoo 11 Discussion of the Falcon's capabilities.
falcadap.zip 7 Plans to make Multi-Sync adapter/switcher
falcconf.lzh 12 GEnie conference on the Falcon030
falcnbug.zip 91 Two .IMG pics show Falcon hardware enhancement
d1034_10.lzh 668 Update Diamond Edge for more Falcon compatibility
dcjh_1.zip 20 Don't Click on Jim's head, funny GEM programming example
dcjh_2.zip 48 Next generation of Don't Click
3danim.zip 32 3D routs using the Dsp
3dxwatch.zip 106 2nd version of 3danim for falcon
asm56.zoo 142 Cross-assembler for the Falcon's DSP chip
dspbind.lzh 2 Bindings for the Falcon's DSP.
dcjh_src.zip 14 Source code for DCJH above.
stesnd2.zip 2 .ACC improves compatibility w/ STe sound system
ssam101b.zip 54 "Superb Sample Editor" v1.01b
aladdin_sound_fortune.zip 927
div_sound_fortunes.lzh 1427
div2_sound_fortunes.zip 1171
div3_sound_fortunes.zip 742
ds9_sound_fortunes.zip 1127
h_hiker_sound_fortunes.zip 1260
jungle_b_sound_fortunes.zip 511
mwc_sound_fortunes.zip 1004
sf1_sound_fortunes.lzh 1172
sf2_sound_fortunes.lzh 1021
startrek_sound_fortunes.lzh 433
st2_sound_fortunes.zip 1154
users1_sound_fortunes.zip 408
users2_sound_fortunes.zip 570
acp12.lzh 104 MOD player. Uses the DSP.
digi202.zip 514 DIGITAL TRACKER 2.02 & DIGIPLAY 2.02 demos
dsp_mod.zip 11 Plays .MODs in DSP.
dt_demo203.zip 684 Plays Tracker .MODs
falcpl15.lzh 6 Plays 4/6/8/10 channel Protracker MODS
falcplay.lzh 12 Falcon version 1.0p of Pro-Tracker V2.1a .MOD player
fortune_1_1a.zip 110 Audio 'fortune' program
mudu_06.zip 16 German music/sound player(?)
protracker_falcon.zip 73 Falcon-specific Protracker
dspsndtr.zip 228 32-track sound tracker (uses DSP)
dsptrack.zip 135 Source code routines for using DSP to play MOD files
mgtk-095.zip 128 Another sound tracker that uses the DSP
wr_v1371.zip 157 WinRec direct-to-disk recording
voxmail.zip 165 Turns Falcon into answering machine
bckw252.tos 45 "ST Emulator" improves downward compatibility
blowUP_D.lzh 51 Demo version of blowUP - heed all warnings!!!
bootconf.zip 3 Configures NVRAM
falcnsx2.zip 28 Util sets hardware: CPU cache, Volume, Bus, etc.
falconf.zip 13 .ACC/.PRG configures NVRAM?
falcvolu.lzh 1 Sets Falcon volume to 1/2 from AUTO
fboot.lzh 2 Lets you choose some options at boot time on a falcon
fpatch2.zip 1 Fixes 2 TOS 4.0/4.04 problems with sound, Bconmap()
full_rez.zip 33 Full resolution display on non-overscan TVs
icons04.zip 48 TOS 4.xx Color Icon Editor
magi.lzh 8 Helps prgs and demos run on Falcons. Untested.
mltiblow.zip 6 Assists in setting overscan mode
nvram11.zip 7 German CPX to configure the NVRAM of a TT or Falcon.
overscan.lzh 2 Two programs, turn overscan mode or or off
reset_falcon.prg 5 Pressing RESET goes to desktop instead of reboot
rez_fool.lzh 26 Fool VGA monitor into thinking its a TV
sblaster.zip 36 Screenblaster demo version
snd_thru.zip 2 Sound Thru: Runs sound from mic in to headphone out
super_78.zoo 1 Sets screen to 78Hz scan rate
0index ?? This index.
3d_ski.zip 64 Egotistical robot takes the slopes
4_7_11.lzh 37 Interesting Card Games (Solitaire variations)
abalone.zoo 29 Marble game using a hexagonal board.
acctris.zip 128 Tetris clone, runs as .PRG or .ACC; 2 player.
adventr.arc 67 A really old adventure game.
aks.arc 88 Alfred Kistenlager Schieberien: mono only
alienate.zip 89 Robot chased by aliens
amaze.lzh 24 Clear the block i nthe maze. Color only.
amoeba.arc 27 ???
andurlin.arc 27 Search through maze, and make sword. mono only
apathy.lzh 226 Tetris and Light cycle games by Bad Brew Brew (BBC)
arcadem.arc 109 Arcade maniac - mono only
astropan.arc 20 Astro Panic. Shoot the aliens. Fall asleep.
atax.lzh 95 Arcade game. Shootemup. Color.
atom13ie.lzh 49 Boulder Dash-like program. With construction set.
awari.arc 49 Ancient african board game. Really good.
backgamm.lzh 71 Ralf and friend's backgammon: german docs. Hi rez.
ballzone.lzh 42 Arkanoid, breakout clone.
bandwurm.arc 29 ???
batlship.arc 46 Play battleship. Good, color only.
battle.lzh 108 Excellent tetris like game
bellum.lzh 13 Galaxian clone
berzerk.zip 88 Faithful Adaptation of Classic by D. Munsie (shareware)
biglife3.zoo 158 LIFE game, 64K x 64K universe, includes 200 patterns.
blaster.lzh 24 A ok version of Galaga. Don't get too excited.
bldedit.lzh 16 Bloodwych charcter editor
blobbrun.lzh 60 Color game.
blockade.lzh 73 Breakout clone
blox.arc 230 Dave's highly addictive fill-in-the-ring of blox game
bnoid.arc 16 Breakout clone
boggle.arc 27 The classic word game, now on the ST.
bombs.arc 28 Minesweeper game for ths ST
bouble.arc 16 ???
breakout.arc 8 DA version of breakout. Fun, but limited. Mono/Color.
breaksrc.arc 5 Source for breakout.arc
bs_300pd.zip 367 "Operation Blue Sunrise" - adventure game. Color.
bt2ram.lzh 8 ???
bubble.arc 32 You're a bubble, float around. Challenging. Color.
bugs.lzh 82 Millipede type game. Donationware. Good. Color Only.
cannon.lzh 35 Blow up your opponents castle. Mono only.
canbomb.arc 35 (Lame) canyon bomber
catchme.arc 13 Catch the moving alert box
cbd_demo.zoo 139 CyberDome demo: hoverjet simulator
cbsrc02.zip 73 CB Zone (Xwindows game) ST port source
cbzone02.zip 46 CB Zone (Xwindows game) Mono only, Battlezone lookalike
centauri.arc 175 Lee's Centurian game. Shoot 'em up style.
centped.lzh 93 Best Centipede Version ever! Better than Arcade version
chaos1.msa 399 Chaos game, 1 meg version, color only.
chaos2.msa 402 Chaos part II.
chaos1_2.arc 339 1/2 meg version of chaos. Color only.
cheat.arc 105 ???
cheats.ps.Z 87 Compressed PostScript file of game cheats
cheats.rtf.Z 53 Compressed RTF format file of game cheatS
cheats.zoo 53 ASCII text - Cheats for several games
chain.lzh 51 Yet another Tetris clone
chips.lzh 56 Demo of Chip's Challenge : classic puzzle game
clubdemo.lzh 99 Demo of dominoes game (multiple modes including modems)
col_drachen.arc 45 Color version of drachen, in english.
colony.lzh 33 Clone of M.U.L.E. Color.
columns.arc 30 Tetris like game, only better.
combat.zoo 124 ST version of old 2600 game. Color only
conquer.lzh 50 Conquer the world.
conquest.tos 138 World Conquest Game, color low res
cooltetrisV1.2.arc 71 Even coole than the one above.....
corewars.arc 27 Run your program against another. Fun. Mono.
crosspro.lzh 36 Crossword puzzle game.
csb.arc 64 Help for Chaos Strikes Back.
csb13.arc 72 More help.
csb15.arc 94 Even more help. (Is this game hard or what?)
csbchars.arc 6 Calvin & Hobbes and Bloom County characters for CSB/DM
csbmaps.arc 108 Maps for CSB.
cyber.lzh 99 Cybernetix, Awesome! defender ish sort of game
daleks.arc 19 Similar to unix robots game
dam.arc 69 Frustrating draughts game, completely in Dutch.
dandungn.lzh 88 "Dangimere Dungeon"
dangmer1.lzh 193 Role Playing game Low resolution (seems good) part 1
dangmer2.lzh 276 part 2 of above
darkperl.lzh 80 Intriguing game by Dave Munsie. Color. Vert. Scroller.
daythund.lzh 37 Playable demo for Days of Thunder
dclickme.arc 5 Click on the spot that appears.
defdemo.prg 136 Defender II demo
dinkum3a.zoo 83 Australian text adventure game
discodad.arc 41 Disco dad
dm_ed10.zip 29 Dungeon Master editor
dm_hints.zoo 56 Some more maps and hints for DM
dmdung2.arc 59 New dungeon for DM. Needs original games.
dmeditor.arc 11 Edit DM. Make it easy. Win cash prizes.
dmhelp.arc 7 Help for DM.
dml1to7.arc 37 Help for DM levels 1 to 7.
dml8to14.arc 35 Help for DM levels 8 to 14.
dmltnman.arc 18 Demolition man
dogfight.arc 46 Steve's really great game.
dogfight.zip 278 Demo of Micropose's new Dogfight!
downfall.zip 15 Pile snow on your opponent! Uses 2 joysticks.
drachen.arc 50 Find the otrher piece that can slide. Fun, mono.
dreissig.arc 51 A dice game from germany. mono only
droog.arc 37 A really lame arrow shooting game
drwho.lzh 117 Dr. Who plays berserk
dstar.arc 27 Death star text adventure game, for use with eamon
duckdash.zip 75 Danny duck defends against mutant lab animals
dungeon.zoo 219 Port of cdungeon
eamon_mt.arc 93 Eamon system, with beginner's cave
entombed.zip 53 Platform game - escape the Pyramid's traps!
escapade.lzh 158 Game demo. Puzzle w/ wierd background 'voices'.
esp.lzh 9 Test your intuition. Color. Scary.
espredit.lzh 88 Level editor for esprit.
evader.lzh 81 Shoot-em-up game
evasion.arc 108 Hunback style game, using STOS.
extensor.arc 84 Sorta like light cycles of TRON. My roomate like this.
flife101.zip 154 ST hi res version of LIFE
flipped.zoo 93 Flip the tile game for colour st/stes.
flipper.lzh 17 Othello clone. Color only
football.arc 29 Play the game of football. Hard to read. Color only.
frogger.lzh 58 Dave Munsie's version of classic. Excellent
fs.lzh 16 Flip side. Good othello clone. Color only
fuzzball.lzh 30 Qbert clone. Color only.
galaxian.lzh 160 Shareware Galaxian. The licensed version!!!!!
gemamigo.zip 138 GEM AmiGo - port of X11 Amiga Go program
gaunted.arc 64 Guantlet editor.
gems.arc 22 Similar to 8bit game of Diamonds
gemchess09.zip 303 Warwick's GEM Gnu chess, v.0.9
get_gems.lzh 55 Maze search puzzle, w/ editor and GFA sources
get_worm.lzh 53 Another maze search puzzle
getslide.lzh 54 Author says it's similar to get_worm only harder
gilgalad.lzh 64 Action adventure text game.
gmines.zoo 20 port of XMINES bomb field game
gncipher.arc 123 Guess the phrase by guessing letters. Fun.
gnu-m522.zoo 232 The latest port of moria v.5.22 compiled on gnu.
gnuchess.arc 131 Obviously, gnu chess.
gnugo.arc 19 Obviously, gnu go.
go_board.lzh 43 Another form of go.
go_up.lzh 61 Lode runner clone
gobang.arc 36 5 in a row version of go
grail.arc 96 Search for the holy grail. Kill the black night. Mono.
grav.arc 84 Similar to oids and thrust and other move and shoot.
grav2.arc 317 From the author of grav and chaos, comes grav2.
greed.arc 21 Lame, lame, lame. Eat squares. Die.
gthor_2.arc 103 Othello clone, hi res only.
hacman.arc 45 Pac man clone. Color only.
hacmn215.arc 307 Dave Bagget's phenomenal Hac Man II. ver 2.15 Color.
hangman.lzh 31 Med rez version of hangman with dictionaries
happywrm.lzh 25 Happy pacworm maze game
hardcore.zip 173 Demo of shoot-'em-up
haunted.arc 47 Demo of a bad game. Color.
hazzard.tos 203 Demo of new STOS based game. Like DM in space.
hector.lzh 187 Mutant Vampire Tomatoes from Hell
hero.arc 86 ???
hexmin12.zoo 44 Sweep the hexagonal mines, but only in color.
hiqgame.arc 19 Just like the board game. Really fun. Color.
hotshot.arc 43 Good checkers game. Mono.
ikbdptch.lzh 1 Patch keyboard on TOS 2.x and greater for some games.
inv_pain.zip 233 Space Invaders (great) Qix type game also in same file
invade.lzh 39 Good space invaders. Works on STe's unlike invaders.tos
invaders.lzh 10 Neat space invaders from Germany. Mono only
invaders.tos 53 Another version of Space Invaders. Hates TOS 2.06
insect.zip 129 Insectroid. Shareware Galaxa-type game.
ishar_sk.lzh 78 Ishar "survival kit". Hints and tips for play.
ishido.zoo 16 Game "ported" from Lynx title of same name
isola3.zip 129 2 player GEM tactical blocking game, any resolution
jasse31a.lzh 73 Dutch card game
kaboom.lzh 37 Excellent shareware version of old 2600 classic
keno.arc 63 The card game keno.
/Kids-games: A directory of games just for kids
1stmaths.lzh 64 Teaches addition/subtraction/counting
dot2dot.lzh 47 Join the dots and color in the picture
fiveyrs.zoo 83 Several games suitable for 5 year olds
fouryrs.zoo 66 Several games suitable for 4 year olds
kidmixup.zoo 55 From the KidPrgs series by D.A.Brumleve
kidpiano.zip 16 "
kidshape.zip 24 "
kidsong1.zoo 28 "
kv_fonic.zoo 106 (4-7 yrs) match words to pictures
kv_geo_1.lzh 77 (6-10 yrs) learn about our solar system
kv_house.zoo 80 (4-7 yrs) be a butterfly and wander around a house
kv_me1st.arc 108 (4-7 yrs) sequence pictures
magspell.lzh 107 Magic Spell
numbrs10.zip 175 Learning numbers game (DMA sound req. STe/TT/Falcon)
noah.zip 183 Load the ark by spelling the animal names
potato.zoo 24 Potato, the kid's game
trains.zip 74 Counting and adding with cute animation of trains
killtime.lzh 168 Interesting 5 part game
ko2_edit.arc 146 Kickoff team editor
kong.tos 147 Shareware clone of Donkey Kong by Dave Munsie (Good!)
krabat2.arc 31 The chess game krabat.
kubes.lzh 68 Interesting falling block game but like all others
landmine.lzh 17 Find-the-mines classic
larn12.arc 123 Adventure game, sorta like nethack, but easier.
larn12s.arc 237 Sources and executables for larn12
ldrdemo.tos 155 Leander demo by Psygnosis (1991). low res
lifev4.zoo 109 The fourth in a series of life generations from Jeroen.
Life_4-1.zip 216 Excellent version of Life. Many options.
lightv12.arc 321 Light cycles: shareware 1 or 2 player game
linecras.zip 46 A version of Lightcycles for up to eight players
litpuz2.zoo 106 Updated small puzzles. Low rez only. GFA sources below
litpz2gf.zoo 51 GFA sources for litpuz2.zoo
llamatrn.lzh 237 Outrageously excellent version of robotron,1 meg, color
lodeclon.arc 47 Lode runner clone, mono only.
m_stones.zip 39 Three games in one program, just try it.
macpan.lzh 30 Just like pacman, only different.
macrowar.zoo 96 Sorta like core wars and tank combined
madtris.zip 105 ??
manic.zip 249 Minesweeper clone, with music + samples
manix.lzh 112 Just like the arcade version, only different.
maps.zoo 253 Maps for several adventure games
mariant.zip 51 Game of Solitaire, preferred by Marie Antoinette...
mars.arc 59 Not a lunar lander, but a core wars program.
mastermd.lzh 14 Board game
maz.lzh 25 A good maze game.
mazewar.zip 68 An eight player game (can use up to 8 joysticks)
mcminos.lzh 490 McMinos. English/French/German. Shareware. ?
mdmz2doc.lzh 10 English docs for midimaze2 (midimaz2.lzh)
megamaze.arc 55 The famous Megamaze program.
megaroid.arc 38 Asteroids compiled with Megamax C. A must have. C/M.
memory.lzh 57 A concentration-type game. Mono, nice graphics.
midibatl.lzh 489 Cool Midi game (ST & STe versions included) (Solo also)
midimaz2.lzh 304 Many players use midi to play mazes.
minds_11.zip 90 Minesweeper clone, very well done, works in all res
mine2e.lzh 62 Similar to minesweeper from msw ent packages.
mineswep.lzh 23 Another mine sweeper game
minigolf.arc 42 Play putt putt on the st. mono,
minos.arc 5 Maze game in a desk acc
missle.arc 14 A bad version of missle command.
molecule.zip 37 A find the atoms in the 8x8 grid game. Colour only.
monolife.arc 6 A different version of life. Mono.
monopoly.arc 75 A great one player version of the famous board game. C.
monopool.lzh 14 Pool with sizx balls. Fun, mono only.
moria_54.zoo 195 A different compilation of moria 5.4
mosaic.arc 12 Randy's port of mosaic, a tile game from X
mst.lzh 23 Mastermind clone
multi.zip 790 MULTI-BRIQUES demo version 1.02
mystwell.zip 140 Fantasy adventure game - color
nh313gemd.zoo 858 Nethack, gem version. 3.1.3d
nh313txt.zoo 667 Nethack, text version. Requires 2 meg machine.
nhspoils.lzh 81 Help for nethack.
nibe.zip 62 Centipede clone
nitro.lzh 129 Playable demo of nitro. Ed says, "Purtty good."
no_limt8.zip 305 Shareware pinball game
nostram.zip 157 Gods type game (STOS) use STOS fix for TOS > 1.62
nova.lzh 36 Galaxian type game - color.
omega202.zoo 248 Duneon style game. Newer version.
oxyd.lzh 455 An esprit like game.
oxyd2.lzh 671 Sequel to oxyd. Mono only. Works on TT
oxydcolr.zip 706 Color version of oxyd, has some instructions.
orbit.lzh 59 Awesome breakout game (with screen editor)
p_worlds.zoo 1 Populous world listing from Mickey
pacmen.zip 121 PD Pacman with guns, up to 8 players (!)
panic.lzh 8 Shoot 'em up. No docs. Works in all resolutions.
patience.arc 73 Jusdt like the board game.
patience.lzh 53 German, several solitaire card games, now w/English docs
pengo.lzh 18 Just like the arcade. Color. Run the penguin around.
pentom.lzh 76 Pentominoes for the ST, puzzle fans, unite.
pinfo.zoo 266 plays InfoCom level 3 games
pipeline.lzh 12 Simple but fun game, works in all resolutions
pmj_eng2.zip 244 Mahjong for all Atari computers (including Falcon!)
predchet.arc 6 Cheat for predaadtor
prens.zip 96 Interesting puzzle/action game with good graphics.
primitiv.lzh 31 German logic game for 2-4 players. Mono.
psy_pig2.zip 389 PsychoPig 2; see docs concerning two-disk setup
pushover.lzh 321 Demo of Pushover, where you knock over dominoes, good.
puzzle.arc 11 ???
puzzle2.arc 120 Endless jigsaw puzzle. Shareware from TOMMYSOFT.
puzzler.arc 129 7 great desktop puzzles in one!
quest14.arc 17 ???
quix.arc 29 Similar to frenzy
rayoid.zip 80 Excellent Asteroids type game. Shareware.
reflecti.zoo 120 Hit objects by bouncing light beam off mirrors/prisms
rev_demo.lzh 13 Reversi cpx module
revenge.zoo 137 Revenge of the Mutant Camels (from the Llamatron folks)
reversi.arc 6 The classic game, DA. Color/Mono.
risk.arc 93 Mono version of the board game. Dutch.
risk_eng.lzh 79 English version of risk.arc
robotz.lzh 83 Berzerk like game, from someone obviously on ludes
robugs13.zoo 58 Brad's freeware make the bugs and watch 'em go game 1.3
rockball.arc 238 Futuristic sports game
roguefix.arc 6 Fix fo rogue???.
rubc.arc 124 Spin the cube on the st.
saddam.lzh 58 Shoot the man on the animal, cause controversy.
sb2cheat.lzh 8 Speedball II cheat program, excellent!!
sbreak.zoo 103 Great breakout/arkanoid clone.
seepee2.lzh 27 Worm game, like PC Catepillars.
sherlock.arc 27 A good who-done-it. Mono. German/English.
shfflbin.zoo 21 Shuffle game (takes picture and shuffles it. Put it bac
shfflsrc.zoo 16 Sources for above
shgatehp.zoo 9 Shadow gate help
shift3.lzh 134 Nat!'s mono shift game
shocker2.zip 481 Interesting mono only German game
sixteen.lzh 20 English sixteens puzzle
skates.lzh 220 Skate board game. Color. Fun. Big.
skulldig.lzh 59 ???
slaughtr.arc 59 Kill the kids in the schoolyard. Cause more controversy.
smashhit.lzh 127 Pretty good tennis games. Color only.
smashout.arc 20 Quite like breakout, only different
snake.lzh 73 Cybersnake - color only
sokoban.arc 28 ???
sokobang.lzh 33 Van snyder's version of sokoban.
sokobin.zoo 32 Binaries for Bob's port of sokoban
sokosrc.zoo 20 Sources for above
solitare.arc 17 Play solitare as a DA. Color/mono.
solution.zoo 322 Solutions to many adventure games
soma.lzh 8 Cube puzzle game
sorry.lzh 56 Just like the board game.
soshang.lzh 19 Another version of Hangman
spaceinv.lzh 12 Relive your youth. Play this game.
spacew41.arc 58 Another space war of sorts
spacewar.arc 37 Two player mono only. Fly around and blow up your friend
spacewar132.zip 59 Another shot at the classic computer game.
spacola.lzh 660 Mono. Travel through galaxy as a salesman.
sparrow.lzh 55 Some game without a good readme ???
spider2.zoo 42 Solitare card game. Not easy. Low rez only.
squaroff.zoo 71 Arcade/maze game for colour st/ste. Now PD.
staball.arc 113 Statistically accurate baseball
staccato.arc 111 Piano player. Quite nice. Wrong section.
stacdemo.arc 292 Graphics/text adventure system game
starball.zip 345 Pinball game, enhancd for Falcon
stbr215e.zip 50 The card game Bridge
stcheats.lzh 51 Large collection of how to cheat on games :)
stello11.lzh 356 Shareware othello program, works on ST/STE/TT/Falc/MTOS
stinvadr.arc 18 ST Invaders.
stonedlx.zoo 52 Similar to wanderer. Color only. W/GFA source
strabble.zoo 284 Play your ST or a friend in Warwick's scrabble. C/M.
stratage.lzh 663 Empire type stategy game, 2 players, color, > 1meg RAM
sttetris2.ar 22 Another version of tetris. Not bad.
swap_tls.lzh 65 Swap Tiles - strategy game
swar2000.zip 202 Combo of Space Wars, Xtank and Scorched Earth.
swtng132.lzh 58 Spaceware, the next generation, v1.32. Two player.
sundghlp.arc 12 Sun Dog help.
tads.lzh 155 Text ADventure System, make your own text games.
unnkul12.arc 206 Ver 1.2 of a game using tads by Dave. :).
uhz.arc 435 Unnkulia Zero, Unnkulia One-Half (ST/Falcon/TT)
uu1.arc 308 Unnkulian Underworld: The Unknown Universe (ST/Falc/TT)
uu2.arc 329 Unnkulian Unventure II: The Secret of Acme (ST/Falc/TT)
take2_bw.lzh 55 Similar to Mah jong, mono version
take2_col.lzh 65 Color version of above.
tanx.arc 30 Blow your opponent's tank t bits
taquin.zoo 56 Taquin's world - demo of shareware game
tbcheat.arc 6 Cheat file for time bandits
tectic.lzh 27 Monochrome version of a game similar to Tic Tac Toe
teserae.lzh 48 A tetris like game with animated background.
tess.arc 36 Bizzare text adventure game (tesseract)
tetris.arc 13 Ok version of tetris.
tetris.zip 5 Tetris Desk accessory
tetritis.lzh 27 German version of tetris. 10/91. Can't read the dox.
tetrix.arc 26 Unix version of tetris. Really bad.
thrug_r.lzh 105 Thurg 'n murg, sharware from MajiSoft.
timeband.lzh 4 Time Bandit Invincibility Program
towers_1.zip 373 Good "Tryware" RPG. Modem to Modem mode, limited demo.
towers_2.zip 473 Part 2 of Towers
towrptch.zip 55 Update Towers to 1.1
twrptch4.zip 56 Update Towers to 1.4
towr14d1.zip 375 Towers Version 1.4 Can link up to PC version over modem
towr14d2.zip 472 disk 2 of Towers 1.4
towpowpt1.zip 421 A game based upon Archon, color only
towpowpt2.zip 351 part 2 of above
towdata1.zip 693 optional data disk for above, with more samples, etc.
traffic.lzh 9 Drive your car through the city and get stuck at lights
traps12.zoo 22 A variant of the minesweeper game
treasure.lzh 40 Recover stolen treasire froum pirates. Low rez only
trek0404.zip 220 A really nice StarTrek game for the ST.
triyahoo.zip 147 Yahtzee clone. Works on any machine, any rez, etc.
trucker.lzh 21 Move goods w/o being arrested
trucker.zip 50 articulated lorry driving simulator, ST Low only
turrican.tos 113 Playable demo of turrican II
tuzzle.lzh 93 A puzze type game
ukmatch.lzh 177 Icon matching game
umoria.arc 280 Umoria, ported by Howard.
utopus15.zip 230 "Thrust" type game
uxhangmn.zoo 143 Hangman, off course.
video_g1.zip 52 Play 3 classic games at once with one joystick.
virtue.arc 74 Shoot the werfs, colour
vpoker.lzh 6 Lo Res poker
vsquared.lzh 27 Weltris for the ST. color only
wallball.arc 280 Vollyball with walls. 2 player, mono
walllst.arc 43 Buy, sell, options, bonds, etc.
wanderer.arc 216 Through the cave, get the diamonds. Col/mono
wargames.lzh 43 Pat's game of war
window.arc 16 Another breakout clone
winglord.lzh 157 Good shareware joust type game.
wizard.arc 57 Wizard of Wor
wordqst1.lzh 60 Word Quest, a shareware word puzzle game
worms.arc 38 Makes worms on your screen. D/A & prg.
wormwar.arc 13 Centipede clone
wq1puzl2.lzh 57 Puzzles for word quest, wordqst1.lzh.
wusel.lzh 26 German action game. Mono, with level editor
wyrdways.arc 605 Maze, Puzzle game, shareware
x_peg1.tos 19 Self extracting space shoot'em up. Disk #1.
x_peg2.tos 20 Self extracting space shoot'em up. Disk #2.
x_worm.tos 130 Self extracting worm battle game
yahtzee2.arc 15 Play a bad version of yahtzee and win. Color only.
zmachine.zoo 53 InfoCom game player
Files marked "(d)" are files I think should be deleted.
Files marked "(m)" should probably be moved somewhere else.
881/ 2 (d) Michael Ritzert's 68881 coprocessor math lib for GCC
I'm pretty sure all of this code has been merged into
the Portable Math Library -- hyc
aa.gnu.881 4 description file
contents 1 contents file
lib5.zoo 23 Object library, patchlevel 5
src6.zoo 67 library source, patchlevel 6
Bash/ 2 Bourne Again SHell for TOS, somewhat /bin/sh compatible
Bash-108/ 2 Bash 1.08
108src-d2.zoo 99 diffs and support code for TOS bash
aa.gnu.bash 5 description file
bash-108.zoo 1695 Full source and binary for TOS bash
contents 19 contents file
Bash-110/ 2 Bash 1.10
Mintversion/ 2 Bash 1.10 for MiNT
aa.gnu.bash.minversion 1 description file
bash110b.zoo 118 MiNT-Bash binary, you'll need the source for supp files
bash110s.zoo 457 MiNT-Bash source code
contents 14 contents file
glob.zoo 9 Wildcard globbing library for compiling Bash
readline.zoo 216 Terminal input routine library for compiling Bash
Unixmodeversion/ 2 Bash with UNIXMODE support
110bin-d3.zoo 226 Binary and docs
110src-d3.zoo 63 Patches relative to prep distribution
aa.gnu.bash.unixmode 3 description file
contents 1 contents file
Bash-1135/ 2 Bash 1.13.5
bash1135.zoo 168 Bourne Again Shell,v 1.13.5
bash1135.zoo.contents 288 Filenames found in archive
Bison/ 2 GNU's version of the yacc grammar compiler
aa.gnu.bison 1 description file
bisn119b.zoo 67 Bison 1.19 binaries
bisn119s.zoo 327 Bison 1.19, atari-patched source
bison1-14.zoo 156 (d) Source code for bison 1.14
bison1-18.zoo 4 (d) Diffs for bison 1.18
bison1-19.zoo 4 Diffs for bison 1.19
byacc.zoo 61 (m) Berkeley public domain yacc(1) clone
contents 5 contents file
Curses/ 2 Terminal-independent screen I/O package for GCC
aa.gnu.curses 6 description file
contents 8 contents file
crsolb12.zoo 58 (d) Compiled libraries
crssrc12.zoo 264 (d) Source code for Curses, Termcap, and Widget libs
crsolb16.zoo 115 Compiled Curses, Termcap, Widget libs
crssrc16.zoo 257 Source code for Curses, Termcap, and Widget libs
widgetdoc.zoo 28 documentation for the Widget library found in crs*.zoo
Diff/ 2 Produces the difference between two files
aa.gnu.diff 2 description file
contents 2 contents file
diff-1.15.zoo 121 (d) old version
diff-1.5.zoo 181 diff 1.5 source and binaries
diff20b.zoo 94 diff 2.0 binaries and diffs relative to orig 2.0 dist
Doc/ 2 Frank Ridderbusch's reference cards for GCC
aa.gnu.doc 1 description file
contents 2 contents file
gcc-doc-dvi.zoo 105 Ref cards (DVI output)
gcc-doc-tex.zoo 141 Ref cards (TeX source)
gcc.brief 69 Out-of-date man page for GCC
txnf214b.zoo 79 Texinfo - programs to format GNU docs w/o TeX
Emacs/ 2 GNU Emacs text editor
Emacs18.55/ 2 Emacs 18.55
aa.gnu.emacs1855 5 description file
contents 16 contents file
jrb_emacs_src/ 2 GNU Emacs 18.55, J. Bammi's port
++jrb_emacs_src.zo1 644 Emacs 18.55 source code in 3 parts...
++jrb_emacs_src.zo2 657 "cat" these 3 files together before unzooing
++jrb_emacs_src.zo3 83 use a binary cat, gulam's is text only!
temacs.lzh 140 undumped emacs binary ???
xemacs.lzh 244 dumped emacs binary ???
Emacs18.57/ 2 Emacs 18.57
1857bin-d2.zoo 589 binaries and elisp files
1857src-d2.zoo 438 source code; elisp files not included
aa.gnu.emacs1857 3 description file
contents 13 contents file
Flex/ 2 clone of lex(1) lexical analyser generator
aa.gnu.flex 2 description file
contents 1 contents file
flexb237.zoo 69 Flex binary, lib, and source diffs
flexs237.zoo 159 Flex source (fully patched already)
Futils/ 2 GNU Fileutils
Futils-2.0/ 2 Fileutils 2.0, port by scott@sparc1.stevens-tech.edu
fu2-bin.zoo 563 Fileutils 2.0 binaries
fu2-diff.zoo 11 Fileutils 2.0 diffs and instructions
Futils-jgj/ 2 Jackson's port of GNU file, misc, shell, and text utils
Bin/ 2 Jeff Jackson's GNU utilities, binaries
misc1b.zoo 489 Jeff's miscutils
shell13b.zoo 295 Jeff's shellutils
text11b.zoo 500 Jeff's textutils
Man/ 2 Jeff's man pages for the utilities
manpages.zoo 139 Jeff's man pages for the utilities
readme.zoo 21 Jeff's readme for the utilities
Src/ 2 Jeff Jackson's GNU utilities, sources
file31s.zoo 243 Jeff's fileutils
misc1s.zoo 539 Jeff's miscutils
shell13s.zoo 191 Jeff's shellutils
text11s.zoo 274 Jeff's textutils
Utils/ 2 Jeff's version of the mint utilities
mint.zoo 94 Jeff's version of the mint utilities
readme 7 Readme for Jeff's GNU utils package
G++/ 2 GNU C++ libs/includes
Abaddon_g++/ 2 ???
aa.gnu.abaddong++ 2 description file
contents 4 contents file
gxxbin.zoo 558 ???
gxxinc.zoo 124 ???
gxxlib.zoo 169 ???
g++233b.zoo 504 g++ code generator, v 2.3.3. Needs gcc233b.zoo.
gpincl15.zoo 94 g++ include files
gpincl17.zoo 102 g++ include files for libg++ 2.3
gpincl20.zoo 102 g++ include files for patchlevel 20 libraries
gplibd15.zoo 4 docs for g++ iostream lib in texinfo format
gplibdoc.zoo 232 docs for libg++ in .DVI and PostScript format
gplibo15.zoo 133 g++ compiled .olb libraries
gplibs15.zoo 197 source code for g++ libs
gplibo17.zoo 317 g++ compiled .olb libraries and include files
gplibs17.zoo 209 source code for libg++
gplibo20.zoo 142 g++ compiled .olb libraries and include files
gplibs20.zoo 202 source code for libg++
tests09.zoo 32 source for tests for g++ libs
Gas/ 2 GNU assembler
aa.gnu.gas 2 description file
contents 6 contents file
gas-1.38-bin.zoo 80 (d) GNU assembler 1.38 (pl0?) binaries
gas-1.38-src.zoo 368 (d) GNU assembler 1.38 (pl0?) sources
gasbin02.zoo 84 (d) GNU assembler 1.38 pl2 binaries
gassrc02.zoo 568 (d) GNU assembler 1.38 pl2 sources
gasbin04.zoo 62 GNU assembler 1.38 pl4 binaries
gassrc04.zoo 531 GNU assembler 1.38 pl4 sources
Gawk/ 2 clone of awk(1) file processing language
aa.gnu.gawk 3 description file
cawf2st.zoo 138 nroff-like text formatter written in awk
contents 16 contents file
gawk213b.zoo 172 gawk binaries, man page, and test files
gawk213s.zoo 267 gawk source code
gawk2-15-5b.zoo 105 More gawk, with bus-error fix
Gcc/ 2 GNU C compiler
gcc258b.zoo 1207 GCC 2.5.8 binaries
gcc258s.zoo 55 GCC 2.5.8 source diffs
gccdoc.lzh 321 Frank's documentation for gcc
gccman.zoo 31 man page for gcc/g++ 2.0
Gcctest/ 2 GCC test programs
tests03.zoo 50 (d) GCC library confidence test source code
tests05.zoo 37 GCC library test source code, patchlevel 5
Gdb/ 2 GNU debugger
aa.gnu.gdb 2 description file
contents 5 contents file
gdb_18b.zoo 187 gdb binaries
gdb_18s.zoo 453 gdb source
Gemlib/ 2 GEM libs for GCC
aa.gnu.gemlib 1 description file
contents 7 contents file
gemlib27.zoo 173 GEM libraries for GCC, source, patchlevel 27
gemolb27.zoo 33 GEM libraries for GCC, compiled, patchlevel 27
gmlibo23.zoo 48 (d) GEM libraries for GCC, compiled .olb
gmlibs23.zoo 230 (d) GEM libraries for GCC, source code
gmlibo30.zoo 33 GEM libraries for GCC, compiled, patchlevel 30
gmlibs30.zoo 67 GEM libraries for GCC, source, patchlevel 30
Ghostscript/ Postscript(tm) graphics language interpreter
0readme 1 Readme file explaining some things about gs
gemgs13.zoo 64 GEM front-end for ghostscript
gs261b.zoo 383 Ghostscript binaries
gs261s.zoo 77 Ghostscipt source code
ps_picts.zoo 427 Postscript(tm) files for use with Ghostscript
Gnulib/ 2 Libraries for GCC
aa.gnu.gnulib 1 description file
contents 15 contents file
libolb98.zoo 152 GCC libs, compiled, needs Include/incl98.zoo
libsrc98.zoo 358 GCC libs, source code, needs Include/incl98.zoo
Gnumake/ 2 Program maintenance tool
aa.gnu.gnumake 1 description file
contents 5 contents file
gmake362.zoo 86 binary for GNU make 3.6.2, supports 8.3 filenames only
gnumake.zoo 87 (d) GNU make 3.58 diffs and binary
gulmake.zoo 16 (d) Stuff to build GCC 1.37 under TOS and Gulam
make-3.60.zoo 393 GNU make 3.60 source and binary
pdmake.zoo 30 (m) source for public domain Make, ST port by Bammi
Gnutar/ 2 "tape" archiver for .tar files
aa.gnu.gnutar 2 description file
contents 1 contents file
gtarbin.zoo 73 GNU tar binaries
gtarsrc.zoo 172 GNU tar source code
Gprof/ 2 profiling tools for GCC
gpfbin07.zoo 102 ???
gpfsrc07.zoo 104 ???
gpfbin09.zoo 45 Binaries for gprof, patchlevel 9
gpfsrc09.zoo 72 Source code for gprof, patchlevel 9
Grep/ 2 Scan files for regular expressions
aa.gnu.grep 4 description file
contents 2 contents file
grep.lzh 79 GNU grep source code
Include/ 2 Include files for GCC
aa.gnu.include 1 description file
contents 6 contents file
incl98.zoo 120 Include files for GCC, patchlevel 98
tccompat.zoo 1 Include files for Turbo/Pure C compatibility
Othergnu/ 2 ???
atari-groff.zoo 13 Nroff GNU-clone
bc102b.zoo 68 bc - arbitrary precision arithmetic language/calc
bc102s.zoo 18 sources for the above
contents 9 contents file
flip.zoo 48 Converts lfs to lf/crs for you!
gdbm15.zoo 96 Database library - standard subroutines
gmp.zoo 3 Diffs for GNU Multi-Precision Math Library
gnu-m522.zoo 227 Gnu Moria 5.22
gnuchess.zoo 119 Chess game
gnugo.arc 18 Go game
gnuplot.zoo 280 Very popular plotting program for scientific data
gnuplt_x.zoo 256 ???
gp2ST.zoo 19 ???
gzip107st.zoo 82 Gnu Zip 1.07 for the st and ste
gzip107tt.zoo 81 Optimized to run on tt and falcon
indent-1.5.zoo 173 Pretty printer for C sources - very flexible
ispell.zoo 234 Good spell checking program - best works with emacs
joveexe.zoo 70 Jove editor - emacs like
less-1.77.zoo 190 Just like more - a file display program
ms.zoo 25 Source and executable for tiny command shell
perl4035.zoo 4 Diffs for Perl 4.035
rcs5_6.zoo 4 Config file for RCS 5.6
scm4b2.zoo 4 Diffs for scm 4b2 Portable Scheme Interpreter
termcap-1.0.zoo 103 Terminal independent display routines lib
texinfo31.zoo 490 TeXInfo documentation system.
Patch/ 2 Updates source distributions from "context diffs"
aa.gnu.patch 4 description file
contents 2 contents file
patch.zoo 86 (d) patch source and binary
patch12u8.zoo 110 patch 2.0-12u8 Unix source, ST diffs, and ST binary
Pmathlib/ 2 Portable Math Library for GCC
aa.gnu.pmathlib 7 description file
contents 1 contents file
pmlolb18.zoo 29 PML compiled library
pmlsrc18.zoo 188 PML source code
pmlolb21.zoo 27 PML compiled library
pmlsrc21.zoo 137 PML source code, patchlevel 21
pmlsrc23.zoo 135 PML source code, patchlevel 23
Progutils/ 2 ???
contents 26 contents file
dri2gnu.lzh 27 Converts Alcyon-format object files to GCC format
gperf.zoo 192 Perfect hash library from GNU
iostream.zoo 87 C++ library - one of the basic ones
mkptypes.zoo 15 Create automatically ANSI prototypes for K&R programs
proff.zoo 69 A formatter from the roff family.
stdwin.zoo 341 ???
szadb1_4.zoo 150 (m) Debugger for Sozobon C
Rtx/ 2 (m) GCC bindings for Micro RTX kernel
grtx.zoo 16 GCC bindings for Micro RTX, patchlevel 1
update0.diff 5 (m) updates RTX Patchlevel 1 to Patchlevel 2
Smalltalk/ 2 ???
aa.gnu.smalltalk 6 description file
contents 11 contents file
smalltalk1-1.zoo 544 ???
Updates/ 2 J. Bammi's Gnustuff updates
contents 3 contents file
update14.zoo 222 ??? various diffs, XBRA docs
update15.zoo 179 ??? various, merged pml and 881 libs
update16.zoo 119 ??? First support for GCC 2.0
update17.zoo 20 ??? various
update18.zoo 312 ??? libg++ 2.0, Patch 2.0 12u6
update19.zoo 100 ??? GCC 2.1, gperf 2.5
update20.zoo 68 ??? Curses, GAS 68040, GDB 2.6 pl 18
update21.zoo 126 ??? Merge TOS and MiNT includes, bison 1.18
update22.zoo 70 ??? GCC 2.2.1, libg++ 2.1
update23.zoo 36 ??? GCC 2.2.2, libg++ 2.2, include & lib 82
update24.zoo 50 ??? widget lib, idents
update25.zoo 106 ??? Bison 1.19, baserel for GCC, GAS fix
update26.zoo 109 ??? GCC 2.3.1
update27.zoo 134 ??? GCC 2.3.3, libg++ 2.3
update28.zoo 90 ??? Falcon gemlib, etc.
update29.zoo 119 ???
update30.zoo 111 ???
update31.zoo 33 ???
update32.zoo 93 ???
update33.zoo 93 ???
update34.zoo 5 ???
update35.zoo 67 ???
update36.zoo 579 ???
update37.zoo 29 ???
update38.zoo 5 ???
update39.zoo 2 ???
update40.zoo 22 ???
Util/ 2 GCC-related utilities (ld, sym-ld, ar, nm, fixstk, ...)
aa.gnu.util 4 description file
utlbin36.zoo 264 GCC-utils pl36, binaries
utlsrc36.zoo 164 GCC-utils pl36, source
utlsrc37.zoo 164 GCC-utils pl37, source
[Note: all cyber .seq files can be viewed with animate.lzh]
0index ?? This index you love so much.....
3d_512.lzh 207 animated Spectrum demo. Needs anispec to run
3dbin.arc 49 Demo of rotating 3d perspective objects
50hzboot.prg 1 Sets monintor to 50hz. Needed for some demos, etc.
89a_87a.lzh 15 Converts GIF 89a to 87a format
aim2_51.arc 217 2d signal processing software for pictures
aim_3_1.zip 239 AIM software, version 3.1
aim_xtra.arc 171 Utilities for use with aim
andro.lzh 20 Andromeda, a German monochome paint program
animate.lzh 17 Tom Hudson's cyber .seq displayer
animatic.arc 99 Demo of the Animatic Animation System
anispec.lzh 3 Viewer for animated spectrum sps sequences from unispec
anist.arc 148 Aegis animator, now as shareware
apfelman.arc 24 They tell me this is a fractal generator
argh_anim.zip 462 Good animation plus player.
artgalry.arc 6 Desk accessory pic displayer (Degas, Tiny, Neochrome)
artpak.tos 175 Many nice little programs to convert pic formats
artprint.lzh 13 Prints your clipart collection into a catalog
artst232.lzh 58 ST drawing/painting program
ascdraw.lzh 64 an ascii/PC-ansi character drawing program
ascgif.zip 31 Converts .GIF files to Ascii art
asprite.arc 34 Sprite designer for hardware sprites (ie mouse)
ataripic.lzh 58 Degas pics of the new atari computers
avsplayr.lzh 15 Plays avs animation sequences.
beztwist.arc 9 Very good animation demo of bezier curves. All res.
bgif.arc 21 Converts Gifs to Spectrum or Degas format
bigcolor.lzh 16 Color monoitor emulator
bitcamra.lzh 84 Enlarge/reduce/convert 2/4/16/256/TC graphics
bitmap.arc 30 Convert text to medium rez graphics
blit.arc 20 Manual for blitter chip
brodie.arc 25 Picture of Bob Brodie; why, I'm not sure.
bugs.lzh 49 Bugs Bunny avs demo
c3d2raw.zoo 20 Converts CAD-3D files to .RAW
c_burst2.arc 40 Color burst 2.
canvasdm.lzh 128 Demo of canvas from EA. Quite powerful.
cat.lzh 327 Caterpillar tractor avs demo
cb_paint.lzh 27 Paint program demo
ccolord.lzh 35 Lexicor Cyber Color demo. Color 3D2 objects.
ckartdoc.zoo 38 English docs for crack art.
col_spce.zoo 96 Colour-space, light synthesizer
colawars.lzh 396 AVS sound/animation demo
graphics/Cyber_seq: Cyber sequnces
angel.lzh 115 A rotating spaceship cyber
backflip.lzh 250 Skeleton doing a backflip
balldemo.lzh 263 ???
car.lzh 232 Solid model racing car
catnap.lzh 278 ???
chasers.lzh 61 animation of two birds chasing each other
circles.lzh 225 ???
deja_vu.lzh 309 ???
dinohel.lzh 264 Dinosaur and helicopter
froggie.lzh 156 ???
golf.lzh 203 A golfing tragedy
gunship.lzh 228 View from a cockpit
insects.lzh 178 A couple of bees flying around
klingone.zoo 207 Klingon ship being blown up. 1 meg.
lamp.lzh 65 A luxo lamp a la Bixlar
manta_2.lzh 155 Demo of a swimming manta ray, Nate says "Awesome"
pt7_step.lzh 120 ???
scanned.lzh 46 Series of scanned images to create animation
starwar.lzh 223 X wing destroying deathstar
tecdelit.lzh 62 ???
unicycle.lzh 102 ???
vidibat.lzh 503 Vidi digitized images from bat man
visitor.lzh 138 ???
crackart.lzh 293 Wolfgang calls it "the ultimate drawing program"
cyber.zip 660 Excellent .seq files!
dcshowit.arc 7 Replacement desktop document show option. Displays pics.
degadesk.arc 23 Replaces desktop 'gray' with degas picture.
degas2ps.arc 65 Degas to post script converter.
degasnap.arc 1 Takes snapshots of screen for use with degas
degasnap.lzh 1 Similar to degasnap.arc, but has doc file.
depict.arc 14 Degas to MacPaint converter
deskpic2.lzh 12 Display Spectrum pics at boot (used with Desk Manager)
deskpic5.tos 86 Display .GIF pics as desktop backdrop
deskvid.lzh 260 A Spectrum animation demo
digitzd1.arc 92 Gray scale digitized degas pictures. Some are funny
digitzd2.arc 51 More of the same
dlxpaint.lzh 157 Deluxe paint program
dmjgif3.lzh 195 Converts gifs to spectrums. Version 3.0
double.lzh 3 Doubles the screen size
dtpaint.lzh 73 Mono paint acc.
easelst.arc 56 Demo of EaselST, puts pic on desktop
elmrsesn.zoo 26 Great background of Elmer Fudd (good for kids)
graphics/Elwell: A collection graphics work by R. Elwell
readme 1 Readme explaining the whole directory
alienseq.lzh 65 IadaAlien sequence
crx19.3d2 7 Honda crx 3d picture
crxseq.lzh 34 Honda crx sequence
ecomobc1.3d2 9 Eco modile
elan.3d2 3 Lotus Elan
elwell2.zip 72 GIFs created using Cybersculpt and CAD3D2, Xenomorf
f16falc.3d2 4 F16 Falcon
f1_04c.3d2 13 Ferrari Formula One
fw14.3d2 16 William's formula one car
fw14seq.lzh 36 William's formula one sequence
fwxjrseq.lzh 40 Williams and the jaguar
helicopt.3d2 16 Apache helicopter 3d
heliseq.lzh 22 Apache helicopter sequence
lotus7.3d2 47 Lotus Super 7
spun.3d2 3 Motorbike with wrapped around fairling
xjr14.3d2 10 Jaguar racing car
xjr14seq.lzh 16 Jaguar racing car
epsxcvg.lzh 45 Converts EPS and AI --> CVG and CVG --> EPS
escher.arc 21 Drawing program ala the Escher perspective
esp01.lzh 74 Yet another raw file or use with photochrome
ezgem.arc 13 Converts Uniterm .GEM files to EasyDraw .GEM files
face.lzh 72 Animate a face. (Mono)
fantasia.zoo 37 Light Fanatasia
fastgif.lzh 16 Gif viewer, nice and fast. Low and Med rez only.
fishes.lzh 6 Itty bitty scampering fish simulation. Nice in mono
flmplayer.zip 21 Good player for FLM's and DLT's
flutteranim.zip 55 Cool animation with included player.
fly_ex.lzh 56 Swat the flys as they land on the desktop.
fractint.arc 207 A fractal generator, no doubt (with dozens of fractals).
fracland.zip 64 Fractal landscape generator.
fracjrn2.lzh 136 Fractal Journey into OuterSpace w/ zoom controls.
fractals.tos 284 Yet another fractal generator.
gvw_inst.app 27 The install program. Can use with just gemview.pax
gvw_lies.txt 16 German readme
gvw_pic0.pax 80 Sample pictures for Gemview (use install.app)
gvw_read.txt 13 English readme
gvw_v303.pax 337 GemView v3.03 (requires GVW_INST.APP...)
new_gemv.zip 67 GemView suport files for STraight Fax & CyberCube
gif2raw.lzh 17 Converts .GIF -> .RAW for use with PhotoChrome
giffer.arc 32 Another gif viewer no doubt.
gifshw2.arc 26 I'd bet this is another gif viewer.
gifspc.arc 28 Gif => spectrum converter
giftxt.arc 14 Text description of a gif file
grabber2.lzh 2 Grabs current screen to a file
graphiti.lzh 24 Graphiti your screen....
grogcolr.lzh 124 Outline Art contest winner. Needs Outline Art 3 demo.
guck18.zip 62 Guck: the ultimate displayer; files, pics, metafiles...
hp2xx.zoo 42 Converts HPGL to other formats.
hpcd051b.zoo 34 Converts Kodak Photo CD images to PPM files
hpchrome.lzh 31 Prints degas & neo files on'colour' hp deskjet
icone.arc 15 Edit the gem desktop icons
iff2ximg.lzh 24 Converts Amiga .IFF pics to GEM XIMG color format
iffspc.arc 16 Iff => spectrum and back again.
img2hplj.lzh 29 Prints gem imag files on HP laserjet
img2view.lzh 29 Demo of .img viewer
invdemo3.lzh 378 Demo of Invision Elite, mono graphics application
jp_art.arc 41 Makes nice little patterns on the screen.
jpegv3.zip 73 Jpeg, v3.0, binaries only.
jpeg4a.zoo 64 gif2jpg and jpg2gif conversion programs.
jpeg4bin.zip 62 Jpeg, v4.0, binaries with nroffed manual.
kand170.zip 574 .GEM vector graphics editor
kraftw.zoo 146 Power plant simulation. In german. Mono only.
kwickpic.arc 7 ACC to display Neochrome and Degas pics
lowmorph1.zip 472 Cool morphing animation with player.
lowmorph2.zip 134 More morphing with player. lowmorph1.zip is better..
machgun.lzh 6 Riddles your screen with machine gun bullets.
mandlbx1.arc 31 C source for a Mandelbrot fractal generator
mandltoy.arc 23 Hi speed, low res, mandelbrot generator (sources)
manyboin.arc 4 Many boink demo. lots of balls bouncing around screen
mdl10.zoo 57 Animates .DL files
megabit2.arc 25 Color version of megablit.arc
megablit.arc 19 A drawing program that's capaable of beyond 640*400
mgif42b.zoo 76 Monochrome .GIF viewer/utility
million.lzh 12 Million dot pictures
minidraf.lzh 100 Interesting CAD like drawing program.
molecule.arc 32 3d molecule viewer. Not very good. But neat.
morpher.zip 192 Demo of Lexicor's Metamorphosis 24-bit morphing package
morph882.zip 184 Metamorphosis demo, for systems with math-co.
movie100.zip 335 Plays .FLI/.FLC files
ms074.lzh 179 Molecular viewing software.
multsync.lzh 24 Usenet articles about STs and multisync moniters
mvice.lzh 622 Miam vice avs demo (good music)
mydrw110.lzh 128 Shareware vector package, German.
nagel.lzh 109 Spectrum pics of Nagel's ladies
nrps.arc 17 Neochrome Random Picture Selector for your AUTO folder
pbm-bin.zoo 532 Portable bitmap binaries
pbm-man.zoo 45 " " man pages
pbm-readme 3 The file that explains it all
pgm-bin.zoo 332 Portable grey map binaries
pnm-bin.zoo 718 Portable any map utilities for any portable map
ppm-bin.zoo 558 Portable pixel map for color pictures
ol3_demo.lzh 167 Outline Art 3 - demo version
pchrome3.lzh 45 New version of Photochrome
pchrome4.zip 42 Latest Photochrome, good.
pearl.arc 72 Create animated Raytrace sequences (given enough time)
phoenix2demo.zip 261 Demo of Lexicor's Phoenix 2
phoenix2-030.zip 245 Falcon/TT version of Lexicor's Phoenix 2
photchrm.lzh 31 Photochrome: picture converter/displayer/etc.
pic_pack.lzh 360 Picture packer
picfmts.doc 30 Dave Bagget's pic format docs.
picload.arc 18 Searches dir and loads all pics (Neo, Degas, etc)
picsw7.arc 37 converts many different pic types to st formats
picsw101.lzh 83 Newer version of PicSwitch. Does NOT convert as much
as previous version, so don't lose your copy of picsw7!
pixproII.arc 10 Picture pro II
polyfilm.zip 291 Polygon Film Creation Program. Demo version.
ppclip01.arc 14 Clip art for Publishing partner
ppclip02.arc 12 Same
ppclip03.arc 62 same
ppclip04.arc 69 same
ppclip05.arc 27 Same
ppclip06.arc 31 same
ppmtoraw.lzh 13 Converts from ppm to raw format (see pbm and photchrm)
ppviewer.lzh 13 Viewer for pp c lip art
prismdem.zip 260 Demo of Lexicor's Prism Paint II (ARTIS ANIMATOR)
qrt.lzh 146 Quick ray tracer, I think.
quickgif.lzh 9 Quick giffer. Shows gifs quickly.
raisins.lzh 432 California raisins demo
rawfiles.zip 258 .raw 24-bit raytraced pictures
raymovi2.arc 32 C source to generate 3D scenes
raystart_demo.zip 150 Demo of Lexicor's fast new raytracer for all STs.
raytrace.arc 192 Ray traced pictures
raytutor.zip 10 RayStart demo tutor from Lexicor
rend5120.lzh 96 3d-rendering of objects. Needs frmdo12d.lzh
rsflip11.arc 42 A flip-book animator
rshade30.zoo 172 Ray shade 3.0: Ray trace program
sam_fox.lzh 481 An/Ra Cool's Samantha Fox audiovisual demo.
scan.lzh 14 Various utilities for Hand Scanners
shinybub.lzh 147 Xanth Parks Shiny Bubbles demo from ST-Log
siren3.arc 16 Little car runs across your screen. Loveit.
smeister.arc 60 Demo of the Stitchmeister cross-stitch design prg.
snap.lzh 3 Takes a snapshot of the screen (Degas)
snapshot.larc 2 Take a snapshot of your screen and save it as a pic.
spc3kv17.arc 21 Spectrum viewer with fix for timing problems
spcmovie.zip 420 Good spectrum movies and player.
spcshow.lzh 2 Show spectrum pics at 50/60 Hz.
specpics.arc 722 Spectrum pics, soon to be moved to spcpics.
specshow.arc 6 Spectrum show.
spicln_e.lzh 228 SPICELINE 1.3 demo - graphics postprocessor for Spice
spiro_gr.zoo 11 Spiro graph
spirocol.arc 17 A Spirograph simulator! Color.
spoflt26.lzh 52 Speed of Light Gif Viewer
spoflt31.zip 289 Speed of Light Gif/JPEG viewer 3.1, Shareware
spritest.arc 22 Sprite test
sprity.lzh 33 German sprite editor. Mono. Generates GFA 3.x source.
spslidex.arc 6 Spectrum slide show.
spurtdem.lzh 10 Spectrum uncompress ray trace demo
spx_v18.lzh 7 View extended Spectrum pictures
st_splin.lzh 9 Cool multiple spline graphics show.
squeezim.zoo 7 Squeezes .img files
stadconv.lzh 44 Decodes packed STAD-pics and encodes 32k-pics
starwars.lzh 205 Star Wars AVS animation
st_cad.arc 22 Very bad st cad program.
stitch_x.lzh 41 Creates and prints stitch patterns in Degas
strngart.arc 21 String Art displays random vector designs.
studphot.zip 255 Demo of color image manipulator
suprpoly.lzh 24 "turns your Atari into a $1000 lava-lamp." Colorful.
switchf.arc 25 TOS based font loader. C source + exec.
tabplot.arc 35 Number tables into x-y plots. GFA source + exec.
tbxcad.lzh 165 Demo version of tbxCAD, a nice looking 2-D CAD program.
tlcshow3.lzh 9 Spectrum picture viewer.
tp_demo.zip 397 Very limited True Paint Demo
tt_mandl.zoo 34 Mandelbrot set generator
tuxntail.zoo 22 Daffy and Bugs background screen
tv_title.lzh 77 TV video tape titler
vceldemo.arc 164 Demo of vcel program.
vctrdemo.prg 55 ST port of Amiga Red Sector demo, fun.
viewgf12.lzh 70 image viewer (many formats, including gifs) good.
viewit2.arc 17 View PrintMaster graphic libraries.
viewsttt.lzh 23 Views gifs, imgs, etc. and lets you resize at will
walls.lzh 150 Animated spectrum demo. Needs anispec.
watch_it.zip 18 Pic viewer for all versions of TOS
xmas_avs.lzh 450 Chirtmas AVS scene. Needs avsplyr.
xpmconv.lzh 16 Converts X PixMap to NEOchrome and vice versa
zoom.zoo 17 Zooms in on pixels. DA.
zplotter.arc 38 Plots 3D equations.
Info: (A directory of how-to's, guides, etc.)
aa_faq.txt - How to ftp at 3am w/o you being there
guideto.ftp - A beginner's guide to ft
csastfaq.zoo - Welcome to Comp.sys.atari.st FAQ
tcpip.faq - The SLIP protocol, courtesy dackerma@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
gemcdrom.lzh - info on the competition :-)
gemcdrom.txt - ditto
avpfin.jpg 292 JPG of digitised AvP pics from various mags
tempst01.lzh 58 GIF/JPG pics from "Tempest 2000"
tempst02.lzh 30 "
tempst04.lzh 30 "
tempst05.lzh 24 "
tempst06.lzh 21 "
tempst08.lzh 47 "
tempst09.lzh 44 "
tempst10.lzh 23 "
tempst12.lzh 49 "
tempst13.lzh 28 "
0index ?? The damn thing you're reading right now
a68.arc 26 68000 assembler (old)
abcst.arc 217 The complete abc language for the st.
ana_m2_1.arc 108 ANA Modula2 compiler part1
ana_m2_2.arc 144 ANA Modula2 compiler part2
ana_m2_3.arc 73 ANA Modula2 compiler part3
ana_m2_4.arc 157 ANA Modula2 compiler part4
ana_m2_5.arc 69 The emacs editor for the above 4 files.
apl68000.arc 95 Apl for the st.
aplws.arc 78 Apl stuff for apl68000 ???
asxbin.zoo 346 ASxxxx assembler.
asxsrc.arc 145 Sources for the above (yes, it is arc'd)
bcf.lzh 189 A fortran release for the st.
c68_443b.lzh 173 Port of c386/68 v4.4 ANSI C compiler to TOS
clisp-c.zoo 1118 C-LISP, C version. Not as fast as assemb. version.
clisp-e.arc 350 C-Lisp in English, assembly language version.
clisp.zoo 394 C-Lisp port for the st. With examples and minor docs
clispdoc.zoo 3 Introductory text to Clisp.
dl_exsrc.zoo 15 Some of dLibs' utility routines, ported to the MiNTlibs
dl_extra.zoo 7 Source code for dl_extra.zoo
dumpaout.lzh 10 Displays contents of a GNU a.out object module
elan1v5.arc 226 Elan language. Good for learning to program
elisp.zoo 108 Lisp for the st.
tasm1_7.lzh 262 English verson of Turbo Assembler.
f2c.zoo 245 Translates fortran code to C code
f68k.zoo 256 Forth package for the ST from J"org.
f77.lzh 15 Front end to bcf.lzh.
firstbas.lzh 22 Remember learning basic in 6th grade? Relive it now...
fixes.arc 16 ???
fools.lzh 68 Fools lisp interpreter?
forst.zoo 110 Forth for the ST
forth_83.zoo 234 Forth_83 for the ST
fplib10b.arc 11 old floating point sozobon c library
fplib20.arc 39 newer floating point sozobon c library
gemenv.lzh 22 Set up environment variables at GEM desktop
gemfsc18.lzh 95 GemFast 1.8 source (AES/VDI libraries)
gemfst18.lzh 108 GemFast 1.8 binaries & docs (AES/VDI libraries)
gemfxm18.lzh 32 GemFast 1.8 example programs (AES/VDI libraries)
gfaro2.lzh 27 GFA Basic run only v.2
gfaxpert.lzh 256 extensive text file/manual for GFA BASIC 3.0
glisp.zoo 55 another implementation of lisp.
gst2gnu 13 Converts DRI/GST object modules to GNU a.out format
hsc140.lzh 475 Heat-and-Serve C. Binaries, docs, libraries. V 1.40
icon2.arc 16 Some sort of icon acc.
icon8_fx.arc 80 Aloows icon sources to be compiled under gcc & fixes bug
iconv8_e.arc 316 Icon language version 8, execuatables
iconv8_l.arc 340 Icon language version 8, library
iconv8_s.arc 706 Icon language version 8, interpeter sources
iwpl.zip 83 Imaginary Worlds, system for writing text adventures
j_41_st.zoo 123 APL for the ST, port by Scott
j51.lzh 135 APL-like language for the ST
j62atari.zoo 110 J - an APL-like language - version 6.2 for the ST
lambda.arc 60 Lambda calculus program
lambdoc.arc 41 Docs for lambda
mjc2.arc 213 Mark Johnson's C compiler v2.0 (very outdated)
modula.zoo 310 Modula for the st.
modula2.zoo 331 Modula2 for the st.
motasm.zoo 94 Motorola Cross assembler
motasms.zoo 40 Sources for motorola cross assembler
0readme 1 Readme file explaing what you need and what you get
nasm20b.zoo 230 Binaries for Nasty assembler v.2.0, a 6502 cross
nasm20s.zoo 322 compiler for the ST. Source in nasm20s.zoo.
ops5.arc 38 ???
osbind.arc 8 ???
p2cbin.zip 276 Pascal to C translator, binaries.
p2csrc.zip 488 Pascal to C translator, sources.
pascalii.arc 32 Cheesy great pascal compiler. It doesn't work for me
pcl-src.zoo 637 Subset of CLOS, works with clisp-c (C version)
pp_demo.zoo 468 Demo of Pure Pascal compiler.
prolog68.zoo 202 v.0.94 of Jens Kilian's prolog68 for ST/TT/Falcon
sbprolog.zoo 614 SBProlog 3.1 Interpreter and compiler
scm4c4.tar.gz 156 Scm 4, a Scheme interpreter. (Sources)
scm4c4st.zip 68 Binaries and change files for scm.
slperl.zoo 165 Source changes for Atari version of perl 4.035
scbin20.lzh 149 Sozobon 2 binaries
scdoc20.lzh 34 Sozobon docs
scsrc20.lzh 206 Sozobon 2.0 sources
sozobon1.zoo 260 A particular release of sozobon, part1
sozobon2.zoo 303 The same particular release of sozobon, part2
sozodlib.arc 35 The very updated dlib for sozobon.
sozoinit.zoo 3 Some sort of sozo accessory?
sozosun.zoo 14 Directions for cross compiling on your favorite sun.
stoberon.zip 171 ST version of Oberon compiler.
stosers.zip 73 A collection of STOS utilities & enhancements
stosfx30.zip 48 Fixes STOS programs to run on all TOS'es > 1.62
stosup26.lzh 192 Upgrade for stos.
tinybas.arc 14 Tiny basic. See firstbas.lzhh
toyprologdoc.arc 50 Toy prolog docs. (english)
tperl.zoo 155 Perl 4.035 for TOS using Bammi's latest source
turboass.lzh 285 Turbo assembler for st.
xldist00.zoo 98 Minimum package, xkisp.ttp, init.lsp, and readme
xldist01.zoo 84 *.lsp xlisp source stepper, debugger, etc.
xldist02.zoo 156 C source code for xlisp.ttp
xlimpl.doz 10 Xlisp interpreter manual
xlispdoc.psz 90 Postscript docs
xlispdoc.tez 48 Xlisp docs withour underlines
xlispdoc.txz 56 Same as above, with underlines to show changes
xloop.doz 10 Xlisp object tutorial
xlrefdoc.z 135 Tim Mikkelsens Xlisp reference (the reference)
xlisplsp.arc 25 Lisp examples for xlisp
xlispsrc.arc 109 Source for xlisp.
xlispst.arc 99 Lisp interpreter
xlspedit.arc 7 Lisp editor written in lisp
xprolog.arc 55 xprolog interpreter for the st
xschem28.lzh 139 Todd's xscheme port.
xscheme.arc 113 Port of scheme, MIT enhancd lisp dialect
xschm22st.taz 176 Compressed, tar archive of bin and src for xscheme22
Gem: The GEM-standards email-list, as detailed in ST-review
Mint: The MiNT email-list. Responsible for design and implementation of MiNT.
24mhzhck.zoo 2 Hack to boost speed of Lynx I (from Portable Addiction)
0index 2 This great work of contemporary literature
hyprstck 310 Lynx Hypercard Stack for Mac, incredible!
billteds.zoo 9 Walk through of Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
cheats.zoo 43 A list of cheats, passwords and other stuff
chipschl.zoo 216 Notes on Chip's Challenge (in postscript)
lynx_faq.zoo 13 FAQ about the lynx
lynx_rt.zoo 25 Roundtable from GEnie about the lynx
reviews.zoo 102 Robert Jung's reviews of Lynx games
uselynx.ps.Z 245
uselynx.rtf.Z 173 Usenet Lynx Guide in PostScript, RTF and Word 2.0 form
uselynx.zoo 136
0index 1 This file.
cn.zip 5 Info on Current Notes magazine
stzine.zoo 165 Lets you create disk mags. Example included. Shareware.
The following magazines may be found in the subdirectories:
Aeo - Atari Explorer Online
Cain - Online Newsletter from Cleveland FreeNet
Diskmags - Various disk magazines, including:
Digidisk - Digital Disk magazine
Scriba - Scriba Communis Responsi diskmagazine
PB - "Pure Bullocks"
HP Source
Portadd - Portable Addiction
Str - ST Report
Znet - ST Znet
This directory contains files to upgrade ST Minix to the current versions.
The file st1.1.tar.Z contains some fixes to bring your system up to a less
buggy version 1.1.
The up1510* files will bring your 1.1 system up to 1.5.10. You need a hard
drive to perform the upgrade. Retrieve and read up1510.doc first, then get
the two compressed tar files up1510[ab].tar.Z.
0index ??? This index.
0readme.1st A short description of MiNT
Applications/ Applications that require MiNT to work properly
Application/NetPbm/ Portable Bitmap for MiNT
NetPBM.txt 3 Important info on using these packages
docs.tgz 78 Documentation, including LaTeX man pages
lib.tgz 181 Gcc lib and headers files, if you want to use in prgs
man.tgz 70 Man pages
pbm.tgz 213 Portable bitmap binaries
pbm020.tgz 226 Portable bitmap binaries for TT/Falcon
pgm.tgz 160 Portable greymap binaries
pgm020.tgz 185 Portable greymap binaries for TT/Falcon
pnm.tgz 570 Portable anymap binaries
pnm020.tgz 529 I'm sensing a pattern here
ppm.tgz 766 Portable pixmap binaries
ppm020.tgz 730 You guessed.
ss133st.zoo 131 A port of the SS spreadsheet based on curses to MiNT
Devices/ Installable MiNT devices
lpdev.zoo 26 Buffered and intterupt based Centronics port driver
modm0dev.zoo 74 Dial in and dial out devices for MiNT, v1.0
multi-raw.lzh 12 D.Gymer's raw floppy device hacked to work as a .XDD
ps0.tar.gz 11 modified ps0 to act as .XDD loadable device driver
ps0.zoo 12 a raw floppy disk device for MiNT.
Distrib_kit/ MiNT/GCC/mgr/utils installation kit for those who
want to get up and running fast. Due to be upgraded at
Editors/ Some editors compiled for use with MiNT
elvis17.zoo 344 Mint friendly elvis (vi clone)
emacsrc.tgz 649 Mint Emacs, v.18.59 sources
mjovebin.zoo 286 Doug's jove port for mint. Bins and docs.
mjovesrc.zoo 467 Doug's source for his jove port.
mntemacs.zoo 508 Source code for GNU Emacs
mntemcsb.zoo 382 Binaries for GNU Emacs v. 18.57
st-emacs.tar.z 600 Use GNU zip to decompress. Emacs 18.59 for ST & MiNT.
Filesystems/ Installable file systems (XFS) for MiNT
cdrom07.zip 8 CDROM.XFS for MiNT >1.04
mfs10tst.zoo 27 Mfs 6.10 updates
mfs609b.zoo 79 Binaries for Minix Filesystem 6.09
mfs609s.zoo 112 Source for Minix Filesystem 6.09
mfs610b.zoo 93 Binaries for Minix Filesystem 6.10
mfs610s.zoo 116 Source for Minix Filesystem 6.10
mfsdefrg.zoo 98 Port of Linux defragger for Minix Filesystem
mfsfm09b.zoo 43 Marcus' file selector for MiNT
ofake.zoo 11 Drive system that acts like drive u: (defauls to o:)
ramfs.zoo 22 Thierry's ram disk file system for MiNT
Gcc/ GCC and related utils, base-relative for MiNT
bgas138p4.zoo 56 Gas for MiNT, 1.38p4.
bmake363.zoo 107 Make for MiNT, 3.63.
mfgcc258.zoo 1705 Binaries for Gcc 2.58 for Falcon running mint
mg++253b.zoo 577 G++ for Mint, ver2.53, binaries only.
mgcc253b.zoo 511 Gcc 2.53 binaries for MiNT.
Graphics/ Graphics stuff
Lib/ Compiler libraries supporting MiNT
gdbm171.zoo 374 GNU database management library, binaries
mintlib44-lattice.zoo 638 MiNT Library PL44, binary distribution, Lattice C
mlib33d.zoo 27 Diffs for MiNT library PL 32 -> PL 33
mlib34d.zoo 13 Diffs for MiNT library PL 33 -> PL 34
mlib34pc.zoo 65 MiNT Library PL34, binary distribution, Pure C
mlib34tc.zoo 59 MiNT Library PL34, binary distribution, Turbo C
mlib35d.zoo 38 Diffs for MiNT library PL 34 -> PL 35
mlib36d.zoo 17 Diffs for MiNT library PL 35 -> PL 36
mlib37d.zoo 26 Diffs for MiNT library PL 36 -> PL 37
mlib38d.zoo 15 Diffs for MiNT library PL 37 -> PL 38
mlib39d.zoo 26 Diffs for MiNT library PL 38 -> PL 39
mlib40d.zoo 6 Diffs for MiNT library PL 39 -> PL 40
mlib41d.zoo 9 Diffs for MiNT library PL 40 -> PL 41
mlib42d.zoo 37 Diffs for MiNT library PL 41 -> PL 42
mlib43d.zoo 8 Diffs for MiNT library PL 42 -> PL 43
mlib44d.zoo 38 Diffs for MiNT library PL 43 -> PL 44
mnthlb44a.zoo 86 Sozobon MiNT library, v44
mntinc43.zoo 117 Include files for MiNT library PL 43
mntinc44.zoo 118 Include files for MiNT library PL 44
mntlib44.zoo 464 MiNT library source code, patch level 44
mntolb44.zoo 314 MiNT library binaries (for GCC), requires mntinc44.zoo
pcosbind.zoo 39 Library of TOS/MiNT bindings for Turbo/Pure C
Mgr/ MGR window manager and related files
VDImgr.zoo 1201 New version, uses VDI instead of Line-A calls. This
archive contains the mgrdemos, mgrterm, rmgr as well.
atarimgr.zoo 431 MGR: a graphical windowing system originally developed
for Unix. Runs in any resolution, the higher the better
mgr.zoo 234 Updated MGR binary, with a few bug fixes
mgrdemos.zoo 622 Demos and utility programs that run under MGR.
mgrterm.zoo 40 Terminal for mgr
rmgr.arc 25 Howard's remote windows manager.
Sparcmgr/ Original Sparc MGR distribution, in several zoo files,
atari diffs are relative to this
demo1.zoo 311 demos
demo2.zoo 407 more demos
demo3.zoo 351 even more demos
doc.zoo 133 man pages, etc.
font.zoo 138 fonts
icon.zoo 46 icons
lib.zoo 59 libraries
menu.zoo 1 menu stuff
misc.zoo 45 miscellaneous stuff
src.zoo 524 main source code
fingerd.tgz 24 Fingerd for MiNT + MintNet
ftp-01.tgz 193 Ftp/ftpd for MiNT + MintNet.
gopher-2.012.tgz 256 Gopher client for MiNT + MintNet
inetd-01.tgz 45 Pl1 of Internet Super Server. Needs net-xxx.tgz
net-042.tgz 379 Ver0.42 of MintNet, a networking extension w/BSD socket
nfs-042.tgz 183 Networking file system for MiNT+net.
ntalk-01.tgz 92 Ntalk for Mint + net.
portlib-02.tgz 13 Pl2 of library software for porting unix stuff
rpc-01.tgz 450 Pl1 of Sun RPC for Mint + MintNet
sinetd-00.tgz 19 Simple inetd for MiNT+MintNet
term-1.08.tgz 244 A port of term for MiNT+net
tftp-00.tgz 37 Pl0 of trivial ftp for Mint+MintNet
tftpd-00.tgz 27 Pl0 of the tftp server program for MiNT+MiNTNet
udpprobe.tgz 23 Prg for testing connectivity in M+MN. Similar to ping
Mint/Shells/ Shells (CLIs) for use with MiNT
bashsrc.zoo 404 Source for bash.
init9akp.zoo 32 Apratt's init shell, with history and cmd line editing
ksh_v04a.lzh 74 Korn shell binaries for mint, version 4.
mintbash.zoo 151 A port of the GNU Bourne Again Shell specifically
designed to work with MiNT. Dated June 8, 1991.
sh03bin.zoo 83 Bourne shell binaries
sh03src.zoo 303 Bourne shell sources
tcshsrc.zoo 473 Source code for Eric's tcsh port.
tcsh602.zoo 303 Diffs and binaries, tcsh 6.02
tcsh6033.zoo 353 Tcsh 6.033.
zsh231b.tgz 299 Zshell, needs MiNT and MinixFS to run
Mint/Telecomm/ Communications programs for MiNT
st52.zoo 21 Dumb terminal emulator, runs under mgr.
tip.arc 9 Howard's dumb terminal emulator for mgr and rmgr.
bash-112.zoo 143 Bash for MiNT on Tts and Falcons.
emacs1859tt.zoo 629 Emacs 1859 for MiNT on Tts and Falcons.
Mint/Utilities/ Utilities for use with MiNT
agrep204.zoo 51 agrep - faster than grep,egrep,fgrep v2.04
agrepsrc.zoo 46 agrep - source code
akputil7.zoo 51 Miscellaneous file utilities by A. Pratt; most run
under TOS, one or two are MiNT specific.
bison120.zoo 54 MiNT friendly bison by Hildo
bmintzoo.tos 102 MiNT friendly version of zoo.
diff21.zoo 189 MiNT friendly version of GNU diff
elm-2.4.PL23.tgz 128 Elm email program
fgrep11.zoo 41 Mike Dorman's fgrep for MiNT
filutl34.zoo 368 MiNT friendly version of GNU file utilities 3.4
find-37.zoo 91 MiNT friendly version of GNU find utility
flut39st.zoo 421 MiNT friendly version of GNU file utilities v 3.9
futilbin.zoo 258 Binaries for gnu file utils v3.1
futilsrc.zoo 264 Source for gnu file utils v3.1
gemtrm12.zoo 77 xterm clone for MiNT
gdb35bin.zoo 325 Gnu Debugger. Needs MiNT to run.
gdb35src.zoo 963 Gnu Debugger source. Needs minixfs to compile.
gdb36p4b.zoo 246 GNU debugger.
gdb36p4s.zoo 654 GNU debugger source. Needs minixfs to compile.
grep16.zoo 64 Mint friendly GNU grep/egrep by Hildo
groff-1.07.readme 3 Readme for groff, check this first before d/l'ing others
groffbin.zoo 708 Binaries for Hildo's groff
groffvar.zoo 434 Library files and man pages for groff binaries.
initbin.zoo 314 Steve's init for mint, binaries
initsnb.zoo 695 Steve's init, source and binaries
initsnb_tesche_update.zoo 50 An unofficial bug fix for init
inisrc11.tgz 299 Steve's init, newest version, source, gzip'd tar file.
lack.zoo 60 Load/unload acc's under MiNT
mintosbn.tgz 356 Binaries for update of Init package. Requires Minix
file system.
mintossc.tgz 383 Source for update of Init package. Requires Minix
file system.
mpack13b.zoo 56 encodes/decodes MIME messages, decodes uuencoded files
mperl.zoo 142 Perl 4.035 for MINT using Bammi's latest sources
patch.zoo 44 MiNT friendly patch, by Hildo
ps_cpx.lzh 6 A CPX to view processes, send signals, etc.
pstopls.zoo 58 Apratt utils for MiNT. Unixlike ps, top, and new ls
rg10.zoo 19 Runs gem apps from tcsh/MiNT. Like gulam's gem cmd.
screen01.tgz 123 MiNT version of screen 3.5.2
sed114.zoo 49 sed for MiNT, again courtesy of Daniel.
shu194st.zoo 387 MiNT friendly version of GNU Shell Utilities v.1.9.4
stcron4.lzh 50 Cron, at, and crontab utilities for MiNT
stelm3.lzh 33 Cut-down clone of Elm (Mailreader) for MiNT
stlogin4.lzh 94 Login over modem, talk, getty, more, etc. Version 4
tar-1112.zoo 75 MiNT friendly version of GNU tar 1.11.2
trn341.tgz 288 Trn newsreader, requires GNU fileutils and sed
tuu103_3.zoo 588 Port of Taylor UUCP package for MiNT (binaries + diffs)
tuu103d3.zoo 52 Diffs for MiNT port of Taylor UUCP package. You'll
need to fetch the GNU source code to compile.
txtutl16.zoo 401 MiNT friendly GNU text utils by Daniel
xxxx_it.lzh 5 Mint_it, mac_it! (Boot selection program or something)
diff1819.zoo 5 Diffs to upgrade Mint v.1.08 to v.1.09 source.
mint095b.zoo 170 MiNT v.0.95 Binaries and docs
mint095s.zoo 227 MiNT v.0.95 Sources and docs
mint96sb.zoo 320 MiNT v.0.96 beta Sources and docs
mint104s.zoo 304 MiNT v.1.04 beta sources and docs
mint108s.zoo 302 MiNT v.1.08 beta sources and docs
mint110s.zoo 326 MiNT v.1.10 beta sources and docs
mintman3.zoo 96 Manual page reader for MiNT
miwm.zoo 13 Kurt's version of mw. Mono only.
mntdoc01.zoo 550 Hildo's docs for MiNT and the MiNTlib
mntman95.zoo 45 Manual pages for system calls in Mint v. 0.95
mntscalc.zoo 144 Mint-based port of UNIX spreadsheet ("SC")
mntscalc_fix.zoo 145 mntscalc version 1.1
mntutl95.zoo 167 Newer MiNT utilities needed for v 0.95.
mntutm94.zoo 25 Manual pages for v 0.94 MiNT utilities
mw2.zoo 62 Apratt's MiNT window manager. 11/4/91
pc_m109s.tos 335 Mint sources w/patches applied for pure C users
toswin14.zoo 45 TOS window manager, version 1.4
toswinsc.zoo 86 Source for TOSwin 1.4
tw14w12b.zoo 71 TOSwin 1.4 with Extensions. Binary
tw14w12s.zoo 91 TOSwin 1.4 with Extensions. Source
0index ?? This incredibly wonderful index you are perusing
2_5ram.zoo 6 Describes a DIY ram upgrade from 512 to 2.5M
4plradap.txt 1 Instructions to make 4 player joystick adaptor
artweird.arc 32 "Artificial Weirdness Generator - Virgin 4.0"
aua_info.Z ?? Link to binaries on atari user's group stuff.
autorais.zoo 5 Change top window automatically under TOS/MiNT/MultiTOS
bit36_e.lzh 16 German disk copier
cap.arc 81 Circuit analysis program
cea05150.lzh 73 CyRel ElectroAD #5
cea06150.lzh 63 CyRel ElectroAD #6
chi_rtc1.lzh 8 Chicago computerfest :GEnie RTC
cmi.arc 81 Discussion of CMI accelerator boards
cyber_co.lzh 14 GEnie roundtable on the CyberCube graphics card.
dancer.lzh 47 GO-go dancer d/a
dead_mon.lzh 6 Info on repairing dead monitors
dealers2.txt 3 A list of Atari dealers
dvorak.zoo 11 Accs to make your keyboard a dvorak layout.
eliza.arc 2 venerable psychiatrist program
free_bob.lzh 2 Put in auto folder, will show you bob
fujidesk.lzh 9 Make the fuji in the corner spin. Fun, fun, fun.
gimmicks.lzh 33 A whole lot of fun d/a stuff.
gnva_003.lzh 222 Patches Geneva Release 2 --> Release 3
greeting.lzh 14 Create bootup messages
guide_01.lzh 32 ST Guide hypertext files: UFSL, GEMENV, AES, MIDIfiles
hardware.lzh 10 Description of atari hardware, w/ pinouts, etc.
hebib302.lzh 227 Hebrew bible concordance - working demo
hype.zip 354 "PD Hypermedia construction program"
iaad.lzh 5 Independent Association of Atari Developers list 5/94
lckylt_c.lzh 47 Good lottery database.
limmerick.lzh 7 Produces random limericks. Some even rhyme. :)
lynz_rtb.zoo 24 GEnie roundtable discussion on the lynx.
n_menmmin.lzh 5 Empty drop-down menu items use alternate chars.
nbm11.lzh 16 New Bench Mark 1.1
nexmsync.arc 6 Info on NEC multisync moniter
os.arc 7 Operating system info?
pornacc.arc 19 You figure it out.... Low rez only.
postal120.arc 17 Enter the city and state, get a zip code.
pwrsupply.lzh 8 Do it yourself power supply construction
quote2.zoo 111 Gareth's prg that prints random quotes on the screen
rgbtocom.arc 13 Title says it all. the docs.
scode.arc 12 Old, obsolete coder, goes with rgbtocom.arc
sex.lzh 6 Mickey says, "Haha, I'll let you find out." Doesn't end.
spcspu.lzh 8 Spectrum uncompresser. Very crude
speak_ez.lzh 20 Speech synthesizer
specdeg.lzh 1 Spectrum to degas
stdisc.zoo 10 Comments on the pros/cons of buying an st.
sttalkcl.lzh 13 Talking clock acc
tac-errata.lzh 6 Errata sheet for "The Atari Compendium".
timesvr2.lzh 31 Time$aver 2 - North American registration for Kandinsky
timesvr3.lzh 30 Time$aver 3 - North American registration for TT Artist
tos206up.zoo 10 DIY installation of TOS 2.06 into 520/1040 (Rev. C)
tos_14.lzh 36 Rainbow TOS enhancements and fixes
ud.arc 2 Acc to flip the desktop over. Silly.
unixmode.lzh 7 Converts tos to unix filenames ('\' => '/' )
vanity.lzh 8 Vanity plate appears on your st. CPX module.
wrksupdt.tos 69 Updates AtariWorks for compat. w/ TOS 1.0/1.02
xxxxbin.lzh 4 Finds raffle ticket winner from list of numbers
0index ?? you guessed it!
1st_note.lzh 28 Midi application
32track.lzh 22 Midi seqeuncer, not too bad.
accomp25.tos 172 ver 2.5 of Henry Cosh's MIDI sequencer (16 track)
agtrak12.lzh 23 MOD player, low/med rez
alchemjr.arc 160 Gem based, 48 track midi sequencer. shareware.
arpeg.arc 16 An arpeggiator for midi keyboards
clab_tip.arc 2 Tips for using C-Lab / Notator
club70.lzh 105 Patch editor/librarian for the Yamaha DTS70
concerto.lzh 87 Demo of the midi software.
czphonix.lzh 40 Gem based patch editor and librarian for Casio CZs
d110_mng.zip 173 Librarian/editor for Roland D110
d10dump.lzh 110 Dump program for roland d10.
d70rxtx.zoo 37 Loads and saves sounds from D70.
d.arc 56 ???
d_calc11.lzh 23 "Delay Calc" performs variety of musical calculations
desksong.arc 12 Play a song from a desk acc.
dlxpiano.arc 38 Turns the keboard into a 'piano'. Yeah right.
ekseq1.zoo 61 Nice sequencer program.
fb01.arc 55 Librarian for Yamaha FB01 sound module
gigmus14.arc 89 Play several music formats in background, ACC/PRG
gutarist.lzh 153 Guitaristics demo. Tune and play your guitar.
inst_22k.zoo 377 22khz .AVR samples
inst_33k.zoo 139 33khz .AVR samples
inst_od1.zoo 621 Various .AVR samples
inst_od2.zoo 359 Same as above
juno2lib.lzh 59 Roland Alpha Juno 1 or 2 patch loader/saver
k1edit.zip 58 Librarian editor for Kawai K1/K1M
ksclpt14.zip 63 Kawai K1 Synthesizer Librarian 1.4
lehrer.arc 12 .SNG music files of Tom Lehrer songs.
m1_banks.arc 321 Librarian and matching dump acc for Korg M1
master.lzh ?? The demo for master.???
midibeat.arc 31 Drum seq. editor for DR550
midiplay.lzh 22 Plays midi file formats, version 0.5
midiseq.arc 36 Th original midi sequencer. Useful, but not serious.
midispec.lzh 13 Midi specs. Helps explain the mysteries
miditalk.arc 17 See what's travelling over midi lines
mks_50.lzh 80 Patch/Tone editor for Roland MKS 50
mmm226.lzh 101 Plays a gazillion sound file types to MIDI device
mouth3.arc 38 A talking mouth (uses speech.tos)
mspydem3.lzh 21 Demo of Codeheads midi spy
musedt.arc 100 Create, edit, play .TUN files (some included.)
music.zoo 103 Make Music! - non MIDI music editor/player. All res.
musicdb2.lzh 17 Music inventory database
muzak.lzh 4 Plays songs in the background.
patchkng.zoo 92 Demo of patch king - a patch librarian
patchlib.arc 114 Patch librarian.
perfpich.arc 16 See if you have perfect pitch
pian1_03.lzh 30 SMF MIDI tutor
playback.zoo 52 New version of midifile player/converter
quartet.lzh 45 Has anyone gotten this to work? If so, how?
resound.arc 11 Plays a sample upon exiting an application
slave.lzh 221 Maps sequences to various controllers. Demo.
smfplay.lzh 3 Source for a midi file player
sngfile2.arc 23 Music studio song files, not midi song files
sngfiles.arc 81 more Music studio song files
speak_ez.lzh ?? Linked to a speech synthesizer.
speeh.arc 15 A different speech synthesizer.
st_m2t11.arc 116 Midi files -> musical notation in TeX output
staccato.arc 110 Compose and play songs. Nate says, "Lame."
stmidiex.lzh 16 Loads and saves Raw SysEx Data
stmzax01.lzh 501 Napalm Soldiers' 1st mod player and music disk
storm.zip 63 MOD editor
stsynth.arc 29 Turn your st into a synth. Yeah, right.
sync_swt.lzh 13 How-to on building a sync box
tcbsound.lzh 52 The care bears sound tracker demo.
tx81z.arc 65 Sound librarian for Yamaha Tx81Z
***UNDER CONSTRUCTION at a.a.u.e***
EtherNet: Software for handling Ethernet controllers on the Atari 680x0.
readme 5109 Readme about tuw pakage
readme.pkd 3740 Description of how to write packet driver
for tuw-tcp.
tn.rsc 4398 RSC file for TNFTP.ACC
tnftp.acc 39583 version 1.32 of Telnet/Ftp for tuw-tcp.
tuw-tcp.1.22.lzh 142575 Complete Tuw-tcp version.1.22
Ka9q: This area houses various adaptations of the Ka9q source.
Ka9q in general handles SLIP and PPP protocols.
ka9q_doc.arc 148 Ka9q docs
ka9q_src.arc 247 Sources for ka9q package
ka9q_st.arc 153 Binaries for ka9q.
ka9qst.arc 69 Some sort of ka9q.
n890421.zoo 126 ka9q binaries
nhclb120.zoo 428 ka9q sources
newnet.zoo 97 Yet another net.tos binary (ka9q)
sticp.lzh 595 Your own icp software.
sticpsrc.lzh 701 Sources for your own icp software.
Ka9q/Nos: D. Nash's port of Ka9q-NOS.
README 2363 Description of Ka9q-NOS
nos041.tos 181220 Binaries to Ka9q-NOS version 4.1
nos041_s.tos 511396 Source code to Ka9q-NOS version 4.1
nosdoc.lzh 57013 Documentation to Ka9q-NOS
nosfiles.lzh 13418 Extra files for Ka9q-NOS
Ka9q/Nos/Install: This is a startup package for Ka9qNOS
stnet110.tos 913518 All the current binaries w/install program
Local: Files for connecting two machines at your site without running
SLIP software. ie. *Quick* and *Simple* networking.
Local/Midi: Link to the Network/Midi directory.
Mail: Mail readers and tools for managing mail readers.
bm.tos 36120 The BM mailer for use with KA9Q NOS
mail110.lzh 52322 A simple mail program with source (Ka9q-NOS)
Midi: *Quick* and *Simple* Networking via Midi ports.
lit_net.lzh 5190 Litle Net - Midi Net .ACC nice and easy way
to access drives on another machine.
Does not like Falcon resolution
midi_com.lzh 117902 Demo of German MIDI networking software
midinet.arc 46940 Midi Networking package
miknet13.arj 20065 Sharware midi-network (DOS end supposedly
mx2doc.lzh 27484 Documentation for mx2net
mx2net20.lzh 34578 Networking system including modula2 source.
Allows cross net file execution.
News: News readers and tools for managing news readers.
ng_dir.zoo 9251 Utility for managing news groups
nn13.lzh 353445
o_024.zip 439749 Okami News-Reader
snz128e.tos 231418 News package for use with Ka9qNOS
snz128s.tos 164864 Source code for snz128e.tos
Uucp: Programs for managing and running UUCP on your Atari.
herm103b.zoo 760425 Hermes 1.03 beta. uucp/mail/news/etc.
herm_114.zip 1248441 Hermes 1.14 uucp/mail/news/etc.
now supports pgp.
mercbin.lzh 322350 Mercury (binaries) uucp/mail/news/etc.
predecesor to Hermes
upoint_l.lzh 365078 Upoint_light version of August 94
upoint_l.lzh.old 323099 UPoint-Light Gem uucp/mail/news/etc.
version of spring 94
uucico.arc 33152
tcpip.faq - TCPIP.FAQ - info on SLIP/PPP/UUCP software for the Atari 680x0
1stpr182.arc 19 Print a first word file w/o 1st Word
1stw2ps.arc 53 First word to post script convertor
24pin1.lzh 641 Dvi drivers for 24 pin printers (with 24pin2.lzh)
24pin2.lzh 651 Dvi drivers for 24 pin printers (with 24pin1.lzh)
2column6.lzh 79 Prints ASCII files in two columns. Includes drivers.
0index ?? I know you love it....
ascto1st.arc 8 Ascii to first word convertor
banner.arc 33 Enter a phrase, it prints a banner
ccprint.arc 16 Pretty C code printer
cd3_cdar.lzh 31 Prints good directory listings!
cdprnt15.arc 46 Code Printer v1.5. Prints ascii files in 2 columns
cstat.arc 12 ???
dc_ff.arc ?? Form feeder
degasprt.arc 6 Degas printer drivers
deskjet.hlp 2 Help in setting up your deskjet.
diablo.zoo 34 Diablo emulator for atari laser printers
dj_fonts.zip 58 HP Deskjet softfonts, Hebrew, Greek, Arabic, Syriac
djenvelp.arc 17 Print an envelope on a deskjet.
djresest.arc 2 An old way to reset the deskjet.
djreset.arc 4 A more recent way to reset the deskjet.
dskfonts.arc 544 POrinter fonts for dvidsk.arc in ../tex
fpprnt.lzh 3 Fast Print, speeds up printing considerably.
fw+hplsr.lzh 4 basic printer driver for Laser Jet II in 1st Word Plus
gem2ps.arc 80 Gem => post script (and back I'd bet)
gooffy12.zip 17 ASCII background printer, MultiTOS compatible.
gprnt_ox.arc 65 G-Print options explorer. Lets you look about w/o GDOS
gprntdmo.arc 75 G Print demo, version updated here April 9,1991.
gs211s.zoo 780 Gnu Ghostscript sources
gs231b.zoo 378 Gnu GhostScript (sorta like post script if you follow)
gsprev.zoo 206 Ghostscript screen previewer
hc24_h12.arc 6 Prints screen with true x/y ratio, with a LQ500
hpaccs.lzh 95 Accessories andutilities for hp printers
hpedit11.zip 35 HP Deskjet font editor
hpmn2dmp.arc 6 HP Deskjet dump utilitiy
hpprint.zoo 9 HP print utility, two pages in landscape mode
hputils.arc 336 Utilities for Deskjet & LaserJet. Needs arc 6.02
icca.lzh 2 I Can Capture Anything (?) - printer redirector
idea_31.lzh 270 Prints several columns, small fonts. Saves paper.
img-300.zoo 28 Speedo GDOS driver for mono img files (300 dpi). German.
img2hplj.lzh 28 Prints GEM img files on HP laserjet
jacket17.arc 52 Disk jacket creator v1.7
lablpace.lzh 18 Disk label maker.
lazbrain.arc 96 Epson driver for atari laser printer.
mfps.arc 80 Metafile -> postscript converter (sameas gem2ps)
mprint10.lzh 30 Master Print 1.0, Text file printer, configurable
nlqps2.arc 19 ???
nx1000.lzh 6 ???
p_or_s_2.lzh 24 Print or save it, version 2.0
pamflite.lzh 38 Pamphlet maker for HP deskjet
pan24drv.lzh 5 Degas drivers for 24 in panasonic printers
pmace.arc 188 Print Master icons
pmcat.arc 33 Catalogue of print master icons, 77/page.
printit.arc 12 ???
printque.arc 6 Set up your own printque, just like here at Angell Hall!
prntcms2.lzh 9 Prints .LISTING files from VM/CMS on Epson FX-80
prtinstl.lzh 26 Replaces alt-help w/custom drivers
prtset.arc 8 Useful for sending printer init codes
pscapt.arc 11 For use w/Timeworks DTP. Captures PS file to disk
quiklabl.arc 16 Print labels, quickly.
rsplot11.arc 83 ???
scmlabel.lzh 33 Yet another labeler.
sdump1_5.lzh 5 ???
set1091.lzh 7 ???
sigfntdj.zoo 1200 Signum2 fonts
spool11.arc 2 Pretend you have a fast printer, use a print spooler.
stlabel2.lzh 21 Yet another label program.
tapmaker.lzh 9 ???
techpp.arc 24 ???
treesavr.lzh 22 ???
versadir.lzh 23 Prints directory contents
0index ?? this thingamabob you are currently purusing
ams++lib.zoo 178 Warwick Allison's C++ game library "AMS" v 0.8
68k_crib.arc 10 Pictures to help with 68k assembly programming
abztos.arc 18 Abzmon monitor
achlib.arc 16 ???
aicons.zip 1053 High res icons in IMG and GIF format
argv.txt.akp.Z 9 Allan Pratts discussion of argument passing 5/91
arp68-book.zoo 469 Big huge 'book' on ST assembly programming..
arp68-pix.zoo 430 All of the .img and post script files for the above.
batch.arc 18 ???
big.zip 209 Library functions enhance GEM, use with Pure C.
cdbind01.zoo 6 Bindings for MetaDOS and CD-ROMs
cdecl.zoo 46 Translates C declarations to English and vice-versa
cled122s.lzh 84 An example of gem programming, binaries and sources.
compiler.zip 16 Shell for GFA 3.x compiler. Replace internal one.
cpp112.zoo 72 Stand alone C preprocessor
curses.arc 33 ST version of portable text screen managing library
dasmblr.arc 20 Disassembler
degaspic.lzh 4 C routines for use with DEGAS paint files.
disasm2.arc 15 Another dissasembler
disasmb1.arc 17 Yes another disassembler
disasmld.lzh 7 Disassembles DSP 56000 .LOD files
distomwc.arc 37 Dissasembles to Mark William C
dlibs12.arc 108 Sozobon C library, also usable with alcyon C
dlibsrc.arc 78 sources for dlibs
dspbind.lzh 2 Binadings for Falcon's DSP
extra.zip 32 STOS extensions
f68kans.zip 432 680x0 implementation of ANSI Forth
fcc.arc 58 Mark's flow chart compiler, with rsc file now. :)
fixtree3.arc 24 ???
fldlib.zip 38 Lattice C lib controls multiple windowed dialog
flinker.arc 26 ???
fortran.zip 165 BC-FORTRAN 77, v1.3c; byAndre Koestli
fpupatch.lzh 58 patch for libraries for Turbo-C (greater ver1.1)
funnel.zoo 793 FunnelWeb - language independent version of Web
gdos.arc 14 Info on gdos/assign.sys
gem++19.zoo 298 GEM++ library: GNU C++ GEM classes.
gemdos.arc 32 GEMDOS document
gemenv.lzh 22 Set up environment variables for GEM desktop
gfabas09.lzh 72 Hints and tips on coding in GFA basic
graphx11.zoo 148 Ken's graphics library for turbo, lattice and sozobon C
gso22st.zoo 83 GNU SuperOptimizer. Optimizes assembly (68000 & 68020).
indnt16b.zoo 48 Indent, makes c programs look good by showing levels
jagdem_s.zip 698 "Jag Demo" require GenST 3
joshua.lzh 16 Utility for programmers.
joveexe.arc 75 Version of emacs
keyclick.arc 2 ???
kr2ansi.zoo 28 KR standard to ansi converter for c
ldon_src.zip 472 Source code for "Left Donut" demo
libscsi1.zoo 36 C Library front-end for Atari SCSI devices
lineah.arc 11 Line A call documentation
linkdem2.zoo 289 demo files for Missing Link STOS extension
linkkdemo.zoo 386 demo files for Missing Link STOS extension
linkinst.zoo 168 Installer for Missing Link STOS extension
lynxlib.zoo 165 Various lib routines
m2gem106.lzh 656 Crystal Modula-2 GEM bindings of Ulrich Kaiser
m2posx10.zoo 323 Experimental POSIX bindings for Modula-2
manview.zoo 58 GEM based man page viewer
memmap.arc 3 Memory map for the st.
misty.lzh 796 MISTY - STOS extension and demos
mit2mot101.zoo 24 Converts GAS-syntax assembly code to Motorola syntax
mnilu.lzh 43 Shareware compiler for GFA Basic v2 code.
nutshsrc.arc 8 Source for nut shell.
orcs.lzh 148 Otto's resource contruction set
outtolod.lzh 8 Convert .OUT --> .LOD
passmsrc.arc 17 ???
pbug1_19.zip 208 Version 1.19 of the Peace debugger
pdmake.arc 57 PD make (so you wanna be a unix box, eh?)
pexec.arc 5 Scaled down pexec.
pexeccbk.txt 39 Pexec cook book.
popup.zoo 86 Pop up menu editor/handler
prgemdvi.lzh 199 Pr gem series dvi files
prgemtex.lzh 167 TeX Pro Gem Series
progtl02.tos 130 Programming tools for Pure C (cc driver, etc)
progem.arc 173 Professional Gem series of programming articles
prosrc.arc 54 Source from progem series
pt_src3t.lzh 15 ProTracker source code (?)
ratfor.arc 22 Converts rational fortran to true fortran
rcs56.zoo 847 RCS ver 5.6, complete with source.
rcs5ap1b.lzh 310 Binaries for apratt's revision control system.
rsc5ap1m.lzh ?? Bug fix for the above.
rcs5ap1s.lzh 230 Sources for the above.
readme12.arc 16 ???
relmod.arc 7 Converts CP/M to ST executables. Needs Alycon compiler
rs2lang.zoo 42 Converts .rsc files to C or ASM
rsc_view.lzh 7 Displays contents of GEM's .RSC files
rsctoc1.arc 17 Converts .rsc files to C structures
rsctoc2.arc 9 Source code for above
sources.arc 234 Source code for all the Dangimere RPG series
spin3d.lzh 12 C sources teach basic 3d graphic programming
srw.zip 117 STOS Rewriter - create surreal prose & poetry
stosgame.zip 150 STOS Gamecomposer - generate weird game ideas
stosshow.zip 96 STOS Slideshow - DEGAS/NEO slideshow with effects
strings.lzh 6 Extract strings from binaries
strip3sr.arc 3 ???
superh.arc 1 ???
szadb1_4.zoo 155 Low level debugger, ver1.4 ST & TT, also GST format
szadbbin.arc 29 Sozobon C debugger
tempcall.arc 10 Use tempus as an editor for Personal pascal
termcap.arc 52 ST version of portable generic terminal sequence lib
timecode.arc 3 Calculate the time needed for a machine code routine
timecsrc.arc 5 Source for above
tmpl201c.lzh 112 TempleMon Debugger
tom.arc 19 ???
tostrace.arc 30 Traces tos system calls
ufsl.lzh 18 Programmer's utility "provides standard font selector."
varlnsrc.arc 7 Checks printf and scanf for matching arguments.
vbl.zoo 2 Place a user defined routine in the VBL queue (asm src)
vbi.arc 14 VBI doc and example
vdit.arc 8 Partial VDI interface
vmsource.zip 518 Source code for Falcon game "Vertical Mayhem"
xaes.zip 42 test version of eXtended AES library
xhdi-110.zoo 32 XHDI specification docs
xlib.arc 7 Experimental shared library handler for MWC.
xrf.arc 15 ???
Convert: Info concerning converting st sounds to other formats and back
sox10p11.lzh 68 Sound Exchange, v.1.0, pl11.
st2sparc.doc 7 How to go from st to sparc sound format.
525.lzh 67 Convert to-from 5 different sound formats. All STs.
convert.lzh 11 convert Hippo/Navarone to .snd
digidrum.lzh 88 Drum kit using digital samples
digiedit.lzh 25 Convert sound files between 8bt signed and unsigned
foreign.lzh 483 Foreign Affair (Mike Oldfield) sampled song w/player
hdrecord.lzh 5 Digitize directly to HD with ST-Replay4
outmusic.lzh 288 Music from game Outrun (wild guess?!?)
slab11.lzh 253 Shareware sound file manipulations program. Very slick.
slupd111.lzh 15 Patch to upgrade Sound Lab 1.10 to 1.11
sox5.zoo 48 Converts some sound formats used on UNIX
ms2demo.lzh 122 Mastersound II demo w/STE support.
zeppelin.lzh 284 Disk full of zeppelin bites. Use discplay for max fx.
50play.lzh 38 STe/TT ProTracker V2.1a Replay - plays .mod files
audio.lzh 87 Plays noisetracker mods. Use it regualrly.
cdplay.lzh 23 Play audio CDs on a CD-ROM drive
cdplayer.lzh 28 Plays .mod files like a cd player would
dcdmasp2.lzh 2 Plays Replay files in DMA
digicomp.lzh 117 Play noistracker mods. Should work on TT.
digistuf.arc 331 Dave's latest sound utils: now supporting stereo
digiubik.lzh 21 another digital sound player
discplay.lzh 7 Plays big sounds on little ST's by loading in parts
dp_demoa.zoo 37 Demo of a MODule player for ST/TT/STE
dtrak122.zip 63 ProTracker player in .ACC form
eplay20.arc 28 Sample player.
gbell10c.zip 51 Plays sounds at various events, similar to Mac Soundmst
lps123.lzh 14 Plays AU/WAV/AVR and raw sound files
marxtrkr.lzh 16 Beta version of ST Soiundtracker.
mplay1_2.lzh 15 Multiple mod players
naudio.lzh 204 "Evaluation Version" of sample/module player
naudiemo.lzh 496 Demo of NAUDIO sample replay library
noisetra.s 27 Noise tracker source
noiztrkr.lzh 116 Plays noizetracker modules
nsq.lzh 20 Plays .SND files
nt_comp.lzh 39 Noizetracker mod player
octalyse.zip 483 8 channel shareware tracker for ST/TT/Falcon/MultiTOS
octa096.tos 126 version 0.96 of above, excellent for 4/8 track mods
paula21c.zip 63 Shareware mod player for ste/tt
play31.arc 100 QD Play v3.1 from Dave Baggett
player.lzh 7 Play Noisetracker mods. Lame. Use audio.lzh instead
pt_src3.lzh 13 Plays 50KHz Replay files w/ only 30% CPU loading
pt20s.lzh 348 ProTracker v2.0s
ptplay12.zoo 15 ProTracker player v1.02. Rewritten, uses effects.
qdplay31.lzh 84 Play 8-bit sound files from command line
resound.arc 8 Plays digitized sample at the end of programs
snd_play.arc 12 Play sounds from a desk accessory
sndconv.lzh 9 Converts sounds from hippo/digisound to mac/st.
strack081.zip 167 Shareware version of Storm Tracker
stracker.zip 183 ST's first GEM based MOD editor
trackst.lzh 25 Noisetracker module player. See also ste/trackste.lzh
utracker.zip 19 Mod player
waveplay.zoo 22 Plays .WAV sound files
ym_track.zoo 98 Ym Tracker, a sound module player
Sound/Sounds: The atari.archive Sound Index
The sounds in this directory are 8-bit sample files for use with Play,
Beep, Digital Keyclick, and EPlay (located in ../players/). The sample
data is in the same format as Mac sample data, so many of these sounds
may look familiar to Mac users. Jason Banham <cs89jmb@brunel.ac.uk>
reports that these sounds can be played on Acorn Acrhimedes machines
using a PD program called !DSEdit.
Note: Sample rates are in Hz (samples per second).
Sound File Rate Description
---------- ---- -----------
20secnds.snd 11000 from Robocop 1: "You have 20 seconds to comply."
20th_cen.snd 11000 The 20th Century Fox opening music
ah.snd 11000 From Monty Python: "Ah!"
allright.snd 8000 Repo man: "...you're all right!" [Rated R]
allthean.snd 22000 Rosie Robot: "I should have all the answers..."
aln_land.snd 11000 ???: "The aliens have landed among us..."
amiss.snd 15000 Sylvesth-th-ster Cat: "...somethin's amiss..."
answer.snd 11000 Bart: "I know the answer, you know the answer..."
applause.snd 11000 Mocking applause; sounds like a game show
assist.snd 11000 ???: "Re-re-ready to assist you."
attack.snd 11000 Captain Kirk: "Prepare for attack...battle stations..."
attentio.snd 11000 Robotic voice: "Attention!"
autopil.snd 7500 ???: "Automatic pilot now functioning."
awasting.snd 11000 Cecil Turtle: "Time's a-wastin', speedy"
backoffm.snd 22000 Bill Murray (Ghostbusters): "Back off, man..."
bad_guys.snd 22000 Bad guys music from Star Wars (excerpt)
bam_boom.snd 22000 Elvis Presley
bark.snd 11000 A dog barking
bart.snd 11000 Homer Simpson: "Bart!
batman.snd 8000 From Batman TV show: "To the Batmobile! Let's go..."
be-nice.snd 22000 Marge Simpson: "Be nice to your sister."
beam_up.snd 11000 Transporter sound from Star Trek: TNG
beat.snd 11000 A drum beat from a cheesy drum machine
beaver.snd 11000 Naked Gun: "Nice beaver!"
beback.snd 22000 The Terminator: "I'll be back."
beep.snd 22000 ???: "Beep."
beware.snd 11000 ???: "...your brain may no longer be the boss."
bidding.snd 22000 Darth Vader: "What is thy bidding, my master?"
bing.snd 22000 From Monty Python: "...the machine that goes bing!"
bird.snd 11000 An Australian bird call
bitrunny.snd 11000 From Monty Python: "It's a -- bit runny, sir"
blerp.snd 22000 Computer noise from Max Headroom
bogus.snd 11000 Bill & Ted (together): "Bogus!"
boing.snd 11000 An amusing system beep.
boom_ooh.snd 8000 George of the Jungle: Explosion followed by "oooh".
boop.snd 8000 Boop sound.
bottle.snd 22000 Air across the lip of a bottle
br_clang.snd 22000? Metal clanging
burp.snd 11000 You figure it out.
buycheez.snd 11000 From Monty Python: "Won't you buy some cheese!"
cant_do.snd 11000 ??? (a valley girl): "You can't do that!"
captains.snd 11000 Captain Kirk: "Captain's Log, stardate..."
chandra.snd 11000 Hal: "...I'm ready to start the countdown..."
cheer.snd 22000 Bart: "Aw c'mon, I'll cheer ya up."
chinese.snd 11000 ??? [A bit of music]: "I like Chinese"
chord.snd 11000 Startup chord frequently heard on Macs
clint.snd 22000 Clint Eastwood: "...make my day..."
clunk.snd 11000 Foghorn Leghorn: "What's...the big idea..."
comply.snd.Z 16000 Robocop: "you have 20 seconds to comply"
conv.snd.Z 10000 Church Lady: Isn't that convenient?
cosbylip.snd 11000 Bill Cosby: "Take your bottom lip..."
cow.snd 11000 Mooooo!
crash.snd.Z 10000 Car Crash
cricket.snd 11000 The insect, not the game.
cuckoo.snd 22000 A cuckoo clock
curley1.lzh 18000 Third stooge
curley2.lzh 22000 third stooge
curley3.lzh 31000 third stooge
damn_mnt.snd 11000 Spock: "One damn minute, admiral."
dasdafac.snd 22000 Bill Murray (?): "Das da fac', Jack!"
dead.snd 22000 From Monty Python: "Bring out 'cher dead!"
deadjim.snd 11000 Bones: "He's dead Jim..."
destruct.snd 11000 A famous quote from Mission: Impossible!
digiding.snd 8000 A computerized "ding" sound
disapnt.snd 22000 From Tron: "...how disappointed I am in you."
disapp.snd 11000 ???: "...how disappointed I am to find you here."
doesnot.snd 11000 Robby the Robot (?): "Does not compute!"
dog.snd 11000 A dog barking.
dont.snd 11000 Bart: "Don't make me say it."
dontworr.snd 22000 Bobby McFerrin: "Don't worry, be happy..."
doorbell.snd 11000 Sounds like a late 60's model
downdown.snd 8000 Daffy Duck being cutthroat.
dragnet.snd 22000 The famous 9 notes. Good sound quality.
drop_20.snd 11000 Animal House: "You're all worthless and weak..."
drwho.snd 11000 The entire Dr. Who theme (most recent version)
eastla.snd 22000 Cheech: "I was born in East LA, man..."
easy.snd 11000 Bart: "Oh yeah, easy."
eatshort.snd 11000 Bart: "Eat my shorts."
elephant.snd 11000 A large pachyderm trumpeting
elmer.snd 11000 Elmer Fudd: "Be vewy vewy quiet..."
end_line.snd 22000 From Tron: "End of line."
energize.snd 8000 The Enterprise transporter. Nicely digitized.
entrdoor.snd 11000 The swish...swish of a door on the Enterprise
evil.snd 8000 Evil laughter; flanged.
excuuseme.snd 11000 Steve Martin: "Excuuuuuuse -- me!"
exlnt.snd 11000 Bill & Ted (together): "Excellent!"
explode.snd 11000 Your run-of-the-mill detontation.
explosn.snd 11000 Another one.
extermin.snd 11000 A Dalek: "Exterminate!"
f_troop.snd 22000 The F-Troop theme (excerpt)
family_d.snd 11000 3 Stooges: "What was your family decomposed of? ..."
fart.snd 22000 From Monty Python:"I fart in your general direction..."
flash.snd 22000 A cheesy sound effect
flush.snd 11000 A toilet flushing.
fortywin.snd 22000 Yogi Bear: "I was just takin' forty winks."
frankly.snd 11000 Rhett Butler: "Frankly my dear, I don't..."
freeze.snd 22000 ???: "Freeze!"
funny.snd 11000 Roger Rabbit: "Only when it was funny! ..."
gameover.snd 8000 From Alien: "Game over, man!"
gas.snd 11000 ???: "Gas music from Jupiter, indeed."
geepers.snd 11000 Roger Rabbit: "Geepers, that almost killed me!"
getsmart.snd 11000 The "Get Smart" theme music
gimmick.snd 11000 Foghorn Leghorn: "What's ... the gimmick, son..."
ginmill.snd 11000 Roger Rabbit: "Oh, ... a gin mill, a speakeasy..."
gm_vtnam.snd 22000 Robin Williams: "Good morning, Vietnam!"
gorn.snd 11000 The Gorn (Star Trek): "I shall be mericiful..."
greeting.snd 11000 From Wargames: "Greetings, Professor Falkan."
gunfire.snd 22000 A barrage of bullets.
hal.snd 22000 Hal: "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't..."
hal10.snd 11000 Hal: "Goodbye."
hal2.snd 11000 Hal: "...what do you think you're doing, Dave?"
hal20.snd 11000 Hal: "...it can only be...human error."
hal3.snd 11000 Hal: "That is something I cannot allow to happen."
hal4.snd 22000 Hal: "Are you sure you're making the right decision?"
hal6.snd 11000 Hal: "...I wouldn't worry myself about that."
hal7.snd 11000 Hal: "I feel much better now. I really do."
hal9.snd 22000 Hal: "I'm completely operational..."
haleluja.snd 11000 Short excerpt from Handel's Messiah
hallucin.snd 11000 ???: "You are probably -- hallucinating."
hanhan.snd 22000 ???: "Uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh."
harp.snd 11000 The beginning of a "dream sequence"
heheheh.snd 22000 The name says it.
helicopt.lzh 97000 helicoptor
hello_sk.snd 11000 ???: "Hello seekers..." [can't be explained!]
heyrocky.snd 8000 Bulwinkle: "Hey, Rocky."
heywilma.snd 22000 Fred Flintstone: "Hey Wilma!"
hi-man.snd 22000 Bart: "Hi man!"
hithere.snd 8000 Peter Gabriel (from "Big Time"): "Hi there."
ho_yes.snd 11000 From Monty Python (?): "Ho, yes!"
holy_sh.snd 11000 Animal House, Belushi: "Holy shit!"
honk.snd 22000 A little horn tooting.
horse_rc.snd 11000 The trumpeting that starts a horse race
hot.snd 22000 Aliens: "It's hot as hell in here..."
how_feel.snd 11000 Trek IV, Computer: "How do you feel?"
humanbra.snd 11000 From Dr. Who: "Small though it is, the human brain..."
humor.snd 11000 Roger Rabbit: "Where's your sense of humor?"
huuuuh.snd 22000 From Monty Python (?): "Uhhh!"
idea.snd 22000 ???: "Do you have any idea what you've done here?"
impressi.snd 22000 Darth Vader: "Impressive."
intercom.snd 11000 The intercom sound from Star Trek
irabbit.snd 11000 Bugs Bunny: "Toitle shmoitle, I'm the rabbit!"
is_wrong.snd 22000 ???: "Everything you know is wrong!"
janet.arc Rhythm Nation remixes for Digital Keyclick
jet.snd 22000 A loud flying machine
kaboom.snd 11000 The Martian: "Where's the kaboom? ..."
kickdrum.snd 8000 An electronic kickdrum.
klang.snd 22000? Something metal being hit.
knightni.snd 11000 Monty Python(Holy Grail):"...the knights who say--ni!"
kookabur.snd 11000 The call of the Kookaburra. (It's a bird...)
lamb.snd 22000 A lamb bleating
laugh.snd 22000 A witchy laugh with machine noises in the bkgnd
laughitu.snd 22000 Han Solo: "Laugh it up, fuzzball!"
leaveit2.snd 11000 The "Leave it to Beaver" theme music
letmeout.snd 11000 Guy inside your computer: "Lemme outta here!"
letsrock.snd 15000 From Aliens: "Let's rock!"
look_up.snd 22000 ???: "Look, up in the sky...it's Superman!"
looneytu.snd 11000 Loony Toons closing music
loonytun.snd 22000 Loony Toons opening music
magic.snd 11000 Fairy-waves-magic-wand sound effect
maxhead.snd 8000 Max Headroom: "This is M-M-Max Headroom"
maxheadr.snd 22000 Max Headroom: "Isn't there something better..."
meepmeep.snd 22000 The Road Runner's familiar sound
missile.snd 7500 Some kind of large gun being fired.
money.snd 11000 Dire Straits: "Money for Nothing" (excerpt)
monkey.snd 8000 A monkey: "Eeeep!"
mr_t.snd 22000 Eddie Murphy: [imitating Mr. T]
notajedi.snd 22000 Darth Vader: "...you are not a Jedi yet!"
nyuknyuk.snd 22000 Curly: "Nyuk-nyuk-nyuk-nyuk" <clunk>
ohmygod.snd 11000 Sounds like Mrs. Cleaver: "Oh my God!"
ohprunel.snd 22000 Bugs Bunny: "A-ha-ha-ha. Oh, Prunella!"
ohshit.snd 11000 ???: "Oh shit."
okie.snd 22000 Bart: "Okie dokie."
peewee.snd 22000 Pee-wee Herman: "Whyncha make me?"
phasers.snd 22000 From a Steve Miller song.
ping.snd 11000 The machine that goes "ping".
pingpong.snd 8000 Sound of a ping pong ball being hit.
pity.snd 22000 Bart's sis: "I don't want your pity."
presbush.snd 11000 President Bush: "Thank you, God bless you..."
presto.snd 8000 Bulwinkle: "Presto!"
r2d2.snd 22000 Boop-bleep-boop-whooo-blip
reagan.snd 11000 Ronald Reagan: "I'm not going to lie..."
ripped.snd 11000 From Monty Python:"...his head's been ripped off..."
risky2.snd 22000 A musical sound bite from Risky Business (?)
rooster.snd 8000 Wake up!
rubyaout.snd 11000 Warner Bros. Mobster: "I'm gonna rub ya out, see..."
sarcasm.snd 22000 From Monty Python: "He used -- sarcasm."
saveme.snd 8000 Daffy Duck: "Quick, quick, save me, pal!"
scifi.snd 8000 Sounds like something from Warner Bros.
scream.snd 8000 Daffy Duck screaming.
sealion.snd 8000 A sea lion barking.
secret.snd 8000 Daffy Duck: "I'll find out his secret..."
sexyhi.snd 11000 A sexy voice: "Hi."
shatter.snd 11000 Glass shattering.
shootyou.snd 11000 From Monty Python: "...I'm going to have to shoot you."
sonarpin.snd 22000 A sonar ping.
spacemod.snd 11000 Martian: "The eludium Q-36 explosive space modulator"
splat.snd 11000 Cartoon sound effect (the name says it).
st-ng.snd 8000 "Star Trek: TNG" theme music (excerpt)
stoogei.snd 22000 Three Stooges closing music.
stopit.snd 11000 From Monty Python: "Stop it!"
strength.snd 8000 Bulwinkle: "Ooh. Don't know my own strength."
su-bach.snd 22000 Opening notes from Tocatta and Fugue in D minor (Bach)
su-fanf.snd 22000 Opening fanfare from some old flick.
su-russi.snd 22000 Excerpt from Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Suite
superior.snd 11000 A Dalek: "...we are the superior beings"
surprise.snd 11000 Gomer Pyle: "Surpriiise, surprise, surprise!"
tardis.snd 11000 Dr. Who's Tardis arriving (or departing).
tarzan.snd 8000 Edgar Rice Burroughs' ape man.
taughtyo.snd 22000 Darth Vader: "Obi-Wan has taught you well."
theyrehr.snd 22000 From Poltergeist: "They're here."
thriller.snd 22000 Vincent Price laughing (from MJ's "Thriller")
thunder.snd 22000 Thunder and rain
timetobl.snd 22000 Jane Jetson: "time to blast off for dreamland"
toko.snd 22000? A sci-fi sound effect of some kind
toot.snd 11000 Party horn toot.
trnsport.snd 11000? The Enterprise transporter (again)
trumpets.snd 22000 Another Nutcracker Suite Excerpt
trythink.snd 22000 Curly: "I'm tryin' t' think but nothin happens"
tutti.snd 22000 Little Richard (?)
twilight.snd 22000 "The Twilight Zone" theme music (excerpt)
twltzone.snd 22000 A longer excerpt from "The Twilight Zone"
type1.snd 8000 Keypress on a typewriter.
type2.snd 8000 Keypress on another typewriter.
underdog.snd 22000 Narrator: "There's no need to fear, Underdog is here!"
vulcan.snd 8000 Bones: "Are you out of your Vulcan mind?"
waitamin.snd 8000 From Warner Bros.: "Hey, wait a minute."
wattle.snd 11000 The call of the Wattle. (Another bird.)
ways.snd 22000 From Wargames: "There's ways around that." (sic)
wetmice.snd 11000 Foghorn Leghorn: "Nice girl, but..."
what.snd 11000 Bart: "What are we talking about?"
whatsup.snd 11000 Bugs Bunny: "What's up, Doc?"
where.snd 22000 Bart: "Where's your sense of humor, man?"
whipbird.snd 11000 The call of the Whip Bird. (Yet another bird.)
whizz.snd 11000 Cartoon sound effect
whosfrst.snd 22000 From the famous Abbott & Costello routine.
why_you.snd 8000 Bugs Bunny (?) goes on a tirade.
wipeout.snd 22000 The beginning of the song.
woo.snd 8000 Daffy Duck: "Wh-wh-whuhooo!"
yabbadab.snd 22000 Fred Flintstone: "Yabba-Dabba Doo!"
yahoo.snd 22000 Daffy Duck cheers.
yeah.snd 8000 Bulwinkle: "Yeah!"
younick.snd 11000 ???: "You all %!#&ing nicked me old beauty." [R rated]
yourang.snd 22000 Lurch: "You rang."
zamfir.snd 11000 Zamfir, master of the Pan flute.
zany_sto.snd 11000 Bugs Bunny: "...who'd ever believe such a zany story?"
Ssolsdem: A collection of demos of programs distributed by Systems Solutions
dapidemo.tos DA's picture demo
dtdemo.lzh DigiTracker demo
kobold.lzh Kobold - the file copier
layouttc.lzh DA's layout demo
midispy.lzh MidiSpy demo (informative, I know :-)
mus_pic.lzh (pd I think). Takes a picture and converts to midi info
musicmon.lzh ???
quill.lzh DA again
vecpro.lzh DA's vector Pro demo
vector.lzh DA's vector
0index ??? This Index you're currently loving.
Ste/Mega: a directory for MegaSTe-specific programs
booter.lzh 1 use 16mHz with self booting disks
megaste.lzh 10 Shareware utilties by John townsend for megastes
mhz.lzh 9 Freeware program to change between 8/16 Mhz
speed.lzh 7 Another speed switcher
speed_sw.arc 10 Collection of programs for Mega STe to control speed
wrap_fix.arc 5 Fixes MegaSte/TOS 2.05 screen bug on mono monitors
50play.lzh 37 50kHz STe Pro-Tracker player
armadaisdead.lzh 198 Fractal demo from Aggression
autoexec.lzh 18 Allows you to set up various params on boot & play samp
backtrak.lzh 7 Plays .mod files on ste/tt
bdamag1.lzh 733 Excellent Demo by Aggression Part 1 (get next file also)
bdamag2.lzh 647 Part 2
bf_demo.arc 60 Banafisk demo, pretty neat
blat.lzh 417 STe falling blocks game with a difference
boingste.arc 421 STE demo by Autralian Guy (nice music)
coolste.arc 385 By An Cool. Scrolling Mickey Mouse
delirs3a.msa 402 Part a of the delirious 3 demo
delirs3b.msa 387 Part b of above. You need both parts.
dips.lzh 3 CPX that lets you change internal dip switches on MSTE
double2.lzh 4 Double vertical screen resolution on Ste (no scrolling)
dtpcdmo2.arc 62 Demo by desktop center
dtrak111.lzh 35 Plays mods in the background under multitos (pos. MiNt)
dynabust.lzh 342 Game; requires DMA sound & analog joy port.
dynamite.arc 351 Dynamite sound demo for ste/tt
fant_emu.lzh 2 Allows you to run fantasia.arc on Mega Stes
fantasia.arc 620 Fast 3d graphics and cure samples
jukebx11.zoo 18 Plays mod & segm in background on Ste / TT
jungle.arc 338 Cool jungle noises and animated Dr. Livingstone
ms2demo.lzh 122 Mastersound II demo. STE support.
monster.lzh 3 Display huge virtual screens.
only_ste.lzh 802 Only ste demo. (Packed with msa, which is included)
pacman_on_Es.lzh 297 Awesome Pac-Man Game. uses all STe features!
sam_seq.lzh 97 Sampled sound sequencer for STe only
scrth.zoo 34 Scrolling Thunder text browser for STe and up. Demo
simmfix.zoo 3 Tweaks MMU to allow 2.5Mb of memory.
skulls.zoo 24 Skulls game with user defined sounds.
sndunex1.msa 317 Sounds of the unexpected demo, part 1. STE only.
sndunex2.msa 320 Sounds of the unexpected demo, part 2. Ditto.
soundoff.lzh 329 Click on picture and you'll get related sound
ste_pw.arc 293 Scrolling text, bouncing letters demo
stedemo.lzh 253 ???
steplay.lzh 49 Play noisetracker mods in stereo
stesnd.lzh 7 Gem based STe DMA sample player
trackste.lzh 25 Noisetracker module player w/ste support.
utopos.lzh 216 Demo of shareware game from Chronicle, req. 1 meg
wd_sines.arc 87 Wyrd Sines! demo . Mediocre.
yo_ste.arc 98 Automation demo. Simple, but good.
0index ??? This index. Great, huh??
1wp2fax.lzh 39 1st Word Plus to FAX image converter. Requires an
actual FAX program to send the image.
aladin102.lzh 204 Complete Aladin 1.02. Upgrade below.
alad162.tos 132 Aladin 1.62 Genie terminal program, .prg only
aladptch.arc 13 Patch to aladin12.arc (obsoleted by 1.62 probably)
ansifont.lzh 3 Good Med Res GDOS font for STALKER etc.
ansi15b.lzh 99 Ansiterm v1.5b. 100% ansi vt-102. Good for ansi bbs'
ansi190.lzh 79 AnsiTerm 1.90 update to above, good.
ansist40.zip 15 ANSI driver, works with VT52 software.
bbsutils.arc 64 Chat and its editor for forem and ACICS
bbsxdemo.lzh 242 Demo of BBS Express v1.79c
btst240l.lzh 263 Binkley term, terminal pro
ck5a189b.zip 275 C-Kermit 5A 189 binaries
ck5a189s.zip 560 C-Kermit 5A 189 sources
cm402.lzh 66 ???
coma_140.zip 175 Fax send/receive program. Demo. German/English
connect_2.46_english.lzh 338 v. 2.46 of this excellent comm program
connect_2.46_german.lzh 351 same with German docs/menus
connect_2.46_update.lzh 215 update to fix internal Zmodem bug
cqwke22.lzh 69 Captain's qwk offline bbs reader
cts_zmdm.lzh 46 CTS Z modem
datalink.zoo 100 Term program. Several special features.
datblz27.arc 23 DA which helps keep track of email addresses for you.
dctran.arc 3 Background transferring (upload only)
dialer.lzh 16 Dials phone using monitor speaker, neat.
dterm_1m.lzh 48 Latest and greatest version of dterm. Changes weekly.
fastprog.arc 28 Fast ST <> VAX trasnfer prog
fasttalk.arc 9 ???
fastterm.lzh 51 Demo of a term prg
fed125.zip 32 Full screen editor for QuickBBS
flash22d.lzh 105 Flash 2.2 Demo. (lim to 50K downloads/30 minutes online)
flashd12.arc 24 Flash, version 1.2
flashdoc.lzh 63 Docs with tips to make the most of FLASH 'DO' scripts
flshdial.zip 3 More examples of .DO files for Flash
fn132-README 6 Readme file for fnordadel, at STadel based BBS system
fn132bin.zoo 453 Binaries (in zoo2.1 format)
fn132man.zoo 188 Documentation in zoo2.1 format
fn132src.zoo 533 Source for fnordadel
fzt_d220.lzh 280 Freeze dried terminal demo. Shareware.
g_oracle.zip 21 Stalker Backtalk script to navigate GEnie easier. v 1.4
gem_xyz.lzh 23 Gem version of starfalls xyz
gemkermit.arc 28 Gem da of kermit protocol
gszrz228.lzh 161 Good Zmodem ACC. Especially good with Connect 2.xx
gszrzs43.lzh 69 Latest GEM szrz, crippled demo version
hckfax10.lzh 88 FAX software for ZyXEL modem. Docs in German.
hfaxbeta.lzh 77 German PD FAX program. Beta test version.
hpterm.arc 21 Simple terminal, no docs, color only?
ig214.arc 123 Instant graphics! Interlink to send/rec graphic
ig_edit.zip 120 Instant Graphics and Sound Editor w/term program ACC.
imhov106.zip 158 Seemingly nice qwk off line reader
j_office.lzh 487 Junior Office FAX package
jekl138.arc 139 Jekyll 1.38 - split screen chat type program
kermit.arc 142 Kermit downloading protocol.
m_qwk118.lzh 82 Mountain QWK offline reader demo version.
m_read20.lzh 93 Mountain Qwk/Bluewave OLR demo
minibbs.lzh 73 Simple BBS system.
minit933.lzh 66 Latest version of good term program (norwegian)
miniterm.lzh 55 Terminal program (vt100 included), can be used as an acc
mobzdial.arc 10 Dialer acc
mobzutil.arc 10 ???
modemt.zip 29 Modem tester, from Toad computers. Tests for FAX capab.
mt_qwk_r.lzh 46 Pretty good QWK offline reader. Fully functional!
national.arc 61 ???
neocom.zip 236 Telecomm program good ANSI emulation
ommmst14.lzh 49 ???
opterm05.lzh 152 Opus term version 0.5
phdial14.lzh 58 Modem dialer acc - supports up to 19.6 baud modems
prestel.arc 29 ???
proterm.arc 101 Gem comm program
quickbbs.zip 89 Quick BBS, v1.10
q_asc110.zip 97 Quick BBS docs in Ascii format
q_doc110.zip 119 Quick BBS docs in 1st Word format
quickcis.arc 90 Aladin wannabe. For use with CI$. Keeps bills lower.
readmail.lzh 71 BBS email reading program, may also work with Internet
rufus106.zoo 275 Term program (german and english)
rufuseng.rsc 17 English resource file for rufus 1.04
rz.exe 64 VAX executables for Z modem (with sz.exe) Yes, a VAX.
scribe.zip 3 STalker BackTalk script records all online activity
sealink.arc 18 Sealink protocol accessory with C source code
serfx1_1.lzh 9 Serialfx: fixes turbocts problem
serfx20.lzh 11 Serialfx: fixes turbocts problem. Version 2.0
setter.zip 2 STalker BackTalk: ignores incoming Clr/Home
shadow11.lzh 87 Updates shadow1.0 to 1.0
spatch01.lzh 33 Patches Storm 1.00 to 1.01
shdwterm.arc 177 Sharware demo of Shadowterm II
skkit2.zip 33 STalker BackTalk utility, auto-loads files.
st_term.lzh 63 Terminal program. version 3.5
stadel1.zoo 191 These three parts will allow you to set up a fairly
stadel2.zoo 172 complete bbs. Have fun.
stadel3.zoo 208
stdet103.arc 46 ST Dualterm Elite - emulates vt52/atascii in 40/80 cols
stkeep.lzh 412 BBS software
stkr_302.zoo 122 Stalker 3.01 to 3.02 patch
stkr3dmo.zoo 92 Stalker 3 demo?
stkrpat.lzh 107 Stalker 3.0 -> 3.01 patch upgrade
stno_103.lzh 75 Steno upgrade patch program
storm100.lzh 228 Alan Page's excellent new shareware term program!
storm_patch02.lzh 82 Update STORM --> v1.01 to v1.02
storm_patch101.lzh 33 Update STORM --> v1.01
storm_patchzmodem101.lzh Update STORM zmodem module
story.arc 31 "Door" program for Forem BBS
strip.lzh 66 "RIP" terminal protocol
sysinfo.zip 43 Toad's modem and system tester. (scans systems, good)
sysinfo2.zip 59 Newer version of above.
sz.exe 75 VAX executables for Z modem (with rz.exe) Yes, A VAX!
t100.zoo 55 ah format, ANSI/vt100 emulator, source included
taz_100.zip 84 ANSI 16 Color Term in MEDIUM Res, try it.
tcpip.lzh 23 Atari SLIP FAQ
term4.lzh 45 simple character-based terminal program
tip.arc 10 Dumb terminal program, by howie. For use with mint.
trapido.lzh 349 Neat term program from Germany. Shareware.
trn2401.lzh 468 Transcendence BBS freeware version
tterm210.zip 99 Elegant term prg. Try it. Shareware
turbo_sw.lzh 224 Shareware Turbo Board bbs program. Sorry Bill.
turbors.lzh 14 Demo of program which claims to up serial speed to 56k
txtsndr.zip 3 STalker BackTalk: simplifies sending text files
uemail.arc 76 ???
uemlsrc.arc 166 Sources for uemail.arc
uniterm.zoo 257 Complete uniterm package. Docs, everything.
unitmacs.lzh 12 Uniterm macros.
utermisc.arc 220 Miscellaneous stuff for uniterm.
utugps.zoo 442 Uniterm users guide, postscript style
uucico.arc 34 ???
uusrc.arc 6 Sources for uud/uue.
uuxbin.arc 16 Uudecode/encode.
uw.arc 28 ???
uw.tar.Z 287 Complete package for uw, an X simulator
uwREADME 5 Readme for uw.
uwbin.arc 51 Binaries for uw.
uwsrc.arc 91 Sources for uw.
vantrm38.lzh 132 Vanterm, version 1.32
vidterm.arc 3 Extremely simple terminal
wa200.lzh 20 WhatArc version 2.00 -- Arc mail utility
wterm.arc 47 Window Term 1.0, accessory terminal
xprogs.arc 12 Xmodem protocol .ttps and c source code
xyz202b.lzh 26 Version 2.02b of xyz (xmodem/ymodem/zmodem)
xyzpatch.lzh 9 Patch for 2.02b, not required. Read docs first.
xyzshl34.lzh 16 Graphical shell for x,y,z modems
ymg125.lzh 9 Ymodem-G transfer protocol
zflash.lzh 47 Z-modem external protocol for Flash
zm16src.lzh 176 Source for z-modem.
zmdm_bin.arc 118 Binaries for zmodem.
zmdm_src.arc 147 Sources for z-modem.
0index ?? My sister was bit by a moose once. No really....
c++2l.zoo 50 C++ LaTeX for the St. Pretty printer for C++ or ANSI
cm_mf.arc 251 Sources for modern fonts
2formats.lzh 256 2 formats (.fmt) for use with TeX.
cstex4-1.zoo 644 Disk 1 of CS - TeX 4.0
cstex4-2.zoo 591 Disk 2
cstex4-3.zoo 676 Disk 3
cstex4-4.zoo 569 Disk 4
cstex4-5.zoo 463 Disk 5
cstex4-6.zoo 434 Disk 6
cstex4-7.zoo 682 Disk 7
cstex4-8.zoo 624 Disk 8
cstex4.README 1 Readme explaining the cs-tex 4.0 release
dvi2ttyb.zoo 59 DVI to ascii viewer binaries
dvi2ttys.lzh 21 Sources for above.
dviatari.zoo 59 Previewer for low, medium, and high res monitors
dvidsk.arc 80 Driver for the HP deskjet
dvieps.arc 240 DRiver for Epsons and compatibles; with source
dvipsbin.zoo 190 dvi - postscript binaries. All sorts of options.
dvipssrc.zoo 289 Sources for the above.
dvist3_3.arc 201 Previewer for mono and drivers for SLM804 and HPLLJII
shdvi10b.zoo 152 Previwer, drivers for SLM804, HP Jets, FX80, etc
essential.zoo 17 Essential TeX - Introductory text to LaTeX
altfonts.zoo 254 For showdvi 100/110/120/131/144/173/207/227/299 pk libs
dvifnts1.zoo 366 Individual pk fonts for 96 & 300 dpi + magnifications
dvifnts2.zoo 472 See dvifnts1
dvifntsz.hlp 2 Help file for dvifnts1.zoo & dvifnts2.zoo
showdvifonts.zoo 209 For showdvi 83/100/109/120/144/173/207/249/299 pk libs
texfont2.arc 91 See texfonts.arc
texfonts.arc 98 Individual pk fonts 80/96/105/115/138/166/199
gentle_intro.zoo 66 Gentle intro to setting up tex
lgrind.zoo 47 lgrind macro for LaTeX
meta_con.zoo 89 Convert Calamus/vector fonts for use with metafont
metafont.arc 129 ???
Metafont27: (Frank Ridderbusch)
mfbfonts.lzh 139 Base files: cmmf.base, mf.base
mfbin.lzh 257 Binaries inimf.ttp and virmf.ttp
mffonts1.lzh 578 Font information file needed by metafont
mffonts2.lzh 356 Font information file needed by metafont
mfpandor.lzh 210 Pandora font information files need by metafont
mfsrc.lzh 183 C source for Metafont v2.7
mfware.lzh 129 Utilities:gftodvi, gftopk, gftype, mft
mf_files.arc 38 Metafont descriptions of fonts
mf_three.arc 99 " " " "
mf_two.arc 82 " " " "
mkind212.zoo 43 MakeIndex program: generate indices in LaTeX
ms.arc 20 Minimal shell for running TeX with only 1 meg of RAM
rtexsh13.zoo 28 RTeX shell, v.1.3
texshel2.arc 8 TeX Shell v1.1, gfx interface for TeX,LaTeX, and DVI
texshell.arc 8 TeX Shell v1.0 graphic interface for TeX and LaTex
overview.zoo 68 Overview of various TeX files needed for a system
stbibtex.zoo 85 BibTeX 0.99 ported by Jeff Long
Tex29: (Jwahar R. Bammi)
StTeXbin.zoo 776 Binaries index, initex, undump, virtex, bvirtex, latex
StTeXmac.zoo 675 Macros, *.sty files, plain.fmt, and lplain.fmt
StTeXsrc.zoo 290 Complete source for TeX and utilities
StTeXtfm.zoo 84 Font metricfiles
Tex31: (Frank Ridderbusch)
README.Z 5 Brief explanation from Frank.
bibtex.lzh 56 Creates bibliographies from TeX files
bibtex.zoo 78 New version of bibtex, fixes bugs, etc. See readme.
dvicopy.lzh 41 Translates dvi files to files that humans can read
fontutil.lzh 118 Utilities: pktogf, pktype, vftovp, vptovf
inputs.lzh 377 Macros and style files
manpages.lzh 26 Man pages for TeX, Metafnt, and associated utils
texbin.zoo 519 New binaries to replace texbin.lzh. Uploaded 7/22/91
texsrc.lzh 173 C source for TeX v3.1
texware.lzh 156 Utilities: dvitype, patgen,pltotg, pooltype, tftopl
tfmfonts.lzh 343 Font metric files
vf_fonts.lzh 102 Virtual font files
tex_docs.zoo 124 Some help setting up and running tex.
tex_primer.zoo 223 Primer on TeX. Requires PS printer
texdr179.lzh 534 Object oriented drawing program for use with tex.
texfmt.arc 321 Format files for an older version of tex
texinfo.zoo 87 All of the necessary stuff for texindex
texsrc.arc 206 ???
tr2ltx22.zoo 121 Troff to LaTeX, v. 2.2
txdrwdoc.zip 16 English translation of the manual for TeXDraw
undump.zoo 22 undump sourde and binary
0index ?? This better than the best index you're now reading.
backtrak.lzh 8 Plays .mod files on ste/tt
brshwrks.lzh 177 Demo of shareware paint program (TT low res)
cat2demo.lzh 70 Demo of CyReL CaTTamaran TT030 accellerator software
cattamrn.lzh 179 demo of the CyReL Dashboard accessory for TT accelerator
cea05150.lzh 73 CyRel ElectroAD #5
cea06150.lzh 63 CyRel ElectroAD #6
dips.lzh 3 CPX that lets you change internal dip switches on TT
dynamite.arc 351 Dynamite sound demo for ste/tt
elfback.lzh 32 Backup program for the TT
environ.arc 4 Sets environment from auto folder. Works on tt (duh...)
flgset.lzh 16 Set the flags in executable headers.
getrez.arc 2 Some sort of patch for Getrez() ...no docs
ham8.zip 26 Display H.A.M./H.A.M.8 files
jukebx11.zoo 18 Plays mod & segm in background on STe and TT
nh311gem.zoo 806 Graphical nethack 3.11. Best on Falcon or TT.
noroach.lzh 16 Set HD boot delay, also includes lots of desktop icons
oxydfalc.zoo 580 Oxyd for Falcon & TT
pmmu201.lzh 2 Maps the 32 bits address of the 030 into 24 for 68000
rr_11h.lzh 17 Moves TT rom to faster TT ram at a loss of 512K
tt_dis.zoo 36 Brian's TT disassembler, written in Lattice C, tt only
ttart171.zip 43 TT screen saver
tt2sthi.arc 4 Makes your color TT execute auto fldr prgs in ST hi rez
tttime.lzh 6 TT time cpx module
This is a SHAREWARE program I've set up on the CD that ought to let you
more easily decompress the various types of archives. It can't cope with
.msa stuff yet, but it's happy with most others.
0index ?? This index, which is the last past in the big one.
1stview.lzh 52 Views pics and text from SHOW/PRINT/CANCEL dialog
203icons.lhz 3 Icons for Neodesk
ab204.arc 52 Driver for Atari SH-204 hard disk
abe.arc 78 Robust encoder/decoder
acc11.lzh 2 Place accs outside of root directory
acc13.arc 10 Load accs from a folder.
acc_1087.arc 19 Official atari accs relase. vt52 emulator and c. panel.
acc_ace2.arc 8 Become an ace of your accesories.
accent.zip 2 Keyboard extensions for MegaSTE/TT/F030 (?)
accload.arc 2 Load only the accs you want.
acctool.arc 87 File / Disk utility accessory
alarmclk.lzh 8 Alarm clock desk accessory. Like the mac version
allshell.lzh 8 Program launcher
altbt30e.lzh 8 Alternate booter.
amcgdos.arc 5 PD Gdos clone from Germany
antibomb.arc 14 Alert boxes, not bombs
append.lzh 7 Appends two files together.
ar20boot.arc 3 Utils for booting ar20 clock chip
ar20set.arc 5 Utils for setting ar20 clock chip
ardvark.lzh 5 Displays picture when F1 is pressed
asciitab.lzh 4 CPX displays full char. set
ash070.arc 58 Vi like cli. Wrong section again, Jeff.
assassin.lzh 32 Edit ASSIGN.SYS files painlessly
assist2.arc 15 C source for alarm clock and disk utility program
atconv.arc 9 ATASCII <-> ASCII converter w/ src
atime89.arc 12 Ensure that the IKBD clock is correct
atomik35.zip 35 Data packer
autocopy.arc 6 Copies prgs to ramdisk at boot time
autodate.arc 4 Changes date automatically every day. Very handy.
autodisk.arc 9 Sets clock, then copies disk to a Ramdisk
autosort.arc 7 Sorts utils in auto folder to rid incompat. probs
autost.lzh 8 Starts programs automatically? In German, so ???
auto_sel.lzh 2 Allows selecting which auto programs run at bootup
auxout.arc 10 Send control strings to the serial port
av380.zip 52 Asciiview 3.80 text file viewer (for GEM or newdesk)
awk.arc 52 Very old version of awk.
barrel.arc 11 Redirects printer output to anywhere you'd like.
belltest.lzh 7 Convert .SND for NewBell use (V1.0)
belltest.txt 5 Doc for next program
belltst2.lzh 10 V2.0 of belltest, convert .SND for NewBell
bench.arc 9 Quik Index V1.0
biclock.arc 5 Clock setting program for the Auto folder
bigcolor.lzh 16 Provides color for big screen emulator.
bigscrn.arc 7 Some sort of big screen utility.
bison.arc 144 ST port of gnu bison (Unix YACC look alike)
bit.lzh 34 Copies unprotected disks. Fast.
blink30.lzh 30 "Blink" utility programs for setting the palette.
bmgteff.lzh 6 Benchmark for VDI text effects
bomb.arc 8 Tells you what the bombs mean in plain english.
boot_cpx.lzh 5 Enable/disable auto prgs and accs. Use with xcontrol
boot.arc 4 Allows you to reboot your ST.
bootmgr.lzh 30 Assign Auto progs / ACCs to function keys.
bootmst.arc 40 Boot configuration program
bootpi.arc 4 Display Degas pictures at boot-up
bootxs200.lzh 23 Select ACC/CPX/Auto programs at boot time
break.arc 13 <ctrl><del> break out of any program with this. Sure.
bsdiff.arc 11 BSD diff -like utility. Mv this too.
bubble.lzh 2 .ACC finds hidden mouse pointer. Handy!
buttnfix.lzh 3 Fixes tos error long click -> double click
calltime.arc 13 Record times of 'phone calls while you are out
capslock.arc 4 Monitor the status of the caps lock key
cat.arc 26 Unix like cat. Mv this Jeff.
catch.zoo 18 Master-Module (?) extension for signal-handler
cham119.lzh 9 Loads desk accs on the fly
chcgofnt.lzh 2 Chicago font ???
ckbd.zip 70 Keyboard driver access internat'l char sets
clearmem.arc 5 Assembler source for clearing, moving & comparing mem
cleo.arc 11 Supposed to give line edits in the dialog
clipcpx.lzh 10 Clipboard as a cpx
clock17e.lzh 31 Corner clock acc
code_105.lzh 43 Code-CPX universal Modem/Printer/Midi Setups
coldboot.arc 2 Software cold booter.
coloremu.arc 1 Emulates a color mode in mono.
cons_fix.lzh 3 Fix console output from TurboST and QuickST
cookiest.zoo 131 Matija's cookie program for the ST
cpanel.lzh 25 Super deluxe control panel.
cpboot.arc 11 Copies boot sectors to other disks
cpxcalc.zoo 11 CPX calculator. In German.
cpx_asm.lzh 93 Collection of 13 German .CPXs, with docs.
cpx_mdls.changes 2 Changes from the last cpx_mdls. Updated 10/11/91
cpx_mdls.lzh 31 CPX modules for controlx
cpx_mdls.zoo 29 Latest CPX modules - dated in December of 91
crabs.arc 5 Crabs come and munch your windows. fun, fun, fun
crunch.arc 11 Crunches executables
ctv201.arc 19 Copy with time stamp
cursive.arc 25 Produces large letters out of smaller ones
curtain2.lzh 18 Alarm/System lock accessory
cvtran30.zip 94 Purports to translate English, German, Danish
French, Spanish, Italian & Portuguese...
d_uhr11.lzh 34 German digital clock ACC with alarm function
d_uhr11e.lzh 32 English version of d_uhr11.lzh
dacalc.arc 26 A DA calculator
date.arc 12 Time setting utility
datefile.arc 8 Changes time/date attributes of files
Dc: A directory devoted to Double Click PD/Shareware utilities
dc_bhelp.arc 3 Causes a backspace when you press help
dc_cpx.arc 3 Sample CPX for Extensible Control Panel
dc_crc.arc 4 Keeps a crc checksum register of your files
dc_ff.arc 3 Send ff to printer
dc_fkeys.lzh 6 Puts ascii strings in your fkeys
dc_gtp.arc 7 "GEM Takes Parameters" driver
dc_homey.arc 5 'Homes' the mouse to the middle of the screen w/key cmb
dc_jchar.arc 5 Puts a character on every joystick dir/button
dc_mwrap.arc 6 Wrap mouse movement at edge of screen
dc_rt_dc.arc 5 Double click with 1 click of the right mouse button
dc_sea.lzh 30 Makes a self extracter from anything
dcx_plus.lzh 49 DC Xtract
dcadump.arc 6 Text screen dump to printer
dcbitset.arc 5 Fix TOS 1.0/1.2 archive bit bug
dcbootit.lzh 5 Set Hz and stuff to boot difficult tasks
dcclk33.arc 13 DC Clock, ver 3.3
dcdirdmp.arc 6 Dump directory contents
dcdmaspl.arc 3 Plays samples though dma
dcdskinf.arc 8 Disk information
dcflight.arc 3 Turns on floppy light when ramdrive is accessed
dcflpcfg.arc 5 Configure floppy disk
dcfmt30.arc 29 DC Formatter
dcfmtacc.arc 24 DC Formatter in acc form
dcinvert.arc 4 inverts the screen when bell is sounded
dclckrtc.lzh 12 DC RTC from GEnie
dclefty.lzh 2 Switches mouse buttons
dclftarw.arc 4 Left pointing mouse arrow (use with dclefty)
dclickme.arc 5 DC Click me game
dclitoff.arc 4 Turns drive light off
dcmaxtrk.arc 6 DC Max Track - gives max tracks for floppy and more...
dcmometr.arc 7 DC Mouse Tachometer
dcmouser.arc 5 Turns mouse on and off
dcmsaver.arc 5 Hides mouse when not active
dcmshift.lzh 3 Right mouse button activates shift, crtl, or alt.
dcmstick.lzh 4 Use joystick instead of mouse
dcnoalrt.arc 6 No alert. Assumes yes for all alert boxes
dcnostic.arc 8 prevents hard disk heads from sticking
dcpopbar.arc 9 DC Pop bar, version 1.
dcpopbr2.arc 12 DC Pop bar, version 2. ST and STe ONLY.
dcr_tmag.arc 6 Real time magnifier
dcreserv.arc 9 Reserve memory while starting an application
dcrtcall.arc 5 File selector pops up when you press the right button
dcrunrez.arc 5 Auto switch to correct resolution if moniter oks it
dcsalvag.arc 6 Salvage what's left of damaged files
dcshohex.arc 7 A hexadecimal dump program
dcshow11.arc 8 Ver 1.1 of dcshowit
dcshowit.zoo 9 Replacement for TOS 'show'
dctoper2.lzh 6 Highlights whatever window mouse is on
dd_demo.arc 61 Data diet demo
diskstat.arc 12 Shows disk statistics
snowball.lzh 212 DC Snowball fight game
dbklick.lzh 8 Program launcher
dclock1.zoo 52 A clock program, one with melting digits.
decky.arc 14 How to connect a DEC keyboard to your ST
deskpic.zoo 43 CPX - put DEGAS background on your desktop.
Desktop: A directory devoted to desktop stuff.
cookie.prg 1 Puts a cookie jar on the desktop
degadesk.arc 24 Replace your gray desktop with a degas pic.
deskac.arc 2 Makes progs into accs
dekmg31.lzh 29 Desk manager, v3.1
deskpac.arc 81 Desk pac plus: clock, notes, calc, etc.
desktop1.arc 40 Change the desktop background in Hi-Res
dskmgr33.lzh 52 Deks manager, v.3.3
dskmrf10.lzh 19 DeskMorf, does neat things when you click stuff
dsktpinf.lzh 6 Desktop info.
dstatx.lzh 6 Get Info replacement
emula.lzh 20 Emulates low-rex/high-rez on monitor
emulator.lzh 4 Emulate mono/medium/color monitors. Keyboard patch.
gemin121.lzh 476 Gemini 1.21.
gmni1999.tos 547 Gemini 1.999. Supercedes Gemini 1.99.
gmni2.tos 480 Gemini 1.99.
gogost42.arc 70 Go go, fast desktop replacement, version 4.2
icon.arc 54 Icon editor for Motif-like GUI environment.
icon90.lzh 19 Neodesk icons
icons4.lzh 12 Neodesk icons
kaos21en.lzh 84 KAOS Desktop 2.1 (english version)
load_inf.lzh 7 Load a desktop.inf file at any time. w/src
maggie8.lzh 473 Maggie8 desktop replacement
mclock.zoo 10 Corner clock
menumast.lzh 11 Menu master.
monmagic.arc 5 Changes the color of your background screen
mupftl01.tos 285 Supporting ttp's for Gemini 1.99
neodemo3.lzh ?? Demo of neodesk 3.
neoicons.lzh 84 Replacement icons for neodesk 3.
neoqueue.arc 8 Neo que patch for neodesk 3.02
newicons.lzh 15 Change the disk icons on the desktop
tera_139.lzh 221 TeraDesk 1.39 Awesome Desktop Replacement
zannier.lzh 11 Neodesk 3 icons by zannier
dhry.lzh 10 Dhrystone bench mark test.
diablocp.lzh 13 Diablo emulator CPX
diff115.lzh 10 GNU diff, ver 1.15 mv this too
dircnt.arc 11 Count the number of directories on a drive w/ src.
dirsrch.arc 27 Recursively list the directories on disk.
disk_cpx.zoo 23 Disk drive control CPX German docs.
dive_cpx.zoo 30 "Diverse" CPXs (clock, frequency, etc) German docs.
dm3_u.zip 130 "Does it all in one program" disk utilities
doc2asc.lzh 16 Strip formatting code out of word proc. files
drivers.zip 200 DJ550c/Epson drivers for Speedo/AT-Works
dsx_110.lzh 8 total info giver on your st/e/tt
dt.arc 13 Disk toolbox
dtr.arc 8 Turn DTR line (RS232) on and off w/src.
dvorak2.lzh 5 ACC to set US/UK keyboard to Dvorak layout
easyboot.lzh 16 Boot manager
edi_uti1.lzh 24 Mouse acc, screen saver, etc.
edisk21.arc 11 reset survivable ramdisk (works on STes too)
elfboot2.lzh 58 Similar to superboot, but with gem interface
emumontr.arc 11 A good color/mono emulator
encrypt.arc 17 A veryslow file encrypter.
environ.arc 2 Allows you to set environment variables from AUTO
errcheck.arc 3 Assembly source to see bombs after a crash/reboot.
eternal2.arc 35 Reset proof ram disk
exe.arc 20 Utilities for customising gulam start-up.
extakey2.arc 5 Insert non-standard text characters into GEM apps.
fastdump.arc 7 Fast screen dump for text
filefix.arc 15 Improved file selector
fileinfo.lzh 5 Disk utils CPX.
Filemenus: A directory of file menu stuff
elfboot.lzh 56 Superboot like thing, w/gem interface. Todd says "neat"
lgs18c.lzh 37 Little Green Selector, ver 1.8c
max30dmo.lzh 63 Maxi file 3.0 demo
stwhiz11.lzh 34 ST_Whiz,version 1.1, file selector. Pretty good.
filestuf.lzh 14 Auto program to copy, delete or rename files
flp1aR01.arc 22 Flip ver1 - Changes unix eol to atari eol and back
fmc.arc 2 Forced Media Change
foldrsrt.lzh 15 Sorts *any* folder
fontedit.arc 19 Font editor
freeram.lzh 3 Displays free RAM.
frmdo12d.lzh 19 Replaces standard form_do() routines
frmt24.lzh 4 Versatile disk formatter, runs as .ACC/.PRG
fsck.zoo 344 Full screen construction set
fsfix.arc 18 Boot sector fix to msdos 3.3
funkalrt.arc 5 Lets you handle alert boxes with f keys instead of mice
gdosfont.arc 18 More gdos fonts
gbench31.zip 80 GEM-based benchmark program; shareware
gclock.lzh 1 A clock program.
gemenv.lzh 22 Set up environmental variables for GEM desktop
gemfed.lzh 33 GEM font editor
gemfsc15.lzh 78 Source for gemfast 1.5
gemfst15.lzh 42 Fast GEM library routines for C (sozobon/alycon)
gemfut15.lzh 35 Gem fast utilities
gemfxm15.lzh 45 Examples of program sing gem fast libraries
gemram15.lzh 16 Install GEM into RAM. v1.5. Required by winx21.lzh.
ger_cpxs.lzh 30 German cpxs for xcontrol
gettext.arc 9 Print, display or capture files froma unix host.
go5060hz.lzh 2 Toggles display 50<-->60 Hz.
guck18.zip 61 Ultimate file viewer. In German
hcopy16s.lzh 48 High speed copier
headstrt.arc 17 Autoboot a gem prg from auto folder
hertz.arc 1 Toggles between 50/60Hertz monitor display-updating.
hexify.arc 3 C source to convert binary file to/from ascii
icnlibs.zip 99 Icons in NeoDesk format (.NIC)
icon.lzh 26 Icon Juggler (builds *.RSC icon files for NewDesk!)
icondem3.arc 17 Demo of NewDesk Icon CPX. An icon editor.
iconedi3.lzh 167 Icon editor
icones.lzh 13 Icon editor (?)
ikonitor.zoo 40 World's only (?) TOS>2.0 3-color icon editor
inc_date.arc 10 Auto sets date on systems w/ no clock
james15d.lzh 24 Control panel replacement acc.
jar12.lzh 6 Displays cookie jar
kbd.lzh 4 Sets keyboard click/bell.
kbext.arc 12 Keyboard extender. Allows for easy access to xtra char
key.zip 3 Inserts keypresses into keyboard buffer for autostart
keyedit.lzh 11 Key editor.
killdrvb.lzh 3 Tell TOS drive B: is not available
kittylck.lzh 6 Implements a password lock on keyboard entry
kp_overs.lzh 18 Overscan driver, fixes many bugs. 5/21/91
launcher.lzh 13 Program launcher, keeps desktop clean of icons
ledpan24.lzh 18 Continuous display of drive read/write activity
leonard.lzh 4 Replaces bombs with silohouette of Leonard Tramiel
less.arc 26 Unix less
letemfly.lzh 41 Let 'em fly v1.2: flying dialog boxes and such
lgsel18d.lzh 33 Alternative file selector from Charles Johnson
lutils.arc 21 Cache/ramdisk
MTOS: Utilities to run under MultiTOS
The files in this directory have no English documentation. They are
for the most part CPX modules and desk accessories which run under
Atari's multitasking TOS, and will probably NOT run on older
machines. Folks, if you find these useful, write a note to let us
know what it does, what versions of TOS you ran it with ... English
translations of the documentation would be appreciated.
m_spool.zoo 16 Print spooler, can spool to disk... (tsr and cpx)
macread.arc 19 Ports files from Spectre GCR partitions
make512.lzh 1 Makes your ST emulate a 512K machine for old programs
mapmem.lzh 2 XBRA memory map displays vector info
mauswind.zip 34 Auto-tops windows, improves M-TOS priorities
max30pat.arc 16 Fixes v3.0 of maxifile
maxidi22.lzh 36 Reset-proof RAM disk with data compression
mb45abin.lzh 190 MasterBrowse v4.5a; versatile text browser
mcf.arc 12 Dialogue box from which you can change folder.
mdial103.zip 60 Dialog boxes auto-locate under mouse or screen center
megmatic.arc 15 Ramdisk and boot utilties
memcheck.lzh 7 Memory checker
memfil.arc 26 Disk / File editing accessory.
memfree.lzh 4 Displays amount of free memory
memtest.arc 2 Memory tester
memwtch2.zip 15 PRG/ACC monitors & displays mem. useage/frags
mini.lzh 9 Replacement file viewer for desktop. View DEGAS pics too
miniview.lzh 1 Nice text viewer
mkrsc.arc 60 Resource editor
monoware.arc 9 Crappy mono emulator
monster.lzh 3 Emulates dimensions of Viking Moniterm
multicop.zip 33 Fast formatter/copier (?)
Mouse: Mouse accessories of all sorts
m_mouse.zip 9 Another mouse accelerator as CPX.
mkm21.zip 92 MouseKaMania 2.1, change/animate mouse pointers, cool
mousdb30.lzh 3 Mouse doubler v.3.0
mousedbl.arc 1 Original version
mousespd.arc 4 Mouse accelerator
mouspeed.arc 4 Mouse accelerators.
mspeed.arc 1 Timy mouse accelerator
rt_move.lzh 3 Lets right mouse button move files on desktop. TOS 1.4
promouse.arc 1 ???
silkmous.lzh 20 Mouse accelerator/Screen saver for all Ataris
n_althlp.lzh 4 Screen grabber, uses ALT/HELP key combo
n_mentim.arc 2 Show time and date in desk menu
n_syscom.arc 6 Trace system calls
ndp_1.zip 53 New Depack 1.0
neg_time.lzh 1 Sets system time/date
neoicon2.lzh 158 Neodesk Icons (many)
neoicon3.lzh 4 Neodesk Icons (not so many)
neop302a.zoo 241 NeoDesk 3.02 --> 3.03 patch
newbell.arc 32 replaces the atari bell ding
newfont.arc 5 Replace the original system font. Hi-rez only.
newset1.lzh 3 Collection of NeoDesk icons
nolock.arc 1 Turns off caps lock
nosey_ii.lzh 20 Searches up to 50 files for text string matches
nroff121b.zoo 146 Bill Rosenkrantz's text formatter, binaries
nroff121s.zoo 153 Bill Rosenkrantz's text formatter, sources
OMEn The files in this subdirectory are related to
OMEn (Open Multitasking Environment). Currently, it contains
the first working release (omen246d) and several newsletters
relating to OMEn.
ocultar.lzh 21 Boot up password protector for hard disk owners
one_jack.lzh 17 Program launcher in .ACC format
onepart.lzh 12 File compactor
oscan_60.arc 34 Additional info for 60Hz overscan (see overscn3)
overscan.arc 3 More pixels on your screen 50Hz - the original
overscn3.arc 142 MUCH nicer & newer version of overscan.arc
oyviewer.lzh 21 "Oh Yeah! File Viewer" versatile text/pic displayer
palinout.arc 3 Save / load palette information and change disk name
password.arc 6 Autoboot with password
patch.arc 92 Larry Wall patch utility. Move to programming
patch302.lzh 146 Neodesk 3.02 patch. Yes, it's back.
peek_17a.zip 25 Displays files in GEM window
pgp23ab.zip 281 ST version of PGP 2.3a
pgp26uib.lzh 288 Version 2.6ui of PGP for the ST
pgpshl09.zip 38 GEM shell for PGP
poplib.arc 50 Library to create pop up menus
phwclk2.lzh 37 Local & world time in a window plus alarm & chime
ping_cpx.zoo 35 Change system bell sound. German docs. CPX
poplibsr.arc 12 Sources for the above
postmort.arc 3 Produces much more useful output than bombs
prgmen14.lzh 5 Menu for running programs
printcms.lzh ?? Prints 132 col listing with epson fx
priveye.arc 11 Examine system variables etc.
profile.arc 27 C program profiler
proqueue.lzh 134 VDOS proqueue.
qf.arc 12 Quik Find. Search for files on disk.
qi.arc 12 Quik Inf. Edit desktop.inf files.
qindex16.lzh 8 Quick Index 1.6. Benchmark program
qmenu2.lzh 10 Quik Menu, menu program for launching applications.
quickinf.lzh 15 Configures DESKTOP.INF file
quickrun.arc 23 Sort of an alternative desktop
quickr_2.lzh 17 Menu for running programs
quickst.arc 15 Speeds up GEM routines
quikdex.arc 9 Quick Index V1.0
quikfind.arc 14 Find file, floppy and hard disk
quikinf.arc 16 Allows custom changes to desktop.inf files
quiklock.lzh 9 Protect hard, floppy and ram disks.
qview148.lzh 12 QuickView 1.48. Text file viewer
rainbow.arc 30 Minor bug fixes + utils for tos 1.4
rambuff.arc 7 Printer buffer and ramdisk accessory.
rampls12.lzh 21 Format & copy accessory, ramdisk and printer spooler.
rcs5ap1b.lzh ?? Apratt's revision control system binaries
rcs5ap1m.lzh 9 Apratt's revision control system bug fix
rcs5ap1s.lzh ?? Apratt's revision control system sources
rdd320.lzh 151 Awesome file browser, mono or color, just download it!
read_txt.lzh 14 Document viewer optimized for ST-Report
reboot.lzh 1 Floppy AUTO program, reboots until hard drive ready
ren.lzh 77 File and directory rename program. Sharware by Harry.
renameit.lzh 30 Rename files using any ST-recognizable character.
reset_st.lzh 1 Supplies keyboard reset in TOS <1.04
rocp8.arc 5 Read desktop.inf and apply saved changes.
rtvmse.lzh 5 Accessory to hide/show the mouse/cursor
runlow13.lzh 15 Runs low res programs in med res
runner.lzh 70 GEM based program launcher
runprg.arc 13 Desk accessory for running TOS progs.
rvsscrn.arc 6 Reverses the screen, mono only
safemenu.lzh 8 Protect drop down menus against accidental activation
sb_other.lzh 61 Utilities for super booter
sbsounds.lzh 177 Sounds for superbooter
schizo11.arc 20 Control panel
scndrvr.lzh 3 Alt-help replacement with degas drivers
Beforedawn: Before Dawn screensaver and modules
bohrer.lzh 7 Flying drills
dawn125.lzh 142 Before Dawn 1.25 with English and German Docs!
dawnimg1.lzh 441 All current (v1.25) Before Dawn movie modules.
gib_dos.lzh 3 "Give DOS keine Chance" logo
movies.lzh 436 More BeforeDawn.At-the-movies modules
tng_dawn.lzh 55 Star Trek TNG bouncing hole for BD, with mods of Picard
toaster.zip 8 Flying toasters
turbodaw.zip 13 ??
blkout.lzh 5 blacks out the screen
boinksav.lzh 26 Yet another screen saver
faze.lzh 9 Even yet another ss
hotsav16.lzh 25 Hot saver, v.1.6
idle_22.lzh 15 Typical screensaver
oatbran.arc 2 8-bit atari type screensaver.
pyrocfg.arc 14 Configures pyro for you....
pyrosav3.lzh 11 Just like pyro for the mac ....
rubricks.lzh 13 Acc screensaver. Give it a try.
scrnsave.arc 2 V1 of `oatbran'.
scrnsavr.lzh 33 Contains a number of screensavers
scroll.arc 1 Speeds up screen scrolling
scrollsr.arc 7 Assembly source for scroll.arc
sddfr_12.lzh 16 Converts Super Directory data files to Ascii
searcher.zip 28 Displays file hierarchy
sebra133.lzh 10 Very Good Mono Emulator. Vers. 1.33
sed.arc 43 Justlike unix sed no doubt
sel_prog.arc 10 Menu program for launching applications.
setkbd22.lzh 9 Reset-proof clock
settdfix.arc 3 Set the clock correctly within PC-Ditto (.COM)
sharsrc.arc 10 C source for the shar program
showmem4.lzh 4 Shows all avilable memory, not just biggest block
shredder.lzh 26 Wipes files from disk
shortbin.lzh 15 Small program for sorting
slct110e.zip 77 Alternate item selector
sleep.arc 8 Utility to allow hard drive to spin up
slgsht12.lzh 17 Good program launcher.
slkmse31.zoo 20 Highly rated mouse accelerator w/ screen saver
slowdown.lzh 1 Slowsdown the ST
smore.arc 11 Text file pager
streader.lzh 66 Text file reader
stsenty2.lzh 6 Protects your system with a password
solapak.arc 19 General utility program
sort.arc 48 Sorts your file. Probably like unix sort.
sortbin.arc 22 Binaries for sort
sortdemo.arc 12 Demo for sort
sortsrc.arc 31 Source for sort
spbt81.lzh 156 Super Boot 8.1
fastload.arc 4 Sets the 'fastload' for a tos1.4 file
flxifast.lzh 9 Improved version of fastload.arc
pinhed21.arc 21 Ver 2.1 of pinhed. Skips memory erase on load
spell.arc 38 Bad spell checker
splitit.arc 23 Split up and reassemble large files
splitter.lzh 44 Breaks/Restores large file into smaller blocks
st_tools.lzh 57 ST version of sun tools
st_type.lzh 11 Tells you what version of tos, gem, gdos, etc. you have
st_whiz.lzh 31 Desktop program launcher
stats.lzh 20 See how your st compares to the norm
stblank.arc 7 screen blanker
stcrs.arc 3 TSR to allow you to reset palette if an app changes it
stfa.lzh 9 "GEMDOS text speeder"
stint3_1.lzh 11 Allows you to load in accs at startup selectively.
strtup15.arc 36 Process a batch file on boot-up
sunclock.zoo 54 Just like on the sun, Earth spins with day/night line
superb74.lzh 149 Super boot v7.4 (works with 520ST systems)
suprview.lzh 69 Replaces desktop Show/Print/Cancel
swaphz.arc 3 Toggle between 50 and 60 Hz.
switcher.lzh 10 Selects random NeoDesk, Degadesk pics, sounds at boot
sys_conf.arc 18 Boot config program
sysmon.arc 131 System monitor for st and ste
systat7.lzh 5 System statistic program
takeoff.lzh 30 German ACC launches programs from pop-up (?)
taskcopy.lzh 6 .ACC multitasks file copy operations
td.lzh 9 Time/date setter
tdss_1_2.lzh 8 Time and date stamp saver.
textview.lzh 17 Replacement text viewer. New version:5/22/91
the_acc.lzh 52 File / Disk utilities accessory
time.arc 16 Asks you time on boot up.
tited.arc 27 A very fast, gem-based, file viewer
tlc_fixr.lzh 16 Replace one string with another in a program
tlc_namr.lzh 13 Renames files with extended character set
topdown.lzh 11 Forces progs to load into high memory. Why?
topicon4.lzh 7 Changes the desktop icons
tos_vers.zoo 10 Tells you what version of tos you have
Tosfixes: 3rd party fixes to atari mess ups
38400bps.lzh 10 Hardware mod improves RS232 throughput
buttnfix.lzh 2 Fixes "one click gives doubleclick" bug in TOS > 1.4
fser096b.lzh 52 Fast serial hack, includes MegaSTE PAL fix information
fix_gdos.lzh 3 Fixes vdi handler error.
flop_fix.lzh 5 Fixes TOS 2.0x floppy bugs, by author of HSMODA0x
foldrxxx.arc 1 Fixes 40 folder problem
hsmoda04.lzh 89 Good serial port fix, ST's to Falcons, German/English
poolfix_cb.arc 6 Claus Brods pool fix
quicktos.lzh 3 Boot older versions of TOS from disk.
rsve_1.lzh 31 Instructions for a small board - very fast serial port
rsve_ge.lzh 26 English/German version of above, complete instructions
serptch2.lzh 5 Fixes bug in TOS 2.02/3.01
sos_206.lzh 225 Some prgs to make 2.06 nicer
tos14fx2.lzh 2 A newer version of tos14fx5
tos14fx5.lzh 5 TOS14file with bugs fixed and xbra support. Go figure.
vdifx110.lzh 5 Fixes invalid handle error message with GDOS
tport.arc 22 Boot time disk copier
truedi20.lzh 8 RAM disk driver?
tshcpx_e.zip 18 Recoverable trash can .PRG and controlling .CPX
turnkey.arc 3 Autoboot GEM programs
tvst15.lzh 18 Versatile file viewer
tx2fmtr1.lzh 10 Converts online mags to TX2 format
undelete.arc 28 Undeletes files from A: only
undoub.arc 9 Removes double lines from text files
unix2dos.lzh 1 LF -> LF CR converter
Unixtools: Unix like utilities for the st
tr.zoo 16 Like unix tr
unixtkit.arc 401 A whole bunch of these things.
wc.zoo 16 Word count. unix style
uproot.arc 5 Make TOS forget current directory tree
vdos1.lzh 50 Interesting shareware prog. launcher and more
vdos2.lzh 21 goes with vdos1.lzh
vdos3.lzh 10 goes with vdos1.lzh
vdos4.lzh 21 goes with vdos1.lzh
vecshow.lzh 6 Display (XBRA compatible) changed system vectors
Virus: Virus detectors, killers, etc.
agrabt_2.zip 4 AGRABOOT 2 antivirus bootsector
atarivir.lzh 18 Doc describing various atari viruses
azt.lzh 32 Checks hard drive for virus
chasseur.zoo 23 Anti virus
fcheck25.zoo 31 Link virus detector
flu.arc 13 Simulates a virus, but isn't actually one.
medvd2.lzh 10 Medway Boys virus detector
peneciln.arc 16 One fo the 1st virus detectors
protect6.lzh 3 Erik Lars' new one.
sagrotan.lzh 92 Great new viruus killer. Abl to learn new viruses.
uvd242.lzh 14 Virus detector in .ACC format
vaccine.lzh 8 Very old virus killer
virend31.zoo 230 Virus killer
virusdie.lzh 41 Virus killer
viruskil.arc 11 Virus killer
vkiller.lzh 70 The 'best' of the virus killers, version dated 5/27/91
Warp9stuff: upgrades, Extend-O-Save modules, etc. for Warp9 screen accelerator
clown.lzh 98 Animation for movies12.lzh
mandala.lzh 5 Mandala Extend-O-Save module
movies12.lzh 88 Extendo-Save module that plays animations
savers12.lzh 72 Some shareware Extend-O-Save modules for Warp 9
minz_ext.lzh 35 Extendo-save modules
w9upgrad.lzh 81 Upgrades warp9 from 3.5 to 3.6
w9371upd.lzh 63 Upgrades Warp9 from 3.7 (?) to 3.71
w9372upd.lzh 78 Upgrades Warp9 to 3.72
w9373upd.lzh 78 Upgrades Warp9 to 3.73
w9_374up.lzh 81 Upgrades Warp9 to 3.74
w9_375up.lzh 67 Upgrades Warp9 to 3.75
w9_drop.lzh 4 An extend-o-save module
w9flyshp.lzh 6 An extend-o-save module
w9fortne.lzh 26 An extend-o-save module
w9puzzle.lzh 4 An extend-o-save module
w9swarm.lzh 9 An extend-o-save module
whatis63.arc 20 Guess what type the file is. prg/acc
wincol_e.zip 14 "English-ized" Window Color .CPX
winstall.lzh 31 Automatically installs software packages!
winx21.lzh 78 Multiple window patch to GEM/AES (needs GEMRAM 1.5)
xaes_bg.lzh 25 Flying dialogs and stuff, formerly named Let 'em Fly
xcontrol.lzh 100 Atari's eXtensible Control panel, v1.31 for North Amer.
xcontrol.zip 74 Atari's eXtensible Control panel, w/ .CPXs; v1.31
xlate.lzh 16 Converts 1st Word <---> Ascii
xtakey.lzh 7 An acc that lets prgs use extended charcters
zoom.zoo 17 Acc and prg : Gem zoomer
zorg_134.lzh 138 Disk/file monitor and reorganizer
And that's it!